NAME ccreds - create key packages and certificates for users and hosts SYNOPSIS ccreds [-k] [-v] [-c config_file] AVAILABILITY SUNWskica DESCRIPTION The ccreds utility can be used by a Certification Authority (CA) to create key packages and certificates for users, hosts, or subordinate CA's in batch mode. The skistore(1) utility can then be used by a system administrator to transfer the key packages and certificates to a name service such as NIS or NIS+. If the -k option has been specified, only key packages, but no certificates will be created. The -k option is useful if certificates will be requested from an "external" or "third-party" CA. When running the ccreds utility, the CA can supply the con- figuration parameters for key package and certificate gen- eration in two different modes: either through a configura- tion file or interactively. If the -c option has not been specified, the user will be prompted to select a mode. If a configuration file, config_file, is used to supply the key package and certificate parameters, it should contain the following keywords, each of which has a value separated by colon. Separate configuration files should be maintained for users and hosts. If config_file is not provided, the user will be prompted for each of the values. SKI_ENTITIES_TYPE Type of entities for which credentials are generated. Must be set to either "user" (for users and CAs) or "host" (for hosts). Defaults to "user". SKI_DN_SUFFIX X.500 Distinguished Name suffix. This suffix, which should be quoted, is appended to the user's (or host's) common name (see below) to form the user's (or host's) X.500 Distinguished Name. This field must be specified for "users", and is optional for "hosts". SKI_HOST_DOMAIN DNS domain name of the host(s) for which credentials are to be generated. This field is only relevant if SKI_ENTITIES_TYPE is set to "host". This field is used to build the distinguished name of the host(s). SKI_VALIDITY Certificate validity timeframe (in number of days from the current date). Defaults to 3 years (3 * 365 days). This field is relevant for both "users" and "hosts", and will be evaluated only if the -k option has not been specified. SKI_KEYSIZE RSA keysize in number of bits. Defaults to 768. The security of RSA depends on the difficulty of fac- toring large numbers that are the product of two large primes. The larger the key size, the greater the secu- rity, but also the slower the RSA operations. To determine how long your key should be, you have to con- sider both the intended security and lifetime of the key, and the current state-of-the-art factoring tech- niques. Currently, the following RSA key sizes are sup- ported: 512, 768, and 1024 bits. CAs should choose the highest available key size when generating keys for subordinate CAs, since the validity of so many other key pairs depends on the security of a CA key. A key size of 768 or 1024 bits is recommended for users. The default keysize is 768 bits. Note that a larger key size has some performance impact: doubling the key size would, on average, increase the time required for public-key operations (encryption and signature verifi- cation) by a factor of 4, and increase the time taken by private-key operations (decryption and signing) by a factor of 8. Key generation time would increase by a factor of 16 upon doubling the key size, but this is a relatively infrequent operation. This field is relevant for both "users" and "hosts." SKI_PASSWORD Generation mode of the key package encryption password. The key package encryption password is used to generate an encryption key, under which the private key in the key package is encrypted (using triple-DES encryption). If the value is "RANDOM," then a random password will be generated for each principal. If the value is any other string, then all principals receive that string as their password. A list containing the principal/password pairs is stored encrypted in the file ski_passwords in the /etc/ski directory (see below). The /etc/ski directory and the ski_passwords file are created if they do not exist. The password generation mode defaults to "RANDOM." This field is relevant for both "users" and "hosts." SKI_CRED_DIR Directory pathname under which the generated key pack- ages and certificates are stored. The key packages and certificates are stored as files in the subdirectories keypkgs and certs, respectively, under SKI_CRED_DIR. This field is relevant for both "users" and "hosts". No default value is provided. The value "/etc/ski" is not allowed. SKI_ENTITIES_FILE File containing a list of users (or hosts) for which a key package and certificate shall be generated. This file has the same format as the system /etc/passwd or /etc/hosts file, respectively, and is supplied to the CA by a system administrator. If a list of users is provided, the username field in the password file is appended to the gecos field in the password file to form the user's X.500 common name (CN) attribute. Brackets ([]) surround the username to separate it from the gecos information. The user's CN attribute is con- catenated with the SKI_DN_SUFFIX specified by the CA, in order to form the user's X.500 Distinguished Name (DN). If a list of hosts is provided, the hostname, suffixed by the domain name specified under SKI_HOST_DOMAIN, is used as the value of the host's X.500 common name (CN) attribute, which is concatenated with the SKI_DN_SUFFIX to form the host's DN. An entity's DN appears in its key package and certificate. No default value is provided. Only one list of users (or hosts) can be processed at a time. This field is relevant for both "users" and "hosts". SKI_ROOT_CA_DN The Root Certification Authority's (Root CA's) Dis- tinguished Name (DN). No default value is provided. This field is relevant for both "users" and "hosts". SKI_TRUSTED_KEYS File containing a list of certificates whose public keys will be added as trusted public keys to the key packages being generated. This file must not contain any duplicate public keys. Each certificate must be provided in printable encoding format as defined by the Internet RFC1421 standard, and may be created using the skicert (1) utility. Each certificate must be bounded at the beginning by "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and bounded at the end by "-----END CERTIFICATE-----". Each of the boundaries must be followed by a NEWLINE. Please refer to the example below. This field is relevant for both "users" and "hosts". If a configuration file is not provided, the CA will be prompted to enter the above information. When prompted for the above information, the CA has the option to provide values for SKI_DN_SUFFIX (or SKI_HOST_DOMAIN) and SKI_ENTITIES_FILE. In this case, ccreds generates key pack- ages and certificates for all users (or hosts) listed in the SKI_ENTITIES_FILE. If no value for SKI_ENTITIES_FILE is pro- vided, the CA will be prompted for a Distinguished Name and username for each user, or a hostname and IP address for each host, depending on the mode of operation. If SKI_TRUSTED_KEYS is provided, the trusted key list of each newly generated key package is initialized with the public key of the key package owner and the trusted public keys contained in SKI_TRUSTED_KEYS. Otherwise, the trusted key list of each newly generated key package is initialized with the public keys of the key package owner, the issuing CA, and the Root CA ( SKI_ROOT_CA_DN). If the issuing CA is the same as the Root CA, its public key will appear in each trusted key list only once. Upon completion, the newly generated key packages and certi- ficates in the keypkgs and certs subdirectories must be transferred to a system administrator for storage into a name service such as NIS/NIS+. See skistore(1) for more details. Certification Authority Operations Operations performed by a CA, including the execution of ccreds, are sensitive operations and should be performed on a standalone machine without any network access. Security is important because of the sensitivity of the CA's private key. A compromised CA's private key allows others to imper- sonate that CA. OPTIONS -k Create key packages only. Do not create any certifi- cates. -v Give verbose output. -c config_file File containing key package and certificate confi- guration parameters. FILES SKI_CRED_DIR/keypkgs/* Newly created key packages SKI_CRED_DIR/certs/* Newly created certificates SKI_CRED_DIR/new_cred_list List of new users (or hosts) and their associated Distinguished Names. This file is read by ski- store(1). /etc/ski/ski_passwords List of new users (or hosts) and their associated key package password. This file is created each time ccreds is run. This file is created even if the same password has been assigned for each user (or host). This file is used by the CA to notify its users about their key package encryption password so that they can access their private key (see skilo- gin(1)). The password file is encrypted under the CA's public key, so that only the CA has access to it. The CA can decrypt the password file by running % skidecrypt -i /etc/ski/ski_passwords. It is recom- mended that the decrypted output not be kept in cleartext. It is strongly recommended that users change the password that was assigned to them by the CA (see keypkg(1)). A system administrator should change the key package password that was assigned to the hosts. Each time ccreds is run, new SKI_CRED_DIR/keypkgs and SKI_CRED_DIR/certs directories, and new SKI_CRED_DIR/new_cred_list and /etc/ski/ski_passwords files are created. If any of these directories or files already exist, ccreds informs the CA that the existing directories/files should be archived to another location so a new version can be stored in the current location. The CA can either exit from ccreds, or archive the specified directories/files (from a different shell) and then continue with ccreds. EXAMPLES The following is a sample CA configuration file: SKI_ENTITIES_TYPE:user SKI_DN_SUFFIX:"O=Sun, C=US" SKI_VALIDITY:300 SKI_KEYSIZE:1024 SKI_PASSWORD:RANDOM SKI_ENTITIES_FILE:/CA/userlist SKI_CRED_DIR:/CA SKI_ROOT_CA_DN:"O=Sun, C=US" SKI_TRUSTED_KEYS:/CA/certlist In the above example, the file referenced by "/CA/certlist" should have the following format: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIBRDCB7wIEMe0zZzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADAbMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEMMAoG A1UEChQDU1VOMB4XDTk2MDcxNzE4MzkzNVoXDTk5MDcxNzE4MzkzNVowPTELMAkG A1UEBhMCVVMxDDAKBgNVBAoUA1NVTjEPMA0GA1UEDRQGZHVtbXkxMQ8wDQYDVQQD FAZkdW1teTEwXDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAANLADBIAkEAt9LgN5oT1WtlCJFXLmhc SY4kN7OcNkBYq9iT4R8K0uZIrgp9/hSe0DFgQaAZkIUjqB0YkeIFPmy6/K3bp0l9 1QIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA0EAdolKCynL2WjOxHmmsRbEg51dwB2u/ExM 2ZMaZvLMXHX5VIsjxfLSCXu3iI/RdMIi5dGfZhrp2XBkg0gkii+Mkw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIBSjCB9QIEMe0zYTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADAbMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEMMAoG A1UEChQDU1VOMB4XDTk2MDcxNzE4MzkyOVoXDTk5MDcxNzE4MzkyOVowQzELMAkG A1UEBhMCVVMxDDAKBgNVBAoUA1NVTjEQMA4GA1UEDRQHY2hhcmxpZTEUMBIGA1UE AxQLY2hhcmxpZSBsYWkwXDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAANLADBIAkEAxQzeNvx72Dkp GI9r6hALR3nVBG13PA/2wKrsT25xQGoSp104klnVgRfp4mbeiHEIfKG7Q9Z0bOei luT4fG5EQQIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA0EAUahDuBR5ONKIGvV4wvk2ZfVi ms2TwKEDhtAkdQe0B3xeZk7e1/h6iK8QrXz2VtSCXde4onRr84Afj8je5gAkoQ== -----END CERTIFICATE----- NOTES For software shipped outside North America, only 512 bit RSA key sizes are supported. SEE ALSO certify(1), certreq(1), crca(1), keypkg(1), skidecrypt(1), skistore(1)
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