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gnome-mime ()
  • >> gnome-mime (5) ( Solaris man: Форматы файлов )
  • gnome-mime (5) ( Разные man: Форматы файлов )
         gnome-mime - configuration files
         The GNOME system uses MIME types to classify content.   Each
         MIME  type  on  the  GNOME system has a number of attributes
         attached to it.  Some of these  attributes  have  a  special
         meaning to the GNOME system.
    MIME type of files
         There are two ways of classifying a file in the  GNOME  sys-
         tem:  by  matching  their  extension or a regular expression
         with their name or by its content.  GNOME  applications  use
         one  of  those two methods depending on speed contraints and
         the specific setup.  The MIME types available on the  system
         can  be  configured  at  runtime by putting special files in
         either the GNOME MIME directory  (${prefix}/share/mime-info)
         or the user ~/.gnome/mime-info directory.
    MIME type definition files.
         The routines that classify a file by its name, use the  con-
         tents  of all of the files with the extension .mime from the
         ${prefix}/share/mime-info directory and  the  ~/.gnome/mime-
         info  to  build  the  database  for  filename matching.  The
         latter is supported to enable users to  provide  their  mime
         types to extend the system defaults.
         Application that wish to install their own MIME  types  only
         need to install a file in this directory.
         The file ${prefix}/share/mime-info/gnome.mime is special, as
         it  contains  the defaults for gnome, and is read first.  In
         addition,  the  file  ~/.gnome/mime-info/user.mime  is  read
         last.  This will guarantee that there is a way to set system
         defaults, and there is a way for the user to override  them.
         There  is  currently no way to tell anything about the order
         of the other files in those directories, nor is there anyway
         to override system defaults yet.
         The format is the following:
              ext[,priority]: ext1 ext2 ext3
              ext[,priority]: ext4
              regex[,priority]: regex1
              regex[,priority]: regex2
         where "mime-type-name" is a valid MIME  type.   For  example
         For example, for a vCalendar application, this file would be
         ------ calendar.mime  -------
              ext: vcf
    MIME key information
         To add keys to a MIME type, it is  necessary  to  install  a
         file  with  the extension .keys in the ${prefix}/share/mime-
         info directory or in the ~/.gnome/mime-info directory.   The
         former  is  for  system-provided  mime-information  and  the
         latter is to enable the user to extend the actions  as  pro-
         vided by the system.
         The file ${prefix}/share/mime-info/gnome.keys is special, as
         it  contains  the defaults for gnome, and is read first.  In
         addition,  the  file  ~/.gnome/mime-info/user.keys  is  read
         last.  This will guarantee that there is a way to set system
         defaults, and there is a way for the user to override  them.
         There  is  currently no way to tell anything about the order
         of the other files in those directories, nor is there anyway
         to override system defaults yet.
         The .keys files have the following format:
         Above, the key is the key that is being defined and value is
         the  value  we bind to it.  The optional [LANG] represents a
         language in which this definition is valid.  If this part is
         specified,  then  the  definition will only be valid if LANG
         matches the setting of the environment variable  LANG.   The
         LANG  setting is used to provide keys which can be displayed
         to the user in a localized way.
         This is an example to bind the key open to all of the  mime-
         types matching image/* and the icon-filename key is bound to
         the /opt/gimp/share/xcf.png value:
              open=gimp %f
         This will make the GIMP the handler  for  the  open  action.
         Files  of  type  xcf  would  use the filename pointed in the
         icon-filename key.
         %f gets interpolated with the file name or the list of  file
         names that matched this mime-type.
         As you can see from the example above, a .keys file does not
         need  to  provide  all of the values, it can just provide or
         override some of the actions.
         User defined bindings in .keys  file  will  take  precedence
         over system installed files.
    Special key used by the GNOME
         The following keys are currently used in the GNOME desktop:
              Open the file with this command.
              The filename with the  icon  that  should  be  used  to
              represent files of this type.
              Command to view the file contents.
              A command that should be used to do an  ascii-rendering
              of  the file.  Used as a fallback by the filemanager if
              a view action does not exist.
              file-manager open.  If present, the file  manager  will
              use this action instead of the value in open to perform
              this action (the  filemanager  for  example  will  open
              archive  files as if they were directories by using the
              file-manager view.  If present, invoking the view oper-
              tion  on  the  file  manager will use the value defined
              here instead of the value in "view".
              Fallback operation for the file manager as well.
         Those keys are also queried on the metadata (except  in  the
         cases where the lookup would be too expensive).
         This manual  page  has  been  written  by  Miguel  de  Icaza

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