rpm2html - make an html database from rpm repository
The second point will only be efficient if the actual number of indexed RPMs is important.
Each configuration file is handled independantly as if it was a new invocation of rpm2html.
A configuration file represents a list of directories and a ditribution as a whole. All the references between packages listed in the directories of a single config file are marked by hyperlinks in the resulting HTML files. Here is the process leading to the creation of the HTML pages:
The configuration file is parsed, it sets all the default values for rpm2html.
Then all the directory entries are parsed and a list of directories to scan is built.
For each directory, the RPM are scanned, the HTML page describing the package is generated immediately.All ressources provided and needed by the RPM file are stored in a list of ressources. A list of parsed RPMs is also constructed.
Once all the RPM for this config file have been scanned all ressources are dumped in ressources files with links to the RPM providing them (one could also add the RPM needing them but everything needs libc for example).
The sorted lists of packages are generated by sorting the RPM list for various criteria and general front-end pages are generated unsing the new list order.
The main page is generated with links to the various front-end pages, statistics and description of the packages analyzed.
All the lists are freed and global variables are reset.
rpm2html is now ready to handle the next configuration file.
The folowing variables are supported:
[The name between brackets is the directory, NEEDED !]
The special directory name [localbase] extract informations from the RPM base of installed software instead of listing a directory. It allows to dump HTML pages for the installed RPM base on a machine.
All the variables defined below until the next directory or the end of file pertain to this directory. Here are the possible variables:
It is possible to indicate other mirrors by adding some mirror=value lines withing the section. The first one will be considered the local one.
; ; Sample configuration file for rpm2html ; maint=Joe mail=joe@mydistrib.org dir=/home/http/html/MyDistrib url=/Mydistrib tree=true rdf=true rdf_dir=/home/ftp/pub/mydistrib/RDF [/MyDistrib/RPM/noarch] name=Arch independant packages for MyDistrib ftp=ftp://ftp.mydistrib.org/pub/mydistrib/noarch subdir=noarch [/MyDistrib/RPM/i386] name=i386 packages for MyDistrib ftp=ftp://ftp.mydistrib.org/pub/mydistrib/i386 ftpsrc=ftp://ftp.mydistrib.org/pub/mydistrib/srcs color=#e0ffff subdir=i386 mirror=ftp://ftp.mydistrib.org/pub/mydistrib/i386 mirror=ftp://ftp.elsewhere.org/pub/mydistrib/i386 [/MyDistrib/RPM/alpha] name=Alpha packages for MyDistrib ftp=ftp://ftp.mydistrib.org/pub/mydistrib/alpha ftpsrc=ftp://ftp.mydistrib.org/pub/mydistrib/srcs color=#ffe0ff subdir=alpha mirror=ftp://ftp.mydistrib.org/pub/mydistrib/alpha mirror=ftp://ftp.elsewhere.org/pub/mydistrib/alpha [/MyDistrib/RPM/sparc] name=Sparc packages for MyDistrib ftp=ftp://ftp.mydistrib.org/pub/mydistrib/sparc ftpsrc=ftp://ftp.mydistrib.org/pub/mydistrib/srcs color=#ffffe0 subdir=sparc [/MyDistrib/RPM/ppc] name=PPC packages for MyDistrib ftp=ftp://ftp.mydistrib.org/pub/mydistrib/ppc ftpsrc=ftp://ftp.mydistrib.org/pub/mydistrib/srcs color=#e0ffe0 subdir=ppc mirror=ftp://ftp.mydistrib.org/pub/mydistrib/ppc mirror=ftp://ftp.pear.com/pub/mydistrib/ppc
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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov Добавить, Поддержать, Вебмастеру |