ng_pptpgre - PPTP GRE protocol netgraph node type
This node type expects to receive complete IP packets, including the IP header, on the ``lower '' hook, but it transmits outgoing frames without any IP header. The typical use for this node type would be to connect the ``upper '' hook to one of the link hooks of a ng_ppp4 node, and the ``lower '' hook to the ``inet/raw/gre '' hook of a ng_ksocket4 node.
/* Configuration for a session */ struct ng_pptpgre_conf { u_char enabled; /* enables traffic flow */ u_char enableDelayedAck; /* enables delayed acks */ u_char enableAlwaysAck; /* always send ack with data */ u_char enableWindowing; /* enable windowing algorithm */ u_int16_t cid; /* my call id */ u_int16_t peerCid; /* peer call id */ u_int16_t recvWin; /* peer recv window size */ u_int16_t peerPpd; /* peer packet processing delay (in 1/10 of a second) */ };
The enabled field enables traffic flow through the node. The enableDelayedAck field enables delayed acknowledgement (maximum 250 milliseconds), which is a useful optimization and should generally be turned on. enableAlwaysAck field enables sending acknowledgements with every data packet, which is probably helpful as well.
enableWindowing enables the PPTP packet windowing mechanism specified by the protocol. Disabling this will cause the node to violate the protocol, possibly confusing other PPTP peers, but often results in better performance. The windowing mechanism is a design error in the PPTP protocol; L2TP, the successor to PPTP, removes it.
The remaining fields are as supplied by the PPTP virtual call setup process.
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