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isapnp ()
  • >> isapnp (8) ( Linux man: Команды системного администрирования )


    isapnp - Configure ISA Plug-and-Play devices.


    isapnp [ --help ] [ --version ] conffile  


    isapnp will carry out the instructions provided in the conffile to configure ISA PnP cards. isapnp must read in the entire configuration file successfully before it will execute the commands: this is to ensure the instructions are consistent and valid.
    The format of the configuration file is described in isapnp.conf(5).

    In version 1.16 and later of isapnptools, isapnp checks resources are available as the devices are configured. If there is a conflict, a diagnostic message is given, and the program can be made to abort if required by placing the appropriate settings in the configuration file.

    In version 1.18 and later of isapnptools, conffile may be '-', meaning read the configuration file from stdin.

    isapnp will run with real-time scheduling if possible to achieve the required IO timings. This will lock out all normal programs while it executes. In version 1.19 and later of isapnptools, isapnp will only run in this mode for 5 seconds, it then reverts to standard scheduling like any other program. Previous versions should only be run from a standard console as ^C will kill it from there. If you run the command remotely (and X counts as remote), you will not be able to kill it as no other programs can run.



    -h, --help
    Show a help summary.
    -v, --version
    Print the isapnptools version number on stderr.



    If the configuration file cannot be opened, the program aborts immediately with a suitable message.

    If an error occurs later, a message is printed to standard error in the form:

    file:lineno -- Warning/Fatal - message


    The configuration file being read ('-') for stdin.
    The line number that the error occured at (or noticed).
    Warning if the error was not serious and execution can continue, Fatal if the program cannot proceed.
    The error message, hopefully meaningful, see below.

    Unable to allocate memory for action list processing

    The program has run out of memory and will abort. Fit more memory, or add more swap space. This is extremely unlikely as isapnp is normally run during boot up, when there are no users logged on.

    ISOLATE called twice, or after CSN - clearing board count

    You had an (ISOLATE..) after a previous occurance of (ISOLATE..) or (CSN..). The program will rescan for boards. You should fix your script to only scan for boards once, by removing one of the above statements.

    IRQ2 is not a valid selection, changing it to IRQ9 (See clarifications 4.6.2)

    Your configuration file attempted to configure a board to use IRQ2. This is invalid according to the clarifications to the PnP ISA spec v1.0a, and should be changed to use IRQ9, which has been done. You should change your configuration file to use IRQ9 in the first place.

    resource conflict allocating IRQx (see ...)

    Your configuration file has attempted to program a board to use an IRQ line which is already used by something else. The see ... bit tells you where the IRQ line was first flagged as being in use. Change the script to use a different IRQ line, or fix the information being provided if the line really isn't already used.

    resource conflict allocating n bytes of IO at x (see ...)

    Your configuration file has attempted to program a board to use IO ports which are already used by something else. The see ... bit tells you where the ports were first flagged as being in use. Change the script to use different ports, or fix the information being provided if the ports really aren't already used.

    IO range check attempted while device activated

    Your configuration file has attempted to carry out an IO range check on a device which has already been configured and activated. You must either not attempt the check, or deactivate the device before the check. This error is a sign that you are on shakey ground. If the device is already activated, and you are running isapnp for the first time, then some other program has already activated the device (may be the BIOS, or some of the cleverer kernel drivers). You probably shouldn't be attempting to configure the device at all. There could already be drivers accessing the card.

    IO range check failed for n bytes of IO at x

    The IO range check failed. This is a sign that there is a conflict of port addresses with some other device. Reassign the IO ports for this device (or the other one if you know what is is and how to do it).

    resource conflict allocating DMAx (see ...)

    Your configuration file has attempted to program a board to use a DMA line which is already used by something else. The see ... bit tells you where the DMA line was first flagged as being in use. Change the script to use a different DMA line, or fix the information being provided if the line really isn't already used.

    resource conflict allocating Memory at a (see ...)

    Your configuration file has attempted to program a board to use memory addresses which are already used by something else. The see ... bit tells you where the addresses were first flagged as being in use. Change the script to use different addresses, or fix the information being provided if the addresses really aren't already used.

    The following messages may also occur:

    REALTIME operation timeout exceeded - Switching to normal scheduling

    The program has been running for more than 5 seconds, so something is probably wrong. Rather than lock up your machine, it is switching out of real-time mode so that other programs can run again. The program will now probably run slower. If this message occurs, you may want to kill isapnp.

    Couldn't clear real-time scheduling, may continue to use all CPU for a while

    The program has been running for more than 5 seconds, but the attempt to leave real-time mode failed (impossible !), so there will be a further 5 second delay, then if it hasn't finished by then the program will kill itself.

    Time expired - aborting program

    The above happened (even though it's impossible !). The program is killing itself.

    Port address xx (0x..) out of range 0x203..0x3ff

    You have provided an invalid READPORT address - fix it.

    READPORT not set

    You have not specified a READPORT, and not done an (ISOLATE..) which would find one, so the program cannot proceed. Either specify a READPORT or carry out an (ISOLATE..).

    Read port x cannot be allocated - resource conflict (see ...)

    The READPORT is already in use. Choose another.

    Timeout attempting to read resource data - is READPORT correct ?

    The status bit to signal the resource data was valid never got set, this could be due to a conflict with your choice of READPORT address, try another.

    LD setting verify failed, this may not be a problem. Try adding (VERIFYLD N) to the top of your script

    Reading back the logical device selection register failed. It appears some boards do this if you access the devices in the wrong order. Do like it says, and add (VERIFYLD N) to the top of your script and see if the board configures ok.

    Can only poke bytes

    You've tried to poke a value outside the range 0..255. Fix your script.

    Don't know what to do with ... on or around line x

    You've got a syntax error somewhere. If the word is a valid command, you've probably got braces not matching. Fix your script.

    Unable to get io permission for WRITE_DATA

    You are not superuser. Only superuser has the required permissions to run isapnp.

    nanosleep failed

    Impossible ! If it happens, the program will to run in real-time mode.



    The executable.
    The standard place for the conffile.
    The standard place for describing resources that are unavailable, but not flagged as such in /proc/* etc. The format of this file is explained in the example provided with isapnptools.


    Check for latest information and FAQ.

    If you think you have found one not mentioned in the latest version, please send a report to  


    This program can reset all your Plug-and-Play devices. It can also lock up your machine. Use at your own risk.  


    isapnp has been written by Peter Fox <>, the creator and maintainer of isapnptools.  


    The latest version of the sources may be obtained by ftp from
    Or follow the pointer from my web page at  


    Plug and Play ISA Specification, Version 1.0a, May 5, 1994. Available from  


    pnpdump(8), isapnp.conf(5)




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