perlapi - autogenerated documentation for the perl public APIDESCRIPTION
This file contains the documentation of the perl public API generated by, specifically a listing of functions, macros, flags, and variables that may be used by extension writers. The interfaces of any functions that are not listed here are subject to change without notice. For this reason, blindly using functions listed in proto.h is to be avoided when writing extensions. Note that all Perl API global variables must be referenced with the `PL_' prefix. Some macros are provided for compatibility with the older, unadorned names, but this support may be disabled in a future release. The listing is alphabetical, case insensitive. AvFILL Same as `av_len()'. Deprecated, use `av_len()' instead. int AvFILL(AV* av) av_clear Clears an array, making it empty. Does not free the memory used by the array itself. void av_clear(AV* ar) av_extend Pre-extend an array. The `key' is the index to which the array should be extended. void av_extend(AV* ar, I32 key) av_fetch Returns the SV at the specified index in the array. The `key' is the index. If `lval' is set then the fetch will be part of a store. Check that the return value is non-null before dereferencing it to a `SV*'. See the Understanding the Magic of Tied Hashes and Arrays entry in the perlguts manpage for more information on how to use this function on tied arrays. SV** av_fetch(AV* ar, I32 key, I32 lval) av_len Returns the highest index in the array. Returns -1 if the array is empty. I32 av_len(AV* ar) av_make Creates a new AV and populates it with a list of SVs. The SVs are copied into the array, so they may be freed after the call to av_make. The new AV will have a reference count of 1. AV* av_make(I32 size, SV** svp) av_pop Pops an SV off the end of the array. Returns `&PL_sv_undef' if the array is empty. SV* av_pop(AV* ar) av_push Pushes an SV onto the end of the array. The array will grow automatically to accommodate the addition. void av_push(AV* ar, SV* val) av_shift Shifts an SV off the beginning of the array. SV* av_shift(AV* ar) av_store Stores an SV in an array. The array index is specified as `key'. The return value will be NULL if the operation failed or if the value did not need to be actually stored within the array (as in the case of tied arrays). Otherwise it can be dereferenced to get the original `SV*'. Note that the caller is responsible for suitably incrementing the reference count of `val' before the call, and decrementing it if the function returned NULL. See the Understanding the Magic of Tied Hashes and Arrays entry in the perlguts manpage for more information on how to use this function on tied arrays. SV** av_store(AV* ar, I32 key, SV* val) av_undef Undefines the array. Frees the memory used by the array itself. void av_undef(AV* ar) av_unshift Unshift the given number of `undef' values onto the beginning of the array. The array will grow automatically to accommodate the addition. You must then use `av_store' to assign values to these new elements. void av_unshift(AV* ar, I32 num) call_argv Performs a callback to the specified Perl sub. See the perlcall manpage. NOTE: the perl_ form of this function is deprecated. I32 call_argv(const char* sub_name, I32 flags, char** argv) call_method Performs a callback to the specified Perl method. The blessed object must be on the stack. See the perlcall manpage. NOTE: the perl_ form of this function is deprecated. I32 call_method(const char* methname, I32 flags) call_pv Performs a callback to the specified Perl sub. See the perlcall manpage. NOTE: the perl_ form of this function is deprecated. I32 call_pv(const char* sub_name, I32 flags) call_sv Performs a callback to the Perl sub whose name is in the SV. See the perlcall manpage. NOTE: the perl_ form of this function is deprecated. I32 call_sv(SV* sv, I32 flags) CLASS Variable which is setup by `xsubpp' to indicate the class name for a C++ XS constructor. This is always a `char*'. See `THIS'. char* CLASS Copy The XSUB-writer's interface to the C `memcpy' function. The `src' is the source, `dest' is the destination, `nitems' is the number of items, and `type' is the type. May fail on overlapping copies. See also `Move'. void Copy(void* src, void* dest, int nitems, type) croak This is the XSUB-writer's interface to Perl's `die' function. Use this function the same way you use the C `printf' function. See `warn'. void croak(const char* pat, ...) CvSTASH Returns the stash of the CV. HV* CvSTASH(CV* cv) dMARK Declare a stack marker variable, `mark', for the XSUB. See `MARK' and `dORIGMARK'. dMARK; dORIGMARK Saves the original stack mark for the XSUB. See `ORIGMARK'. dORIGMARK; dSP Declares a local copy of perl's stack pointer for the XSUB, available via the `SP' macro. See `SP'. dSP; dXSARGS Sets up stack and mark pointers for an XSUB, calling dSP and dMARK. This is usually handled automatically by `xsubpp'. Declares the `items' variable to indicate the number of items on the stack. dXSARGS; dXSI32 Sets up the `ix' variable for an XSUB which has aliases. This is usually handled automatically by `xsubpp'. dXSI32; ENTER Opening bracket on a callback. See `LEAVE' and the perlcall manpage. ENTER; eval_pv Tells Perl to `eval' the given string and return an SV* result. NOTE: the perl_ form of this function is deprecated. SV* eval_pv(const char* p, I32 croak_on_error) eval_sv Tells Perl to `eval' the string in the SV. NOTE: the perl_ form of this function is deprecated. I32 eval_sv(SV* sv, I32 flags) EXTEND Used to extend the argument stack for an XSUB's return values. Once used, guarrantees that there is room for at least `nitems' to be pushed onto the stack. void EXTEND(SP, int nitems) fbm_compile Analyses the string in order to make fast searches on it using fbm_instr() -- the Boyer-Moore algorithm. void fbm_compile(SV* sv, U32 flags) fbm_instr Returns the location of the SV in the string delimited by `str' and `strend'. It returns `Nullch' if the string can't be found. The `sv' does not have to be fbm_compiled, but the search will not be as fast then. char* fbm_instr(unsigned char* big, unsigned char* bigend, SV* littlesv, U32 flags) FREETMPS Closing bracket for temporaries on a callback. See `SAVETMPS' and the perlcall manpage. FREETMPS; get_av Returns the AV of the specified Perl array. If `create' is set and the Perl variable does not exist then it will be created. If `create' is not set and the variable does not exist then NULL is returned. NOTE: the perl_ form of this function is deprecated. AV* get_av(const char* name, I32 create) get_cv Returns the CV of the specified Perl subroutine. If `create' is set and the Perl subroutine does not exist then it will be declared (which has the same effect as saying `sub name;'). If `create' is not set and the subroutine does not exist then NULL is returned. NOTE: the perl_ form of this function is deprecated. CV* get_cv(const char* name, I32 create) get_hv Returns the HV of the specified Perl hash. If `create' is set and the Perl variable does not exist then it will be created. If `create' is not set and the variable does not exist then NULL is returned. NOTE: the perl_ form of this function is deprecated. HV* get_hv(const char* name, I32 create) get_sv Returns the SV of the specified Perl scalar. If `create' is set and the Perl variable does not exist then it will be created. If `create' is not set and the variable does not exist then NULL is returned. NOTE: the perl_ form of this function is deprecated. SV* get_sv(const char* name, I32 create) GIMME A backward-compatible version of `GIMME_V' which can only return `G_SCALAR' or `G_ARRAY'; in a void context, it returns `G_SCALAR'. Deprecated. Use `GIMME_V' instead. U32 GIMME GIMME_V The XSUB-writer's equivalent to Perl's `wantarray'. Returns `G_VOID', `G_SCALAR' or `G_ARRAY' for void, scalar or array context, respectively. U32 GIMME_V GvSV Return the SV from the GV. SV* GvSV(GV* gv) gv_fetchmeth Returns the glob with the given `name' and a defined subroutine or `NULL'. The glob lives in the given `stash', or in the stashes accessible via @ISA and @UNIVERSAL. The argument `level' should be either 0 or -1. If `level==0', as a side-effect creates a glob with the given `name' in the given `stash' which in the case of success contains an alias for the subroutine, and sets up caching info for this glob. Similarly for all the searched stashes. This function grants `"SUPER"' token as a postfix of the stash name. The GV returned from `gv_fetchmeth' may be a method cache entry, which is not visible to Perl code. So when calling `call_sv', you should not use the GV directly; instead, you should use the method's CV, which can be obtained from the GV with the `GvCV' macro. GV* gv_fetchmeth(HV* stash, const char* name, STRLEN len, I32 level) gv_fetchmethod See the gv_fetchmethod_autoload manpage. GV* gv_fetchmethod(HV* stash, const char* name) gv_fetchmethod_autoload Returns the glob which contains the subroutine to call to invoke the method on the `stash'. In fact in the presence of autoloading this may be the glob for "AUTOLOAD". In this case the corresponding variable $AUTOLOAD is already setup. The third parameter of `gv_fetchmethod_autoload' determines whether AUTOLOAD lookup is performed if the given method is not present: non-zero means yes, look for AUTOLOAD; zero means no, don't look for AUTOLOAD. Calling `gv_fetchmethod' is equivalent to calling `gv_fetchmethod_autoload' with a non-zero `autoload' parameter. These functions grant `"SUPER"' token as a prefix of the method name. Note that if you want to keep the returned glob for a long time, you need to check for it being "AUTOLOAD", since at the later time the call may load a different subroutine due to $AUTOLOAD changing its value. Use the glob created via a side effect to do this. These functions have the same side-effects and as `gv_fetchmeth' with `level==0'. `name' should be writable if contains `':'' or `' '''. The warning against passing the GV returned by `gv_fetchmeth' to `call_sv' apply equally to these functions. GV* gv_fetchmethod_autoload(HV* stash, const char* name, I32 autoload) gv_stashpv Returns a pointer to the stash for a specified package. `name' should be a valid UTF-8 string. If `create' is set then the package will be created if it does not already exist. If `create' is not set and the package does not exist then NULL is returned. HV* gv_stashpv(const char* name, I32 create) gv_stashsv Returns a pointer to the stash for a specified package, which must be a valid UTF-8 string. See `gv_stashpv'. HV* gv_stashsv(SV* sv, I32 create) G_ARRAY Used to indicate array context. See `GIMME_V', `GIMME' and the perlcall manpage. G_DISCARD Indicates that arguments returned from a callback should be discarded. See the perlcall manpage. G_EVAL Used to force a Perl `eval' wrapper around a callback. See the perlcall manpage. G_NOARGS Indicates that no arguments are being sent to a callback. See the perlcall manpage. G_SCALAR Used to indicate scalar context. See `GIMME_V', `GIMME', and the perlcall manpage. G_VOID Used to indicate void context. See `GIMME_V' and the perlcall manpage. HEf_SVKEY This flag, used in the length slot of hash entries and magic structures, specifies the structure contains a `SV*' pointer where a `char*' pointer is to be expected. (For information only--not to be used). HeHASH Returns the computed hash stored in the hash entry. U32 HeHASH(HE* he) HeKEY Returns the actual pointer stored in the key slot of the hash entry. The pointer may be either `char*' or `SV*', depending on the value of `HeKLEN()'. Can be assigned to. The `HePV()' or `HeSVKEY()' macros are usually preferable for finding the value of a key. void* HeKEY(HE* he) HeKLEN If this is negative, and amounts to `HEf_SVKEY', it indicates the entry holds an `SV*' key. Otherwise, holds the actual length of the key. Can be assigned to. The `HePV()' macro is usually preferable for finding key lengths. STRLEN HeKLEN(HE* he) HePV Returns the key slot of the hash entry as a `char*' value, doing any necessary dereferencing of possibly `SV*' keys. The length of the string is placed in `len' (this is a macro, so do not use `&len'). If you do not care about what the length of the key is, you may use the global variable `PL_na', though this is rather less efficient than using a local variable. Remember though, that hash keys in perl are free to contain embedded nulls, so using `strlen()' or similar is not a good way to find the length of hash keys. This is very similar to the `SvPV()' macro described elsewhere in this document. char* HePV(HE* he, STRLEN len) HeSVKEY Returns the key as an `SV*', or `Nullsv' if the hash entry does not contain an `SV*' key. SV* HeSVKEY(HE* he) HeSVKEY_force Returns the key as an `SV*'. Will create and return a temporary mortal `SV*' if the hash entry contains only a `char*' key. SV* HeSVKEY_force(HE* he) HeSVKEY_set Sets the key to a given `SV*', taking care to set the appropriate flags to indicate the presence of an `SV*' key, and returns the same `SV*'. SV* HeSVKEY_set(HE* he, SV* sv) HeVAL Returns the value slot (type `SV*') stored in the hash entry. SV* HeVAL(HE* he) HvNAME Returns the package name of a stash. See `SvSTASH', `CvSTASH'. char* HvNAME(HV* stash) hv_clear Clears a hash, making it empty. void hv_clear(HV* tb) hv_delete Deletes a key/value pair in the hash. The value SV is removed from the hash and returned to the caller. The `klen' is the length of the key. The `flags' value will normally be zero; if set to G_DISCARD then NULL will be returned. SV* hv_delete(HV* tb, const char* key, U32 klen, I32 flags) hv_delete_ent Deletes a key/value pair in the hash. The value SV is removed from the hash and returned to the caller. The `flags' value will normally be zero; if set to G_DISCARD then NULL will be returned. `hash' can be a valid precomputed hash value, or 0 to ask for it to be computed. SV* hv_delete_ent(HV* tb, SV* key, I32 flags, U32 hash) hv_exists Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified hash key exists. The `klen' is the length of the key. bool hv_exists(HV* tb, const char* key, U32 klen) hv_exists_ent Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified hash key exists. `hash' can be a valid precomputed hash value, or 0 to ask for it to be computed. bool hv_exists_ent(HV* tb, SV* key, U32 hash) hv_fetch Returns the SV which corresponds to the specified key in the hash. The `klen' is the length of the key. If `lval' is set then the fetch will be part of a store. Check that the return value is non-null before dereferencing it to a `SV*'. See the Understanding the Magic of Tied Hashes and Arrays entry in the perlguts manpage for more information on how to use this function on tied hashes. SV** hv_fetch(HV* tb, const char* key, U32 klen, I32 lval) hv_fetch_ent Returns the hash entry which corresponds to the specified key in the hash. `hash' must be a valid precomputed hash number for the given `key', or 0 if you want the function to compute it. IF `lval' is set then the fetch will be part of a store. Make sure the return value is non-null before accessing it. The return value when `tb' is a tied hash is a pointer to a static location, so be sure to make a copy of the structure if you need to store it somewhere. See the Understanding the Magic of Tied Hashes and Arrays entry in the perlguts manpage for more information on how to use this function on tied hashes. HE* hv_fetch_ent(HV* tb, SV* key, I32 lval, U32 hash) hv_iterinit Prepares a starting point to traverse a hash table. Returns the number of keys in the hash (i.e. the same as `HvKEYS(tb)'). The return value is currently only meaningful for hashes without tie magic. NOTE: Before version 5.004_65, `hv_iterinit' used to return the number of hash buckets that happen to be in use. If you still need that esoteric value, you can get it through the macro `HvFILL(tb)'. I32 hv_iterinit(HV* tb) hv_iterkey Returns the key from the current position of the hash iterator. See `hv_iterinit'. char* hv_iterkey(HE* entry, I32* retlen) hv_iterkeysv Returns the key as an `SV*' from the current position of the hash iterator. The return value will always be a mortal copy of the key. Also see `hv_iterinit'. SV* hv_iterkeysv(HE* entry) hv_iternext Returns entries from a hash iterator. See `hv_iterinit'. HE* hv_iternext(HV* tb) hv_iternextsv Performs an `hv_iternext', `hv_iterkey', and `hv_iterval' in one operation. SV* hv_iternextsv(HV* hv, char** key, I32* retlen) hv_iterval Returns the value from the current position of the hash iterator. See `hv_iterkey'. SV* hv_iterval(HV* tb, HE* entry) hv_magic Adds magic to a hash. See `sv_magic'. void hv_magic(HV* hv, GV* gv, int how) hv_store Stores an SV in a hash. The hash key is specified as `key' and `klen' is the length of the key. The `hash' parameter is the precomputed hash value; if it is zero then Perl will compute it. The return value will be NULL if the operation failed or if the value did not need to be actually stored within the hash (as in the case of tied hashes). Otherwise it can be dereferenced to get the original `SV*'. Note that the caller is responsible for suitably incrementing the reference count of `val' before the call, and decrementing it if the function returned NULL. See the Understanding the Magic of Tied Hashes and Arrays entry in the perlguts manpage for more information on how to use this function on tied hashes. SV** hv_store(HV* tb, const char* key, U32 klen, SV* val, U32 hash) hv_store_ent Stores `val' in a hash. The hash key is specified as `key'. The `hash' parameter is the precomputed hash value; if it is zero then Perl will compute it. The return value is the new hash entry so created. It will be NULL if the operation failed or if the value did not need to be actually stored within the hash (as in the case of tied hashes). Otherwise the contents of the return value can be accessed using the `He???' macros described here. Note that the caller is responsible for suitably incrementing the reference count of `val' before the call, and decrementing it if the function returned NULL. See the Understanding the Magic of Tied Hashes and Arrays entry in the perlguts manpage for more information on how to use this function on tied hashes. HE* hv_store_ent(HV* tb, SV* key, SV* val, U32 hash) hv_undef Undefines the hash. void hv_undef(HV* tb) isALNUM Returns a boolean indicating whether the C `char' is an ascii alphanumeric character or digit. bool isALNUM(char ch) isALPHA Returns a boolean indicating whether the C `char' is an ascii alphabetic character. bool isALPHA(char ch) isDIGIT Returns a boolean indicating whether the C `char' is an ascii digit. bool isDIGIT(char ch) isLOWER Returns a boolean indicating whether the C `char' is a lowercase character. bool isLOWER(char ch) isSPACE Returns a boolean indicating whether the C `char' is whitespace. bool isSPACE(char ch) isUPPER Returns a boolean indicating whether the C `char' is an uppercase character. bool isUPPER(char ch) items Variable which is setup by `xsubpp' to indicate the number of items on the stack. See the Variable- length Parameter Lists entry in the perlxs manpage. I32 items ix Variable which is setup by `xsubpp' to indicate which of an XSUB's aliases was used to invoke it. See the The ALIAS: Keyword entry in the perlxs manpage. I32 ix LEAVE Closing bracket on a callback. See `ENTER' and the perlcall manpage. LEAVE; looks_like_number Test if an the content of an SV looks like a number (or is a number). I32 looks_like_number(SV* sv) MARK Stack marker variable for the XSUB. See `dMARK'. mg_clear Clear something magical that the SV represents. See `sv_magic'. int mg_clear(SV* sv) mg_copy Copies the magic from one SV to another. See `sv_magic'. int mg_copy(SV* sv, SV* nsv, const char* key, I32 klen) mg_find Finds the magic pointer for type matching the SV. See `sv_magic'. MAGIC* mg_find(SV* sv, int type) mg_free Free any magic storage used by the SV. See `sv_magic'. int mg_free(SV* sv) mg_get Do magic after a value is retrieved from the SV. See `sv_magic'. int mg_get(SV* sv) mg_length Report on the SV's length. See `sv_magic'. U32 mg_length(SV* sv) mg_magical Turns on the magical status of an SV. See `sv_magic'. void mg_magical(SV* sv) mg_set Do magic after a value is assigned to the SV. See `sv_magic'. int mg_set(SV* sv) Move The XSUB-writer's interface to the C `memmove' function. The `src' is the source, `dest' is the destination, `nitems' is the number of items, and `type' is the type. Can do overlapping moves. See also `Copy'. void Move(void* src, void* dest, int nitems, type) New The XSUB-writer's interface to the C `malloc' function. void New(int id, void* ptr, int nitems, type) newAV Creates a new AV. The reference count is set to 1. AV* newAV() Newc The XSUB-writer's interface to the C `malloc' function, with cast. void Newc(int id, void* ptr, int nitems, type, cast) newCONSTSUB Creates a constant sub equivalent to Perl `sub FOO () { 123 }' which is eligible for inlining at compile-time. void newCONSTSUB(HV* stash, char* name, SV* sv) newHV Creates a new HV. The reference count is set to 1. HV* newHV() newRV_inc Creates an RV wrapper for an SV. The reference count for the original SV is incremented. SV* newRV_inc(SV* sv) newRV_noinc Creates an RV wrapper for an SV. The reference count for the original SV is not incremented. SV* newRV_noinc(SV *sv) NEWSV Creates a new SV. A non-zero `len' parameter indicates the number of bytes of preallocated string space the SV should have. An extra byte for a tailing NUL is also reserved. (SvPOK is not set for the SV even if string space is allocated.) The reference count for the new SV is set to 1. `id' is an integer id between 0 and 1299 (used to identify leaks). SV* NEWSV(int id, STRLEN len) newSViv Creates a new SV and copies an integer into it. The reference count for the SV is set to 1. SV* newSViv(IV i) newSVnv Creates a new SV and copies a floating point value into it. The reference count for the SV is set to 1. SV* newSVnv(NV n) newSVpv Creates a new SV and copies a string into it. The reference count for the SV is set to 1. If `len' is zero, Perl will compute the length using strlen(). For efficiency, consider using `newSVpvn' instead. SV* newSVpv(const char* s, STRLEN len) newSVpvf Creates a new SV an initialize it with the string formatted like `sprintf'. SV* newSVpvf(const char* pat, ...) newSVpvn Creates a new SV and copies a string into it. The reference count for the SV is set to 1. Note that if `len' is zero, Perl will create a zero length string. You are responsible for ensuring that the source string is at least `len' bytes long. SV* newSVpvn(const char* s, STRLEN len) newSVrv Creates a new SV for the RV, `rv', to point to. If `rv' is not an RV then it will be upgraded to one. If `classname' is non-null then the new SV will be blessed in the specified package. The new SV is returned and its reference count is 1. SV* newSVrv(SV* rv, const char* classname) newSVsv Creates a new SV which is an exact duplicate of the original SV. SV* newSVsv(SV* old) newSVuv Creates a new SV and copies an unsigned integer into it. The reference count for the SV is set to 1. SV* newSVuv(UV u) newXS Used by `xsubpp' to hook up XSUBs as Perl subs. newXSproto Used by `xsubpp' to hook up XSUBs as Perl subs. Adds Perl prototypes to the subs. Newz The XSUB-writer's interface to the C `malloc' function. The allocated memory is zeroed with `memzero'. void Newz(int id, void* ptr, int nitems, type) Nullav Null AV pointer. Nullch Null character pointer. Nullcv Null CV pointer. Nullhv Null HV pointer. Nullsv Null SV pointer. ORIGMARK The original stack mark for the XSUB. See `dORIGMARK'. perl_alloc Allocates a new Perl interpreter. See the perlembed manpage. PerlInterpreter* perl_alloc() perl_construct Initializes a new Perl interpreter. See the perlembed manpage. void perl_construct(PerlInterpreter* interp) perl_destruct Shuts down a Perl interpreter. See the perlembed manpage. void perl_destruct(PerlInterpreter* interp) perl_free Releases a Perl interpreter. See the perlembed manpage. void perl_free(PerlInterpreter* interp) perl_parse Tells a Perl interpreter to parse a Perl script. See the perlembed manpage. int perl_parse(PerlInterpreter* interp, XSINIT_t xsinit, int argc, char** argv, char** env) perl_run Tells a Perl interpreter to run. See the perlembed manpage. int perl_run(PerlInterpreter* interp) PL_DBsingle When Perl is run in debugging mode, with the -d switch, this SV is a boolean which indicates whether subs are being single-stepped. Single-stepping is automatically turned on after every step. This is the C variable which corresponds to Perl's $DB::single variable. See `PL_DBsub'. SV * PL_DBsingle PL_DBsub When Perl is run in debugging mode, with the -d switch, this GV contains the SV which holds the name of the sub being debugged. This is the C variable which corresponds to Perl's $DB::sub variable. See `PL_DBsingle'. GV * PL_DBsub PL_DBtrace Trace variable used when Perl is run in debugging mode, with the -d switch. This is the C variable which corresponds to Perl's $DB::trace variable. See `PL_DBsingle'. SV * PL_DBtrace PL_dowarn The C variable which corresponds to Perl's $^W warning variable. bool PL_dowarn PL_modglobal `PL_modglobal' is a general purpose, interpreter global HV for use by extensions that need to keep information on a per-interpreter basis. In a pinch, it can also be used as a symbol table for extensions to share data among each other. It is a good idea to use keys prefixed by the package name of the extension that owns the data. HV* PL_modglobal PL_na A convenience variable which is typically used with `SvPV' when one doesn't care about the length of the string. It is usually more efficient to either declare a local variable and use that instead or to use the `SvPV_nolen' macro. STRLEN PL_na PL_sv_no This is the `false' SV. See `PL_sv_yes'. Always refer to this as `&PL_sv_no'. SV PL_sv_no PL_sv_undef This is the `undef' SV. Always refer to this as `&PL_sv_undef'. SV PL_sv_undef PL_sv_yes This is the `true' SV. See `PL_sv_no'. Always refer to this as `&PL_sv_yes'. SV PL_sv_yes POPi Pops an integer off the stack. IV POPi POPl Pops a long off the stack. long POPl POPn Pops a double off the stack. NV POPn POPp Pops a string off the stack. char* POPp POPs Pops an SV off the stack. SV* POPs PUSHi Push an integer onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. Handles 'set' magic. See `XPUSHi'. void PUSHi(IV iv) PUSHMARK Opening bracket for arguments on a callback. See `PUTBACK' and the perlcall manpage. PUSHMARK; PUSHn Push a double onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. Handles 'set' magic. See `XPUSHn'. void PUSHn(NV nv) PUSHp Push a string onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. The `len' indicates the length of the string. Handles 'set' magic. See `XPUSHp'. void PUSHp(char* str, STRLEN len) PUSHs Push an SV onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. Does not handle 'set' magic. See `XPUSHs'. void PUSHs(SV* sv) PUSHu Push an unsigned integer onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. See `XPUSHu'. void PUSHu(UV uv) PUTBACK Closing bracket for XSUB arguments. This is usually handled by `xsubpp'. See `PUSHMARK' and the perlcall manpage for other uses. PUTBACK; Renew The XSUB-writer's interface to the C `realloc' function. void Renew(void* ptr, int nitems, type) Renewc The XSUB-writer's interface to the C `realloc' function, with cast. void Renewc(void* ptr, int nitems, type, cast) require_pv Tells Perl to `require' a module. NOTE: the perl_ form of this function is deprecated. void require_pv(const char* pv) RETVAL Variable which is setup by `xsubpp' to hold the return value for an XSUB. This is always the proper type for the XSUB. See the The RETVAL Variable entry in the perlxs manpage. (whatever) RETVAL Safefree The XSUB-writer's interface to the C `free' function. void Safefree(void* src, void* dest, int nitems, type) savepv Copy a string to a safe spot. This does not use an SV. char* savepv(const char* sv) savepvn Copy a string to a safe spot. The `len' indicates number of bytes to copy. This does not use an SV. char* savepvn(const char* sv, I32 len) SAVETMPS Opening bracket for temporaries on a callback. See `FREETMPS' and the perlcall manpage. SAVETMPS; SP Stack pointer. This is usually handled by `xsubpp'. See `dSP' and `SPAGAIN'. SPAGAIN Refetch the stack pointer. Used after a callback. See the perlcall manpage. SPAGAIN; ST Used to access elements on the XSUB's stack. SV* ST(int ix) strEQ Test two strings to see if they are equal. Returns true or false. bool strEQ(char* s1, char* s2) strGE Test two strings to see if the first, `s1', is greater than or equal to the second, `s2'. Returns true or false. bool strGE(char* s1, char* s2) strGT Test two strings to see if the first, `s1', is greater than the second, `s2'. Returns true or false. bool strGT(char* s1, char* s2) strLE Test two strings to see if the first, `s1', is less than or equal to the second, `s2'. Returns true or false. bool strLE(char* s1, char* s2) strLT Test two strings to see if the first, `s1', is less than the second, `s2'. Returns true or false. bool strLT(char* s1, char* s2) strNE Test two strings to see if they are different. Returns true or false. bool strNE(char* s1, char* s2) strnEQ Test two strings to see if they are equal. The `len' parameter indicates the number of bytes to compare. Returns true or false. (A wrapper for `strncmp'). bool strnEQ(char* s1, char* s2, STRLEN len) strnNE Test two strings to see if they are different. The `len' parameter indicates the number of bytes to compare. Returns true or false. (A wrapper for `strncmp'). bool strnNE(char* s1, char* s2, STRLEN len) StructCopy This is an architecture-independant macro to copy one structure to another. void StructCopy(type src, type dest, type) SvCUR Returns the length of the string which is in the SV. See `SvLEN'. STRLEN SvCUR(SV* sv) SvCUR_set Set the length of the string which is in the SV. See `SvCUR'. void SvCUR_set(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvEND Returns a pointer to the last character in the string which is in the SV. See `SvCUR'. Access the character as *(SvEND(sv)). char* SvEND(SV* sv) SvGETMAGIC Invokes `mg_get' on an SV if it has 'get' magic. This macro evaluates its argument more than once. void SvGETMAGIC(SV* sv) SvGROW Expands the character buffer in the SV so that it has room for the indicated number of bytes (remember to reserve space for an extra trailing NUL character). Calls `sv_grow' to perform the expansion if necessary. Returns a pointer to the character buffer. void SvGROW(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvIOK Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains an integer. bool SvIOK(SV* sv) SvIOKp Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains an integer. Checks the private setting. Use `SvIOK'. bool SvIOKp(SV* sv) SvIOK_off Unsets the IV status of an SV. void SvIOK_off(SV* sv) SvIOK_on Tells an SV that it is an integer. void SvIOK_on(SV* sv) SvIOK_only Tells an SV that it is an integer and disables all other OK bits. void SvIOK_only(SV* sv) SvIV Coerces the given SV to an integer and returns it. IV SvIV(SV* sv) SvIVX Returns the integer which is stored in the SV, assuming SvIOK is true. IV SvIVX(SV* sv) SvLEN Returns the size of the string buffer in the SV. See `SvCUR'. STRLEN SvLEN(SV* sv) SvNIOK Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains a number, integer or double. bool SvNIOK(SV* sv) SvNIOKp Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains a number, integer or double. Checks the private setting. Use `SvNIOK'. bool SvNIOKp(SV* sv) SvNIOK_off Unsets the NV/IV status of an SV. void SvNIOK_off(SV* sv) SvNOK Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains a double. bool SvNOK(SV* sv) SvNOKp Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains a double. Checks the private setting. Use `SvNOK'. bool SvNOKp(SV* sv) SvNOK_off Unsets the NV status of an SV. void SvNOK_off(SV* sv) SvNOK_on Tells an SV that it is a double. void SvNOK_on(SV* sv) SvNOK_only Tells an SV that it is a double and disables all other OK bits. void SvNOK_only(SV* sv) SvNV Coerce the given SV to a double and return it. NV SvNV(SV* sv) SvNVX Returns the double which is stored in the SV, assuming SvNOK is true. NV SvNVX(SV* sv) SvOK Returns a boolean indicating whether the value is an SV. bool SvOK(SV* sv) SvOOK Returns a boolean indicating whether the SvIVX is a valid offset value for the SvPVX. This hack is used internally to speed up removal of characters from the beginning of a SvPV. When SvOOK is true, then the start of the allocated string buffer is really (SvPVX - SvIVX). bool SvOOK(SV* sv) SvPOK Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains a character string. bool SvPOK(SV* sv) SvPOKp Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains a character string. Checks the private setting. Use `SvPOK'. bool SvPOKp(SV* sv) SvPOK_off Unsets the PV status of an SV. void SvPOK_off(SV* sv) SvPOK_on Tells an SV that it is a string. void SvPOK_on(SV* sv) SvPOK_only Tells an SV that it is a string and disables all other OK bits. void SvPOK_only(SV* sv) SvPV Returns a pointer to the string in the SV, or a stringified form of the SV if the SV does not contain a string. Handles 'get' magic. char* SvPV(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvPVX Returns a pointer to the string in the SV. The SV must contain a string. char* SvPVX(SV* sv) SvPV_force Like <SvPV> but will force the SV into becoming a string (SvPOK). You want force if you are going to update the SvPVX directly. char* SvPV_force(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvPV_nolen Returns a pointer to the string in the SV, or a stringified form of the SV if the SV does not contain a string. Handles 'get' magic. char* SvPV_nolen(SV* sv) SvREFCNT Returns the value of the object's reference count. U32 SvREFCNT(SV* sv) SvREFCNT_dec Decrements the reference count of the given SV. void SvREFCNT_dec(SV* sv) SvREFCNT_inc Increments the reference count of the given SV. SV* SvREFCNT_inc(SV* sv) SvROK Tests if the SV is an RV. bool SvROK(SV* sv) SvROK_off Unsets the RV status of an SV. void SvROK_off(SV* sv) SvROK_on Tells an SV that it is an RV. void SvROK_on(SV* sv) SvRV Dereferences an RV to return the SV. SV* SvRV(SV* sv) SvSETMAGIC Invokes `mg_set' on an SV if it has 'set' magic. This macro evaluates its argument more than once. void SvSETMAGIC(SV* sv) SvSetSV Calls `sv_setsv' if dsv is not the same as ssv. May evaluate arguments more than once. void SvSetSV(SV* dsb, SV* ssv) SvSetSV_nosteal Calls a non-destructive version of `sv_setsv' if dsv is not the same as ssv. May evaluate arguments more than once. void SvSetSV_nosteal(SV* dsv, SV* ssv) SvSTASH Returns the stash of the SV. HV* SvSTASH(SV* sv) SvTAINT Taints an SV if tainting is enabled void SvTAINT(SV* sv) SvTAINTED Checks to see if an SV is tainted. Returns TRUE if it is, FALSE if not. bool SvTAINTED(SV* sv) SvTAINTED_off Untaints an SV. Be very careful with this routine, as it short-circuits some of Perl's fundamental security features. XS module authors should not use this function unless they fully understand all the implications of unconditionally untainting the value. Untainting should be done in the standard perl fashion, via a carefully crafted regexp, rather than directly untainting variables. void SvTAINTED_off(SV* sv) SvTAINTED_on Marks an SV as tainted. void SvTAINTED_on(SV* sv) SvTRUE Returns a boolean indicating whether Perl would evaluate the SV as true or false, defined or undefined. Does not handle 'get' magic. bool SvTRUE(SV* sv) SvTYPE Returns the type of the SV. See `svtype'. svtype SvTYPE(SV* sv) svtype An enum of flags for Perl types. These are found in the file sv.h in the `svtype' enum. Test these flags with the `SvTYPE' macro. SVt_IV Integer type flag for scalars. See `svtype'. SVt_NV Double type flag for scalars. See `svtype'. SVt_PV Pointer type flag for scalars. See `svtype'. SVt_PVAV Type flag for arrays. See `svtype'. SVt_PVCV Type flag for code refs. See `svtype'. SVt_PVHV Type flag for hashes. See `svtype'. SVt_PVMG Type flag for blessed scalars. See `svtype'. SvUPGRADE Used to upgrade an SV to a more complex form. Uses `sv_upgrade' to perform the upgrade if necessary. See `svtype'. void SvUPGRADE(SV* sv, svtype type) SvUV Coerces the given SV to an unsigned integer and returns it. UV SvUV(SV* sv) SvUVX Returns the unsigned integer which is stored in the SV, assuming SvIOK is true. UV SvUVX(SV* sv) sv_2mortal Marks an SV as mortal. The SV will be destroyed when the current context ends. SV* sv_2mortal(SV* sv) sv_bless Blesses an SV into a specified package. The SV must be an RV. The package must be designated by its stash (see `gv_stashpv()'). The reference count of the SV is unaffected. SV* sv_bless(SV* sv, HV* stash) sv_catpv Concatenates the string onto the end of the string which is in the SV. Handles 'get' magic, but not 'set' magic. See `sv_catpv_mg'. void sv_catpv(SV* sv, const char* ptr) sv_catpvf Processes its arguments like `sprintf' and appends the formatted output to an SV. Handles 'get' magic, but not 'set' magic. `SvSETMAGIC()' must typically be called after calling this function to handle 'set' magic. void sv_catpvf(SV* sv, const char* pat, ...) sv_catpvf_mg Like `sv_catpvf', but also handles 'set' magic. void sv_catpvf_mg(SV *sv, const char* pat, ...) sv_catpvn Concatenates the string onto the end of the string which is in the SV. The `len' indicates number of bytes to copy. Handles 'get' magic, but not 'set' magic. See `sv_catpvn_mg'. void sv_catpvn(SV* sv, const char* ptr, STRLEN len) sv_catpvn_mg Like `sv_catpvn', but also handles 'set' magic. void sv_catpvn_mg(SV *sv, const char *ptr, STRLEN len) sv_catpv_mg Like `sv_catpv', but also handles 'set' magic. void sv_catpv_mg(SV *sv, const char *ptr) sv_catsv Concatenates the string from SV `ssv' onto the end of the string in SV `dsv'. Handles 'get' magic, but not 'set' magic. See `sv_catsv_mg'. void sv_catsv(SV* dsv, SV* ssv) sv_catsv_mg Like `sv_catsv', but also handles 'set' magic. void sv_catsv_mg(SV *dstr, SV *sstr) sv_chop Efficient removal of characters from the beginning of the string buffer. SvPOK(sv) must be true and the `ptr' must be a pointer to somewhere inside the string buffer. The `ptr' becomes the first character of the adjusted string. void sv_chop(SV* sv, char* ptr) sv_cmp Compares the strings in two SVs. Returns -1, 0, or 1 indicating whether the string in `sv1' is less than, equal to, or greater than the string in `sv2'. I32 sv_cmp(SV* sv1, SV* sv2) sv_dec Auto-decrement of the value in the SV. void sv_dec(SV* sv) sv_derived_from Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV is derived from the specified class. This is the function that implements `UNIVERSAL::isa'. It works for class names as well as for objects. bool sv_derived_from(SV* sv, const char* name) sv_eq Returns a boolean indicating whether the strings in the two SVs are identical. I32 sv_eq(SV* sv1, SV* sv2) sv_grow Expands the character buffer in the SV. This will use `sv_unref' and will upgrade the SV to `SVt_PV'. Returns a pointer to the character buffer. Use `SvGROW'. char* sv_grow(SV* sv, STRLEN newlen) sv_inc Auto-increment of the value in the SV. void sv_inc(SV* sv) sv_insert Inserts a string at the specified offset/length within the SV. Similar to the Perl substr() function. void sv_insert(SV* bigsv, STRLEN offset, STRLEN len, char* little, STRLEN littlelen) sv_isa Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV is blessed into the specified class. This does not check for subtypes; use `sv_derived_from' to verify an inheritance relationship. int sv_isa(SV* sv, const char* name) sv_isobject Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV is an RV pointing to a blessed object. If the SV is not an RV, or if the object is not blessed, then this will return false. int sv_isobject(SV* sv) sv_len Returns the length of the string in the SV. See also `SvCUR'. STRLEN sv_len(SV* sv) sv_magic Adds magic to an SV. void sv_magic(SV* sv, SV* obj, int how, const char* name, I32 namlen) sv_mortalcopy Creates a new SV which is a copy of the original SV. The new SV is marked as mortal. SV* sv_mortalcopy(SV* oldsv) sv_newmortal Creates a new SV which is mortal. The reference count of the SV is set to 1. SV* sv_newmortal() sv_setiv Copies an integer into the given SV. Does not handle 'set' magic. See `sv_setiv_mg'. void sv_setiv(SV* sv, IV num) sv_setiv_mg Like `sv_setiv', but also handles 'set' magic. void sv_setiv_mg(SV *sv, IV i) sv_setnv Copies a double into the given SV. Does not handle 'set' magic. See `sv_setnv_mg'. void sv_setnv(SV* sv, NV num) sv_setnv_mg Like `sv_setnv', but also handles 'set' magic. void sv_setnv_mg(SV *sv, NV num) sv_setpv Copies a string into an SV. The string must be null-terminated. Does not handle 'set' magic. See `sv_setpv_mg'. void sv_setpv(SV* sv, const char* ptr) sv_setpvf Processes its arguments like `sprintf' and sets an SV to the formatted output. Does not handle 'set' magic. See `sv_setpvf_mg'. void sv_setpvf(SV* sv, const char* pat, ...) sv_setpvf_mg Like `sv_setpvf', but also handles 'set' magic. void sv_setpvf_mg(SV *sv, const char* pat, ...) sv_setpviv Copies an integer into the given SV, also updating its string value. Does not handle 'set' magic. See `sv_setpviv_mg'. void sv_setpviv(SV* sv, IV num) sv_setpviv_mg Like `sv_setpviv', but also handles 'set' magic. void sv_setpviv_mg(SV *sv, IV iv) sv_setpvn Copies a string into an SV. The `len' parameter indicates the number of bytes to be copied. Does not handle 'set' magic. See `sv_setpvn_mg'. void sv_setpvn(SV* sv, const char* ptr, STRLEN len) sv_setpvn_mg Like `sv_setpvn', but also handles 'set' magic. void sv_setpvn_mg(SV *sv, const char *ptr, STRLEN len) sv_setpv_mg Like `sv_setpv', but also handles 'set' magic. void sv_setpv_mg(SV *sv, const char *ptr) sv_setref_iv Copies an integer into a new SV, optionally blessing the SV. The `rv' argument will be upgraded to an RV. That RV will be modified to point to the new SV. The `classname' argument indicates the package for the blessing. Set `classname' to `Nullch' to avoid the blessing. The new SV will be returned and will have a reference count of 1. SV* sv_setref_iv(SV* rv, const char* classname, IV iv) sv_setref_nv Copies a double into a new SV, optionally blessing the SV. The `rv' argument will be upgraded to an RV. That RV will be modified to point to the new SV. The `classname' argument indicates the package for the blessing. Set `classname' to `Nullch' to avoid the blessing. The new SV will be returned and will have a reference count of 1. SV* sv_setref_nv(SV* rv, const char* classname, NV nv) sv_setref_pv Copies a pointer into a new SV, optionally blessing the SV. The `rv' argument will be upgraded to an RV. That RV will be modified to point to the new SV. If the `pv' argument is NULL then `PL_sv_undef' will be placed into the SV. The `classname' argument indicates the package for the blessing. Set `classname' to `Nullch' to avoid the blessing. The new SV will be returned and will have a reference count of 1. Do not use with other Perl types such as HV, AV, SV, CV, because those objects will become corrupted by the pointer copy process. Note that `sv_setref_pvn' copies the string while this copies the pointer. SV* sv_setref_pv(SV* rv, const char* classname, void* pv) sv_setref_pvn Copies a string into a new SV, optionally blessing the SV. The length of the string must be specified with `n'. The `rv' argument will be upgraded to an RV. That RV will be modified to point to the new SV. The `classname' argument indicates the package for the blessing. Set `classname' to `Nullch' to avoid the blessing. The new SV will be returned and will have a reference count of 1. Note that `sv_setref_pv' copies the pointer while this copies the string. SV* sv_setref_pvn(SV* rv, const char* classname, char* pv, STRLEN n) sv_setsv Copies the contents of the source SV `ssv' into the destination SV `dsv'. The source SV may be destroyed if it is mortal. Does not handle 'set' magic. See the macro forms `SvSetSV', `SvSetSV_nosteal' and `sv_setsv_mg'. void sv_setsv(SV* dsv, SV* ssv) sv_setsv_mg Like `sv_setsv', but also handles 'set' magic. void sv_setsv_mg(SV *dstr, SV *sstr) sv_setuv Copies an unsigned integer into the given SV. Does not handle 'set' magic. See `sv_setuv_mg'. void sv_setuv(SV* sv, UV num) sv_setuv_mg Like `sv_setuv', but also handles 'set' magic. void sv_setuv_mg(SV *sv, UV u) sv_unref Unsets the RV status of the SV, and decrements the reference count of whatever was being referenced by the RV. This can almost be thought of as a reversal of `newSVrv'. See `SvROK_off'. void sv_unref(SV* sv) sv_upgrade Upgrade an SV to a more complex form. Use `SvUPGRADE'. See `svtype'. bool sv_upgrade(SV* sv, U32 mt) sv_usepvn Tells an SV to use `ptr' to find its string value. Normally the string is stored inside the SV but sv_usepvn allows the SV to use an outside string. The `ptr' should point to memory that was allocated by `malloc'. The string length, `len', must be supplied. This function will realloc the memory pointed to by `ptr', so that pointer should not be freed or used by the programmer after giving it to sv_usepvn. Does not handle 'set' magic. See `sv_usepvn_mg'. void sv_usepvn(SV* sv, char* ptr, STRLEN len) sv_usepvn_mg Like `sv_usepvn', but also handles 'set' magic. void sv_usepvn_mg(SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len) sv_vcatpvfn Processes its arguments like `vsprintf' and appends the formatted output to an SV. Uses an array of SVs if the C style variable argument list is missing (NULL). When running with taint checks enabled, indicates via `maybe_tainted' if results are untrustworthy (often due to the use of locales). void sv_vcatpvfn(SV* sv, const char* pat, STRLEN patlen, va_list* args, SV** svargs, I32 svmax, bool *maybe_tainted) sv_vsetpvfn Works like `vcatpvfn' but copies the text into the SV instead of appending it. void sv_vsetpvfn(SV* sv, const char* pat, STRLEN patlen, va_list* args, SV** svargs, I32 svmax, bool *maybe_tainted) THIS Variable which is setup by `xsubpp' to designate the object in a C++ XSUB. This is always the proper type for the C++ object. See `CLASS' and the Using XS With C++ entry in the perlxs manpage. (whatever) THIS toLOWER Converts the specified character to lowercase. char toLOWER(char ch) toUPPER Converts the specified character to uppercase. char toUPPER(char ch) warn This is the XSUB-writer's interface to Perl's `warn' function. Use this function the same way you use the C `printf' function. See `croak'. void warn(const char* pat, ...) XPUSHi Push an integer onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Handles 'set' magic. See `PUSHi'. void XPUSHi(IV iv) XPUSHn Push a double onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Handles 'set' magic. See `PUSHn'. void XPUSHn(NV nv) XPUSHp Push a string onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. The `len' indicates the length of the string. Handles 'set' magic. See `PUSHp'. void XPUSHp(char* str, STRLEN len) XPUSHs Push an SV onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Does not handle 'set' magic. See `PUSHs'. void XPUSHs(SV* sv) XPUSHu Push an unsigned integer onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. See `PUSHu'. void XPUSHu(UV uv) XS Macro to declare an XSUB and its C parameter list. This is handled by `xsubpp'. XSRETURN Return from XSUB, indicating number of items on the stack. This is usually handled by `xsubpp'. void XSRETURN(int nitems) XSRETURN_EMPTY Return an empty list from an XSUB immediately. XSRETURN_EMPTY; XSRETURN_IV Return an integer from an XSUB immediately. Uses `XST_mIV'. void XSRETURN_IV(IV iv) XSRETURN_NO Return `&PL_sv_no' from an XSUB immediately. Uses `XST_mNO'. XSRETURN_NO; XSRETURN_NV Return an double from an XSUB immediately. Uses `XST_mNV'. void XSRETURN_NV(NV nv) XSRETURN_PV Return a copy of a string from an XSUB immediately. Uses `XST_mPV'. void XSRETURN_PV(char* str) XSRETURN_UNDEF Return `&PL_sv_undef' from an XSUB immediately. Uses `XST_mUNDEF'. XSRETURN_UNDEF; XSRETURN_YES Return `&PL_sv_yes' from an XSUB immediately. Uses `XST_mYES'. XSRETURN_YES; XST_mIV Place an integer into the specified position `pos' on the stack. The value is stored in a new mortal SV. void XST_mIV(int pos, IV iv) XST_mNO Place `&PL_sv_no' into the specified position `pos' on the stack. void XST_mNO(int pos) XST_mNV Place a double into the specified position `pos' on the stack. The value is stored in a new mortal SV. void XST_mNV(int pos, NV nv) XST_mPV Place a copy of a string into the specified position `pos' on the stack. The value is stored in a new mortal SV. void XST_mPV(int pos, char* str) XST_mUNDEF Place `&PL_sv_undef' into the specified position `pos' on the stack. void XST_mUNDEF(int pos) XST_mYES Place `&PL_sv_yes' into the specified position `pos' on the stack. void XST_mYES(int pos) XS_VERSION The version identifier for an XS module. This is usually handled automatically by `ExtUtils::MakeMaker'. See `XS_VERSION_BOOTCHECK'. XS_VERSION_BOOTCHECK Macro to verify that a PM module's $VERSION variable matches the XS module's `XS_VERSION' variable. This is usually handled automatically by `xsubpp'. See the The VERSIONCHECK: Keyword entry in the perlxs manpage. XS_VERSION_BOOTCHECK; Zero The XSUB-writer's interface to the C `memzero' function. The `dest' is the destination, `nitems' is the number of items, and `type' is the type. void Zero(void* dest, int nitems, type)AUTHORS
Until May 1997, this document was maintained by Jeff Okamoto <>. It is now maintained as part of Perl itself. With lots of help and suggestions from Dean Roehrich, Malcolm Beattie, Andreas Koenig, Paul Hudson, Ilya Zakharevich, Paul Marquess, Neil Bowers, Matthew Green, Tim Bunce, Spider Boardman, Ulrich Pfeifer, Stephen McCamant, and Gurusamy Sarathy. API Listing originally by Dean Roehrich <>. Updated to be autogenerated from comments in the source by Benjamin Stuhl.SEE ALSO
perlguts(1), perlxs(1), perlxstut(1), perlintern(1)
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