webcam - capture images and upload them to a webserver using ftp
[ftp] host = www user = webcam pass = xxxxxx dir = public_html/images file = webcam.jpeg tmp = uploading.jpeg passive = 1 debug = 0 auto = 0 local = 0 ssh = 0 [grab] device = /dev/video0 text = "webcam %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" infofile = filename width = 320 height = 240 delay = 3 input = composite1 norm = pal rotate = 0 top = 0 left = 0 bottom = -1 right = -1 quality = 75 trigger = 0 once = 0The annotation text is processed with strftime. Check the strftime(3) or date(1) manpage to see how you can format the timestamps. The text can also be read from a extern file (use infofile for that). input is the video source (TV/composite/whatever), norm the TV norm. delay is the delay between two images in seconds. quality is the JPEG quality for the stored images. If debug in the ftp section is set to 1 the complete communication between webcam and the ftp utility is printed to stderr. auto enables autologin via ~/.netrc (starts the ftp utility without the '-n' switch). If local in the ftp section is non-zero, files will be stored locally (using the dir, tmp, and file parameters) rather than ftped. ssh set to non-zero makes webcam use ssh instead of ftp. top, bottom, left, and right in the grab section allow cropping the image after it is grabbed. They should satisfy 0<=top<bottom<=height and 0<=left<right<=width. (0,0 is the top, left corner.) If rotate is positive, the output image will be rotated counter-clockwise 90 degrees that number of times (1, 2, or 3). With trigger set to a non-zero value webcam will upload the image only if the content of the image has changed. It just looks for the maximum difference between the last uploaded and current image and if it is greater than the specified value the image will be uploaded. If once is set to 1 webcam will upload a single frame and quit. archive can be used to create a (local) archive of the webcam images. Just specify a the filename for the files as argument. The filename will be processed with strftime(3), so you can use the place the usual time format controls into the string to get unique filenames.
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