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codemgr (1)
  • >> codemgr (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         codemgr - The TeamWare "umbrella" command.
         codemgr [ command ]
         Note:  The man pages for TeamWare commands are referenced by
                specifying  the individual command name. TeamWare was
                formerly known as CodeManager. The command man  pages
                are listed in the SEE ALSO section of this man page.
         Like SCCS commands, all TeamWare CLI commands  can  be  exe-
         cuted  through a central "umbrella" command.  The individual
         commands may also be executed  directly  by  specifying  the
         individual command name.  The umbrella command named codemgr
         provides a unified method of execution that enables  you  to
         conveniently list TeamWare commands.
         TeamWare commands can be listed along with their usage  sum-
         maries  by  executing  codemgr  without specifying any argu-
         ments.  You  can  achieve  the  same  results  by  executing
         codemgr with the help subcommand.
         To use  the  umbrella  command  to  execute  commands,  type
         codemgr  followed  by the name of the subcommand you wish to
         execute.  For example:
              example% codemgr bringover -w my_child -p  their_parent
         Since using the codemgr umbrella command requires extra typ-
         ing,  you  may  also  execute the commands directly (without
         typing codemgr).  For example:
              example%  bringover   -w   my_child   -p   their_parent
         help        Specify the help subcommand to cause the codemgr
                     command  to  list  the  TeamWare commands with a
                     usage summary for each.   You  can  achieve  the
                     same results by executing codemgr without speci-
                     fying any arguments.
         CODEMGR_PATH_ONLY        TeamWare commands first search  for
                                  other TeamWare binaries relative to
                                  where their own binary  is  located
                                  in   the  file  system,  they  then
                                  search in the directories specified
                                  in  the  PATH environment variable.
                                  Setting   this   variable    causes
                                  TeamWare  commands  to  search  for
                                  other  TeamWare  binaries  only  in
         TeamWare User's Guide
         bringover(1),   def.dir.flp(1),   putback(1),    resolve(1),
         twmerge(1),   ws_undo(1),  workspace(1),  access_control(4),
         args(4), children(4),  conflicts(4),  history(4),  locks(4),
         nametable(4), notification(4), parent(4)

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