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install-info ()
  • >> install-info (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • install-info (1) ( FreeBSD man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • install-info (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • install-info (8) ( Linux man: Команды системного администрирования )
         install-info - update info/dir entries
         install-info [OPTION]... [INFO-FILE [DIR-FILE]]
         Install or delete dir entries from  INFO-FILE  in  the  Info
         directory file DIR-FILE.
              delete existing entries for INFO-FILE from DIR-FILE;
              don't insert any new entries.
              specify file name of Info directory file.
              This is equivalent to using the DIR-FILE argument.
              insert TEXT as an Info directory entry.
              TEXT should have the form of an  Info  menu  item  line
              plus zero or more extra lines starting with whitespace.
              If you specify more than one entry, they are all added.
              If  you  don't specify any entries, they are determined
              from information in the Info file itself.
              display this help and exit.
              specify Info file to install in the directory.
              This is equivalent to using the INFO-FILE argument.
              same as --dir-file=DIR/dir.
              same as --entry TEXT.
              An Info directory entry is actually a menu item.
              suppress warnings.
              same as --delete.
              put this file's entries in section SEC  of  the  direc-
              If you specify more than one section, all  the  entries
              are  added  in  each  of  the  sections.   If you don't
              specify any sections, they are determined from informa-
              tion in the Info file itself.
              display version information and exit.
         Email bug reports to, general  questions
         and discussion to
         The full documentation for install-info is maintained  as  a
         Texinfo  manual.   If the info and install-info programs are
         properly installed at your site, the command
              info install-info
         should give you access to the complete manual.
         Copyright O 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.  There is NO
         warranty.   You  may  redistribute  this  software under the
         terms of the GNU General Public License.  For more  informa-
         tion about these matters, see the files named COPYING.

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