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Socket ()
  • >> Socket (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
  • Socket (3) ( Разные man: Библиотечные вызовы )


         Socket, sockaddr_in, sockaddr_un, inet_aton, inet_ntoa -
         load the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators


             use Socket;
             $proto = getprotobyname('udp');
             socket(Socket_Handle, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, $proto);
             $iaddr = gethostbyname('');
             $port = getservbyname('time', 'udp');
             $sin = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr);
             send(Socket_Handle, 0, 0, $sin);
             $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
             socket(Socket_Handle, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto);
             $port = getservbyname('smtp', 'tcp');
             $sin = sockaddr_in($port,inet_aton("127.1"));
             $sin = sockaddr_in(7,inet_aton("localhost"));
             $sin = sockaddr_in(7,INADDR_LOOPBACK);
             ($port, $iaddr) = sockaddr_in(getpeername(Socket_Handle));
             $peer_host = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET);
             $peer_addr = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
             $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
             socket(Socket_Handle, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, $proto);
             $sun = sockaddr_un('/tmp/usock');


         This module is just a translation of the C socket.h file.
         Unlike the old mechanism of requiring a translated
         file, this uses the h2xs program (see the Perl source
         distribution) and your native C compiler.  This means that
         it has a far more likely chance of getting the numbers
         right.  This includes all of the commonly used pound-defines
         like AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, etc.
         Also, some common socket "newline" constants are provided:
         the constants `CR', `LF', and `CRLF', as well as `$CR',
         `$LF', and `$CRLF', which map to `\015', `\012', and
         `\015\012'.  If you do not want to use the literal
         characters in your programs, then use the constants provided
         here.  They are not exported by default, but can be imported
         individually, and with the `:crlf' export tag:
             use Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf);
         In addition, some structure manipulation functions are
         inet_aton HOSTNAME
             Takes a string giving the name of a host, and translates
             that to the 4-byte string (structure). Takes arguments
             of both the '' type and ''. If
             the host name cannot be resolved, returns undef. For
             multi-homed hosts (hosts with more than one address),
             the first address found is returned.
         inet_ntoa IP_ADDRESS
             Takes a four byte ip address (as returned by
             inet_aton()) and translates it into a string of the form
             'd.d.d.d' where the 'd's are numbers less than 256 (the
             normal readable four dotted number notation for internet
             Note: does not return a number, but a packed string.
             Returns the 4-byte wildcard ip address which specifies
             any of the hosts ip addresses. (A particular machine can
             have more than one ip address, each address
             corresponding to a particular network interface. This
             wildcard address allows you to bind to all of them
             simultaneously.)  Normally equivalent to
             Note: does not return a number, but a packed string.
             Returns the 4-byte 'this-lan' ip broadcast address.
             This can be useful for some protocols to solicit
             information from all servers on the same LAN cable.
             Normally equivalent to inet_aton('').
             Note - does not return a number.
             Returns the 4-byte loopback address. Normally equivalent
             to inet_aton('localhost').
             Note - does not return a number.
             Returns the 4-byte 'invalid' ip address. Normally
             equivalent to inet_aton('').
         sockaddr_in PORT, ADDRESS
         sockaddr_in SOCKADDR_IN
             In an array context, unpacks its SOCKADDR_IN argument
             and returns an array consisting of (PORT, ADDRESS).  In
             a scalar context, packs its (PORT, ADDRESS) arguments as
             a SOCKADDR_IN and returns it.  If this is confusing, use
             pack_sockaddr_in() and unpack_sockaddr_in() explicitly.
         pack_sockaddr_in PORT, IP_ADDRESS
             Takes two arguments, a port number and a 4 byte
             IP_ADDRESS (as returned by inet_aton()). Returns the
             sockaddr_in structure with those arguments packed in
             with AF_INET filled in.  For internet domain sockets,
             this structure is normally what you need for the
             arguments in bind(), connect(), and send(), and is also
             returned by getpeername(), getsockname() and recv().
         unpack_sockaddr_in SOCKADDR_IN
             Takes a sockaddr_in structure (as returned by
             pack_sockaddr_in()) and returns an array of two
             elements: the port and the 4-byte ip-address.  Will
             croak if the structure does not have AF_INET in the
             right place.
         sockaddr_un PATHNAME
         sockaddr_un SOCKADDR_UN
             In an array context, unpacks its SOCKADDR_UN argument
             and returns an array consisting of (PATHNAME).  In a
             scalar context, packs its PATHNAME arguments as a
             SOCKADDR_UN and returns it.  If this is confusing, use
             pack_sockaddr_un() and unpack_sockaddr_un() explicitly.
             These are only supported if your system has <sys/un.h>.
         pack_sockaddr_un PATH
             Takes one argument, a pathname. Returns the sockaddr_un
             structure with that path packed in with AF_UNIX filled
             in. For unix domain sockets, this structure is normally
             what you need for the arguments in bind(), connect(),
             and send(), and is also returned by getpeername(),
             getsockname() and recv().
         unpack_sockaddr_un SOCKADDR_UN
             Takes a sockaddr_un structure (as returned by
             pack_sockaddr_un()) and returns the pathname.  Will
             croak if the structure does not have AF_UNIX in the
             right place.

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