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         perlfaq3 - Programming Tools ($Revision: 1.38 $, $Date:
         1999/05/23 16:08:30 $)


         This section of the FAQ answers questions related to
         programmer tools and programming support.
         How do I do (anything)?
         Have you looked at CPAN (see the perlfaq2 manpage)?  The
         chances are that someone has already written a module that
         can solve your problem.  Have you read the appropriate man
         pages?  Here's a brief index:
                 Basics          perldata, perlvar, perlsyn, perlop, perlsub
                 Execution       perlrun, perldebug
                 Functions       perlfunc
                 Objects         perlref, perlmod, perlobj, perltie
                 Data Structures perlref, perllol, perldsc
                 Modules         perlmod, perlmodlib, perlsub
                 Regexes         perlre, perlfunc, perlop, perllocale
                 Moving to perl5 perltrap, perl
                 Linking w/C     perlxstut, perlxs, perlcall, perlguts, perlembed
                                 (not a man-page but still useful)
         A crude table of contents for the Perl man page set is found
         in the perltoc manpage.
         How can I use Perl interactively?
         The typical approach uses the Perl debugger, described in
         the perldebug(1) man page, on an ``empty'' program, like
             perl -de 42
         Now just type in any legal Perl code, and it will be
         immediately evaluated.  You can also examine the symbol
         table, get stack backtraces, check variable values, set
         breakpoints, and other operations typically found in
         symbolic debuggers.
         Is there a Perl shell?
         In general, no.  The module (distributed with Perl)
         makes Perl try commands which aren't part of the Perl
         language as shell commands.  perlsh from the source
         distribution is simplistic and uninteresting, but may still
         be what you want.
         How do I debug my Perl programs?
         Have you tried `use warnings' or used `-w'?  They enable
         warnings for dubious practices.
         Have you tried `use strict'?  It prevents you from using
         symbolic references, makes you predeclare any subroutines
         that you call as bare words, and (probably most importantly)
         forces you to predeclare your variables with `my' or `our'
         or `use vars'.
         Did you check the returns of each and every system call?
         The operating system (and thus Perl) tells you whether they
         worked or not, and if not why.
           open(FH, "> /etc/cantwrite")
             or die "Couldn't write to /etc/cantwrite: $!\n";
         Did you read the perltrap manpage?  It's full of gotchas for
         old and new Perl programmers, and even has sections for
         those of you who are upgrading from languages like awk and
         Have you tried the Perl debugger, described in the perldebug
         manpage?  You can step through your program and see what
         it's doing and thus work out why what it's doing isn't what
         it should be doing.
         How do I profile my Perl programs?
         You should get the Devel::DProf module from CPAN, and also
         use from the standard distribution.  Benchmark
         lets you time specific portions of your code, while
         Devel::DProf gives detailed breakdowns of where your code
         spends its time.
         Here's a sample use of Benchmark:
           use Benchmark;
           @junk = `cat /etc/motd`;
           $count = 10_000;
           timethese($count, {
                     'map' => sub { my @a = @junk;
                                    map { s/a/b/ } @a;
                                    return @a
                     'for' => sub { my @a = @junk;
                                    local $_;
                                    for (@a) { s/a/b/ };
                                    return @a },
         This is what it prints (on one machine--your results will be
         dependent on your hardware, operating system, and the load
         on your machine):
           Benchmark: timing 10000 iterations of for, map...
                  for:  4 secs ( 3.97 usr  0.01 sys =  3.98 cpu)
                  map:  6 secs ( 4.97 usr  0.00 sys =  4.97 cpu)
         Be aware that a good benchmark is very hard to write.  It
         only tests the data you give it, and really proves little
         about differing complexities of contrasting algorithms.
         How do I cross-reference my Perl programs?
         The B::Xref module, shipped with the new, alpha-release Perl
         compiler (not the general distribution prior to the 5.005
         release), can be used to generate cross-reference reports
         for Perl programs.
             perl -MO=Xref[,OPTIONS] scriptname.plx
         Is there a pretty-printer (formatter) for Perl?
         There is no program that will reformat Perl as much as
         indent(1) does for C.  The complex feedback between the
         scanner and the parser (this feedback is what confuses the
         vgrind and emacs programs) makes it challenging at best to
         write a stand-alone Perl parser.
         Of course, if you simply follow the guidelines in the
         perlstyle manpage, you shouldn't need to reformat.  The
         habit of formatting your code as you write it will help
         prevent bugs.  Your editor can and should help you with
         this.  The perl-mode for emacs can provide a remarkable
         amount of help with most (but not all) code, and even less
         programmable editors can provide significant assistance.
         Tom swears by the following settings in vi and its clones:
             set ai sw=4
             map! ^O {^M}^[O^T
         Now put that in your .exrc file (replacing the caret
         characters with control characters) and away you go.  In
         insert mode, ^T is for indenting, ^D is for undenting, and
         ^O is for blockdenting -- as it were.  If you haven't used
         the last one, you're missing a lot.  A more complete
         example, with comments, can be found at
         If you are used to using the vgrind program for printing out
         nice code to a laser printer, you can take a stab at this
         but the results are not particularly satisfying for
         sophisticated code.
         The a2ps at does
         lots of things related to generating nicely printed output
         of documents.
         Is there a ctags for Perl?
         There's a simple one at
         which may do the trick.  And if not, it's easy to hack into
         what you want.
         Is there an IDE or Windows Perl Editor?
         If you're on Unix, you already have an IDE -- Unix itself.
         This powerful IDE derives from its interoperability,
         flexibility, and configurability.  If you really want to get
         a feel for Unix-qua-IDE, the best thing to do is to find
         some high-powered programmer whose native language is Unix.
         Find someone who has been at this for many years, and just
         sit back and watch them at work.  They have created their
         own IDE, one that suits their own tastes and aptitudes.
         Quietly observe them edit files, move them around, compile
         them, debug them, test them, etc.  The entire development
         *is* integrated, like a top-of-the-line German sports car:
         functional, powerful, and elegant.  You will be absolutely
         astonished at the speed and ease exhibited by the native
         speaker of Unix in his home territory.  The art and skill of
         a virtuoso can only be seen to be believed.  That is the
         path to mastery -- all these cobbled little IDEs are
         expensive toys designed to sell a flashy demo using cheap
         tricks, and being optimized for immediate but shallow
         understanding rather than enduring use, are but a dim
         palimpsest of real tools.
         In short, you just have to learn the toolbox.  However, if
         you're not on Unix, then your vendor probably didn't bother
         to provide you with a proper toolbox on the so-called
         complete system that you forked out your hard-earned cash
         PerlBuilder (XXX URL to follow) is an integrated development
         environment for Windows that supports Perl development.
         Perl programs are just plain text, though, so you could
         download emacs for Windows (???) or a vi clone (vim) which
         runs on for win32 (
         If you're transferring Windows files to Unix, be sure to
         transfer in ASCII mode so the ends of lines are
         appropriately mangled.
         Where can I get Perl macros for vi?
         For a complete version of Tom Christiansen's vi
         configuration file, see,
         the standard benchmark file for vi emulators.  This runs
         best with nvi, the current version of vi out of Berkeley,
         which incidentally can be built with an embedded Perl
         interpreter -- see
         Where can I get perl-mode for emacs?
         Since Emacs version 19 patchlevel 22 or so, there have been
         both a perl-mode.el and support for the Perl debugger built
         in.  These should come with the standard Emacs 19
         In the Perl source directory, you'll find a directory called
         "emacs", which contains a cperl-mode that color-codes
         keywords, provides context-sensitive help, and other nifty
         Note that the perl-mode of emacs will have fits with
         `"main'foo"' (single quote), and mess up the indentation and
         highlighting.  You are probably using `"main::foo"' in new
         Perl code anyway, so this shouldn't be an issue.
         How can I use curses with Perl?
         The Curses module from CPAN provides a dynamically loadable
         object module interface to a curses library.  A small demo
         can be found at the directory;
         this program repeats a command and updates the screen as
         needed, rendering rep ps axu similar to top.
         How can I use X or Tk with Perl?
         Tk is a completely Perl-based, object-oriented interface to
         the Tk toolkit that doesn't force you to use Tcl just to get
         at Tk.  Sx is an interface to the Athena Widget set.  Both
         are available from CPAN.  See the directory
         Invaluable for Perl/Tk programming are: the Perl/Tk FAQ at , the
         Perl/Tk Reference Guide available at ,
         and the online manpages at http://www- .
         How can I generate simple menus without using CGI or Tk?
         module, which is curses-based, can help with this.
         What is undump?
         See the next questions.
         How can I make my Perl program run faster?
         The best way to do this is to come up with a better
         algorithm.  This can often make a dramatic difference.
         Chapter 8 in the Camel has some efficiency tips in it you
         might want to look at.  Jon Bentley's book ``Programming
         Pearls'' (that's not a misspelling!)  has some good tips on
         optimization, too.  Advice on benchmarking boils down to:
         benchmark and profile to make sure you're optimizing the
         right part, look for better algorithms instead of
         microtuning your code, and when all else fails consider just
         buying faster hardware.
         A different approach is to autoload seldom-used Perl code.
         See the AutoSplit and AutoLoader modules in the standard
         distribution for that.  Or you could locate the bottleneck
         and think about writing just that part in C, the way we used
         to take bottlenecks in C code and write them in assembler.
         Similar to rewriting in C is the use of modules that have
         critical sections written in C (for instance, the PDL module
         from CPAN).
         In some cases, it may be worth it to use the backend
         compiler to produce byte code (saving compilation time) or
         compile into C, which will certainly save compilation time
         and sometimes a small amount (but not much) execution time.
         See the question about compiling your Perl programs for more
         on the compiler--the wins aren't as obvious as you'd hope.
         If you're currently linking your perl executable to a shared, you can often gain a 10-25% performance benefit by
         rebuilding it to link with a static libc.a instead.  This
         will make a bigger perl executable, but your Perl programs
         (and programmers) may thank you for it.  See the INSTALL
         file in the source distribution for more information.
         Unsubstantiated reports allege that Perl interpreters that
         use sfio outperform those that don't (for I/O intensive
         applications).  To try this, see the INSTALL file in the
         source distribution, especially the ``Selecting File I/O
         mechanisms'' section.
         The undump program was an old attempt to speed up your Perl
         program by storing the already-compiled form to disk.  This
         is no longer a viable option, as it only worked on a few
         architectures, and wasn't a good solution anyway.
         How can I make my Perl program take less memory?
         When it comes to time-space tradeoffs, Perl nearly always
         prefers to throw memory at a problem.  Scalars in Perl use
         more memory than strings in C, arrays take more than that,
         and hashes use even more.  While there's still a lot to be
         done, recent releases have been addressing these issues.
         For example, as of 5.004, duplicate hash keys are shared
         amongst all hashes using them, so require no reallocation.
         In some cases, using substr() or vec() to simulate arrays
         can be highly beneficial.  For example, an array of a
         thousand booleans will take at least 20,000 bytes of space,
         but it can be turned into one 125-byte bit vector for a
         considerable memory savings.  The standard Tie::SubstrHash
         module can also help for certain types of data structure.
         If you're working with specialist data structures (matrices,
         for instance) modules that implement these in C may use less
         memory than equivalent Perl modules.
         Another thing to try is learning whether your Perl was
         compiled with the system malloc or with Perl's builtin
         malloc.  Whichever one it is, try using the other one and
         see whether this makes a difference.  Information about
         malloc is in the INSTALL file in the source distribution.
         You can find out whether you are using perl's malloc by
         typing `perl -V:usemymalloc'.
         Is it unsafe to return a pointer to local data?
         No, Perl's garbage collection system takes care of this.
             sub makeone {
                 my @a = ( 1 .. 10 );
                 return \@a;
             for $i ( 1 .. 10 ) {
                 push @many, makeone();
             print $many[4][5], "\n";
             print "@many\n";
         How can I free an array or hash so my program shrinks?
         You can't.  On most operating systems, memory allocated to a
         program can never be returned to the system.  That's why
         long-running programs sometimes re-exec themselves.  Some
         operating systems (notably, FreeBSD and Linux) allegedly
         reclaim large chunks of memory that is no longer used, but
         it doesn't appear to happen with Perl (yet).  The Mac
         appears to be the only platform that will reliably (albeit,
         slowly) return memory to the OS.
         We've had reports that on Linux (Redhat 5.1) on Intel,
         `undef $scalar' will return memory to the system, while on
         Solaris 2.6 it won't.  In general, try it yourself and see.
         However, judicious use of my() on your variables will help
         make sure that they go out of scope so that Perl can free up
         their storage for use in other parts of your program.  A
         global variable, of course, never goes out of scope, so you
         can't get its space automatically reclaimed, although
         undef()ing and/or delete()ing it will achieve the same
         effect.  In general, memory allocation and de-allocation
         isn't something you can or should be worrying about much in
         Perl, but even this capability (preallocation of data types)
         is in the works.
         How can I make my CGI script more efficient?
         Beyond the normal measures described to make general Perl
         programs faster or smaller, a CGI program has additional
         issues.  It may be run several times per second.  Given that
         each time it runs it will need to be re-compiled and will
         often allocate a megabyte or more of system memory, this can
         be a killer.  Compiling into C isn't going to help you
         because the process start-up overhead is where the
         bottleneck is.
         There are two popular ways to avoid this overhead.  One
         solution involves running the Apache HTTP server (available
         from with either of the mod_perl or
         mod_fastcgi plugin modules.
         With mod_perl and the Apache::Registry module (distributed
         with mod_perl), httpd will run with an embedded Perl
         interpreter which pre-compiles your script and then executes
         it within the same address space without forking.  The
         Apache extension also gives Perl access to the internal
         server API, so modules written in Perl can do just about
         anything a module written in C can.  For more on mod_perl,
         With the FCGI module (from CPAN) and the mod_fastcgi module
         (available from each of your Perl
         programs becomes a permanent CGI daemon process.
         Both of these solutions can have far-reaching effects on
         your system and on the way you write your CGI programs, so
         investigate them with care.
         category/15_World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI/ .
         A non-free, commercial product, ``The Velocity Engine for
         Perl'', ( or might also be worth
         looking at.  It will allow you to increase the performance
         of your Perl programs, up to 25 times faster than normal CGI
         Perl by running in persistent Perl mode, or 4 to 5 times
         faster without any modification to your existing CGI
         programs. Fully functional evaluation copies are available
         from the web site.
         How can I hide the source for my Perl program?
         Delete it. :-) Seriously, there are a number of (mostly
         unsatisfactory) solutions with varying levels of
         First of all, however, you can't take away read permission,
         because the source code has to be readable in order to be
         compiled and interpreted.  (That doesn't mean that a CGI
         script's source is readable by people on the web, though,
         only by people with access to the filesystem) So you have to
         leave the permissions at the socially friendly 0755 level.
         Some people regard this as a security problem.  If your
         program does insecure things, and relies on people not
         knowing how to exploit those insecurities, it is not secure.
         It is often possible for someone to determine the insecure
         things and exploit them without viewing the source.
         Security through obscurity, the name for hiding your bugs
         instead of fixing them, is little security indeed.
         You can try using encryption via source filters (Filter::*
         from CPAN), but any decent programmer will be able to
         decrypt it.  You can try using the byte code compiler and
         interpreter described below, but the curious might still be
         able to de-compile it.  You can try using the native-code
         compiler described below, but crackers might be able to
         disassemble it.  These pose varying degrees of difficulty to
         people wanting to get at your code, but none can
         definitively conceal it (this is true of every language, not
         just Perl).
         If you're concerned about people profiting from your code,
         then the bottom line is that nothing but a restrictive
         license will give you legal security.  License your software
         and pepper it with threatening statements like ``This is
         unpublished proprietary software of XYZ Corp.  Your access
         to it does not give you permission to use it blah blah
         blah.''  We are not lawyers, of course, so you should see a
         lawyer if you want to be sure your license's wording will
         stand up in court.
         How can I compile my Perl program into byte code or C?
         Malcolm Beattie has written a multifunction backend
         compiler, available from CPAN, that can do both these
         things.  It is included in the perl5.005 release, but is
         still considered experimental.  This means it's fun to play
         with if you're a programmer but not really for people
         looking for turn-key solutions.
         Merely compiling into C does not in and of itself guarantee
         that your code will run very much faster.  That's because
         except for lucky cases where a lot of native type
         inferencing is possible, the normal Perl run time system is
         still present and so your program will take just as long to
         run and be just as big.  Most programs save little more than
         compilation time, leaving execution no more than 10-30%
         faster.  A few rare programs actually benefit significantly
         (like several times faster), but this takes some tweaking of
         your code.
         You'll probably be astonished to learn that the current
         version of the compiler generates a compiled form of your
         script whose executable is just as big as the original perl
         executable, and then some.  That's because as currently
         written, all programs are prepared for a full eval()
         statement.  You can tremendously reduce this cost by
         building a shared library and linking against
         that.  See the INSTALL podfile in the Perl source
         distribution for details.  If you link your main perl binary
         with this, it will make it minuscule.  For example, on one
         author's system, /usr/bin/perl is only 11k in size!
         In general, the compiler will do nothing to make a Perl
         program smaller, faster, more portable, or more secure.  In
         fact, it will usually hurt all of those.  The executable
         will be bigger, your VM system may take longer to load the
         whole thing, the binary is fragile and hard to fix, and
         compilation never stopped software piracy in the form of
         crackers, viruses, or bootleggers.  The real advantage of
         the compiler is merely packaging, and once you see the size
         of what it makes (well, unless you use a shared,
         you'll probably want a complete Perl install anyway.
         How can I compile Perl into Java?
         You can't.  Not yet, anyway.  You can integrate Java and
         Perl with the Perl Resource Kit from O'Reilly and
         Associates.  See for
         more information.  The Java interface will be supported in
         the core 5.6 release of Perl.
         How can I get `#!perl' to work on [MS-DOS,NT,...]?
         For OS/2 just use
             extproc perl -S -your_switches
         as the first line in `*.cmd' file (`-S' due to a bug in
         cmd.exe's `extproc' handling).  For DOS one should first
         invent a corresponding batch file, and codify it in
         `ALTERNATIVE_SHEBANG' (see the INSTALL file in the source
         distribution for more information).
         The Win95/NT installation, when using the ActiveState port
         of Perl, will modify the Registry to associate the `.pl'
         extension with the perl interpreter.  If you install another
         port, perhaps even building your own Win95/NT Perl from the
         standard sources by using a Windows port of gcc (e.g., with
         cygwin or mingw32), then you'll have to modify the Registry
         yourself.  In addition to associating `.pl' with the
         interpreter, NT people can use: `SET PATHEXT=%PATHEXT%;.PL'
         to let them run the program `' merely by
         typing `install-linux'.
         Macintosh Perl programs will have the appropriate Creator
         and Type, so that double-clicking them will invoke the Perl
         IMPORTANT!: Whatever you do, PLEASE don't get frustrated,
         and just throw the perl interpreter into your cgi-bin
         directory, in order to get your programs working for a web
         server.  This is an EXTREMELY big security risk.  Take the
         time to figure out how to do it correctly.
         Can I write useful Perl programs on the command line?
         Yes.  Read the perlrun manpage for more information.  Some
         examples follow.  (These assume standard Unix shell quoting
             # sum first and last fields
             perl -lane 'print $F[0] + $F[-1]' *
             # identify text files
             perl -le 'for(@ARGV) {print if -f && -T _}' *
             # remove (most) comments from C program
             perl -0777 -pe 's{/\*.*?\*/}{}gs' foo.c
             # make file a month younger than today, defeating reaper daemons
             perl -e '$X=24*60*60; utime(time(),time() + 30 * $X,@ARGV)' *
             # find first unused uid
             perl -le '$i++ while getpwuid($i); print $i'
             # display reasonable manpath
             echo $PATH | perl -nl -072 -e '
         OK, the last one was actually an Obfuscated Perl Contest
         entry. :-)
         Why don't Perl one-liners work on my DOS/Mac/VMS system?
         The problem is usually that the command interpreters on
         those systems have rather different ideas about quoting than
         the Unix shells under which the one-liners were created.  On
         some systems, you may have to change single-quotes to double
         ones, which you must NOT do on Unix or Plan9 systems.  You
         might also have to change a single % to a %%.
         For example:
             # Unix
             perl -e 'print "Hello world\n"'
             # DOS, etc.
             perl -e "print \"Hello world\n\""
             # Mac
             print "Hello world\n"
              (then Run "Myscript" or Shift-Command-R)
             # VMS
             perl -e "print ""Hello world\n"""
         The problem is that none of this is reliable: it depends on
         the command interpreter.  Under Unix, the first two often
         work. Under DOS, it's entirely possible neither works.  If
         4DOS was the command shell, you'd probably have better luck
         like this:
           perl -e "print <Ctrl-x>"Hello world\n<Ctrl-x>""
         Under the Mac, it depends which environment you are using.
         The MacPerl shell, or MPW, is much like Unix shells in its
         support for several quoting variants, except that it makes
         free use of the Mac's non-ASCII characters as control
         Using qq(), q(), and qx(), instead of "double quotes",
         'single quotes', and `backticks`, may make one-liners easier
         to write.
         There is no general solution to all of this.  It is a mess,
         pure and simple.  Sucks to be away from Unix, huh? :-)
         [Some of this answer was contributed by Kenneth Albanowski.]
         Where can I learn about CGI or Web programming in Perl?
         For modules, get the CGI or LWP modules from CPAN.  For
         textbooks, see the two especially dedicated to web stuff in
         the question on books.  For problems and questions related
         to the web, like ``Why do I get 500 Errors'' or ``Why
         doesn't it run from the browser right when it runs fine on
         the command line'', see these sources:
             WWW Security FAQ
             Web FAQ
             CGI FAQ
             HTTP Spec
             HTML Spec
             CGI Spec
             CGI Security FAQ
         Where can I learn about object-oriented Perl programming?
         A good place to start is the perltoot manpage, and you can
         use the perlobj manpage and the perlbot manpage for
         reference.  Perltoot didn't come out until the 5.004
         release, but you can get a copy (in pod, html, or
         postscript) from .
         Where can I learn about linking C with Perl? [h2xs, xsubpp]
         If you want to call C from Perl, start with the perlxstut
         manpage, moving on to the perlxs manpage, the xsubpp
         manpage, and the perlguts manpage.  If you want to call Perl
         from C, then read the perlembed manpage, the perlcall
         manpage, and the perlguts manpage.  Don't forget that you
         can learn a lot from looking at how the authors of existing
         extension modules wrote their code and solved their
         I've read perlembed, perlguts, etc., but I can't embed perl
         my C program, what am I doing wrong?"  my C program, what am
         I doing wrong?"  Download the ExtUtils::Embed kit from CPAN
         and run `make test'.  If the tests pass, read the pods again
         and again and again.  If they fail, see the perlbug manpage
         and send a bug report with the output of `make test
         TEST_VERBOSE=1' along with `perl -V'.
         When I tried to run my script, I got this message. What does
         mean?"  mean?"  A complete list of Perl's error messages and
         warnings with explanatory text can be found in the perldiag
         manpage. You can also use the splain program (distributed
         with Perl) to explain the error messages:
             perl program 2>diag.out
             splain [-v] [-p] diag.out
         or change your program to explain the messages for you:
             use diagnostics;
             use diagnostics -verbose;
         What's MakeMaker?
         This module (part of the standard Perl distribution) is
         designed to write a Makefile for an extension module from a
         Makefile.PL.  For more information, see the
         ExtUtils::MakeMaker manpage.


         Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Tom Christiansen and Nathan
         Torkington.  All rights reserved.
         When included as an integrated part of the Standard
         Distribution of Perl or of its documentation (printed or
         otherwise), this works is covered under Perl's Artistic
         License.  For separate distributions of all or part of this
         FAQ outside of that, see the perlfaq manpage.
         Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples here are
         in the public domain.  You are permitted and encouraged to
         use this code and any derivatives thereof in your own
         programs for fun or for profit as you see fit.  A simple
         comment in the code giving credit to the FAQ would be
         courteous but is not required.

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