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asetroot (1)
  • >> asetroot (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         asetroot  -  the  AfterStep  desktop  background  management
         asetroot [-f config_file] [-v | --version] [-h | --help] [-l
         | --loadonly] [-k | --kill] [n [m]]
         Although asetroot can be run from the command  line,  it  is
         normally  spawned  by afterstep in the autoexec file, in the
         following manner:
              Module    "I"  asetroot
              Wait "I"  asetroot
         In case you use asetroot to  switch  your  root  backgrounds
         Wait  can be used as shown above.  This will insure that the
         asetroot has set the root background before  you  start  any
         furthur apps (like transparent aterms and Eterms).
         or from within an afterstep menu file by 'asetroot':
         % cat "~/GNUstep/Library/AfterStep/start/Modules/asetroot"
              Module "asetroot" asetroot
              MiniPixmap "mini-as.xpm"
         To stop the asetroot module, a menu item can be used:
         % cat "~/GNUstep/Library/AfterStep/start/Modules/asetroot_Stop"
              KillModuleByName "Stop asetroot" asetroot
              MiniPixmap "mini-as.xpm"
         Note: if asetroot used  with  either   -k(--kill)  or  -l(--
         loadonly)  options  it can be started both as a module or as
         regular app, as it does not communicate  with  AfterStep  in
         that  case.  You  can even add it to your .xinitrc to load X
         root background prior to starting window manager.
         Depending on the options it is started  with,  asetroot  can
         perform different tasks:
         Normal  mode:  asetroot  will  load  root  backgrounds   for
         specifyed range of desks into memory, it will set X property
         containing information  allowing usage of  this  backgrounds
         by  other  modules/applications,  and  will remain resident,
         tracking desk changes and changing root  background  accord-
         ingly.  It  is recommended that you don't use any other apps
         to switch backgrounds in this mode for this particular range
         of desks.
         Load-only mode: asetroot  will  load  root  backgrounds  for
         specifyed range of desks into memory, it will set X property
         containing information allowing usage of this backgrounds by
         other  modules/applications. It will then quit,  leaving all
         the required images resident in  X  memory,  leaving  it  to
         other apps to switch backgrounds (like Pager). That provides
         some memory savings, as you run only one module  instead  of
         Kill mode: It's not good to litter memory with multimegabyte
         images  in the  memory. You can use kill mode of asetroot to
         cleanup memory from loaded images when they  are  no  longer
         needed,  for  example  when quiting AfterStep, or when using
         same background on all  desks  (in  that  latter  case  it's
         enough  to  set  background once and it will stay there for-
         ever). Kill mode will  kill  all  backgrounds  -  you  can't
         specify desks range here!
         asetroot was designed to be as bulletproof as possible,  but
         improper  usage  can  lead it to cause crashes in AfterStep,
         Pager, Wharf and transparent aterms,  if  you  havily  using
         transparency.  By  all  means  avoid  running two  different
         asetroots on the same range of desks, at the same time.
              Value of this env variable is used to gamma-correct PNG
              and  JPEG images, when loading them from files. Default
              value of 1.0 is used if this variable is not defined  -
              which  means  no  correction  at all. Try using 2.2 for
              some older monitors to get brighter images.
         -f config_file
              Use config_file instead of  the  default  configuration
         -h | --help
              Print a usage message and exit successfully.
         -v | --version
              Print version information and exit successfully.
         -l | --loadonly
              asetroot starts in Load-only mode ( see above ).
         -k | --kill
              asetroot starts in Kill mode ( see above ).
         n [m]
              Optional parameter  that  is  limiting  asetroot  func-
              tionality  to  range of desks. n - specifyes lower desk
              number, m - upper desk number.
         During initialization, asetroot will search for a configura-
         tion file which describes the image operations to perform on
         the root pixmap. This file will be the one specified by  the
         -f       option       (if       given).       Else,      the
         ~/GNUstep/Library/AfterStep/asetroot file will be used if it
         exists.   Else,  /usr/local/share/afterstep/asetroot will be
         *asetrootDeskBack  desk# "background"
              Specifyes what background  to  use  for  desk#.  "back-
              ground"  can  be either image filename in doublequotes,
              or the name of background definition (see below).
         MyBackground "background_name"
              Specifies the beginning of a background definition. The
              background    can    be     referred    to   later   by
              background_name. ~MyBackground ends a  root  background
              definition. The possible background_options follow:
              Use type  "data"
                   Specifyes what to use as the root background. Pos-
                   sible type values are :
                   0: load image from the file. In that case ""data"" should specify
                   1: Use MyStyle definition to fill root. In that case ""data""
                   should specify one of the MyStyle names defined in your look file.
                   2: Use external application to set root background. ""data""
                   should  specify command line options to this external app. By default
                   xli is used. Change it to something else, if you want, in options to
                   Note: remaining Background options are valid  only
                   for type of 0 !!!
                   remaining options will perform  trasformations  on
                   the   source  image,  in  this  order:  Cut->Tint-
              Cut geometry
                   will cut piece with specifyed  geometry  from  the
                   source image.
              Tint color
                   will tint image with color. Use shades of gray  to
                   obtain  darkened  image.  Note: this only works on
                   TrueColor displays.
              Scale [geometry]
                   scale image to specifyed geometry. If geometry  is
                   omitted asetroot will scale it to the screen size.
              Align [type]
                   it will align resulting image according  to  type.
                   Possible values are :
                   1: - align to the right of the screen
                   2: - align to the bottom of the screen
                   3: - align to the bottom-right of the screen
                   0 or 4: - align to the center of the screen
                   This option works only  in  conjunction  with  the
                   following Pad option.
              Pad [type color]
                   will pad image if it is smaller then  screen  with
                   specifyed color.  Possible type values are :
                   1: - pad horizontally and tile vertically
                   2: - pad vertically and tile
                   3: - pad both vertically and horizontally to make image the
                   size of the screen.
         SCALE is produces low quality images.
         Rafal Wierzbicki
         Sasha Vasko (asimagelib)
         afterstep(1) Pager(1)

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