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makefloppies ()
  • >> makefloppies (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    MAKEFLOPPIES - Creates the default floppy device nodes.



    This manpage has been automatically generated from fdutils's texinfo documentation. However, this process is only approximative, and some items, such as crossreferences, footnotes and indices are lost in this translation process. Indeed, this items have no appropriate representation in the manpage format. Moreover, only the items specific to each command have been translated, and the general information about fdutils has been dropped in the manpage version. Thus I strongly advise you to use the original texinfo doc.
    To generate a printable copy from the texinfo doc, run the following commands:
        ./configure; make dvi; dvips fdutils.dvi

    To generate a html copy, run:
        ./configure; make html

      A premade html can be found at: Infinity
    To generate an info copy (browsable using emacs' info mode), run:
        ./configure; make info


    The texinfo doc looks most pretty when printed or as html. Indeed, in the info version certain examples are difficult to read due to the quoting conventions used in info.  



    MAKEFLOPPIES [-tlvng] [drives]


    The MAKEFLOPPIES shell script creates the new floppy block device node. It uses the floppycontrol program to translate the minor device numbers into meaningful names. It also uses these names to decide whether to create a given block device file or not, depending on the type of the physical drive (for instance, for a 3 1/2 drive, the formats corresponding to a 5 1/4 drive are not created).

    If you have more than two floppy drives, you need to tell the kernel the CMOS types of those additional drives using the floppy=drive,type,cmos lilo option.

    If the drives parameter is given, only the device nodes for the listed drives are made. By default, all only the two first drives are tried.

    MAKEFLOPPIES does not work if you redefine your default formats.

    Caution: MAKEFLOPPIES removes already existing floppy device nodes.



    Use the old naming convention for 3 1/2 devices (e.g. Infinityfd0H720Integral instead of Infinityfd0u720Integral).
    Base the name for the created devices on the type of the media (e.g. Infinityfd0h720Integral instead of Infinityfd0u720Integral).
    Local. Creates device nodes in the local directory, not /dev
    Dry run. (just report what would be done, do not do anything)
    Group. Allow read/write access to floppy devices only for group InfinityfloppyIntegral



    The Makefloppies script does not work on redefined "default" formats, If you redefine default formats, you need to create the needed device nodes manually.  

    See Also

    Fdutils' texinfo doc



    See Also

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