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cs00 (1)
  • >> cs00 (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         cs00 - Kana-Kanji conversion server (CS)
         The cs00 daemon receives strings from a program such as  XCI
         (xci(7)),  performs Kana-Kanji conversion to the string, and
         returns the result to the program.
         cs00 uses the "n-bunsetsu saidai itchi hou" version  of  the
         "ren-bunsetsu  housiki" (joined-morpheme method) for conver-
         sion, allowing a string of up to 512 characters to  be  con-
         verted  at  one time.  More than 50,000 words are registered
         in the main dictionary which can be modified using mdicm(1).
         The  user can add words to his or her own "user dictionary".
         See udicmtool(1) and udicm(1) for a detailed discription  of
         the main dictionary and the user dictionary.
      Code conversion
         cs00 converts received character code according to the  rule
         defined   in  the  files.  ROMAJI  to  KANA  conversion  and
         character-type interconversion also use the rule.
      Code conversion definition files
         The code conversion  rules  are  defined  in  the  following
                     for HIRAGANA mode
                     for full-size KATAKANA mode
                     for half-size KATAKANA mode
                     for full-size alphanumeric mode
                     for half-size alphanumeric mode
               Rules for half-size alphanumeric mode is also used  in
               the KUTEN input mode.
         Placement of the definition files
               Code conversion definition files can be placed in  the
               following  directories.  cs00  looks  for each file in
               these directories in the  order  below  and  the  file
               found first is to be used.
               1. $HOME/.mle/locale/cs00/
               2. /usr/lib/mle/locale/cs00/
         Customizing name of conversion definition files
               To customize the names of the files, add the following
               configrable values in the file resources or config.
               CC_HR for HIRAGANA mode
               CC_KT for full-size KATAKANA mode
                     for half-size KATAKANA mode
                     for full-size alphanumeric mode
                        for half-size alphanumeric mode
               In file resources:
               In file config:
                     CC_HR = "my_hiragana.ccv"
         File format
               Each conversion rule consists of a line in the follow-
               ing format:
               string1 string2 [ number | s ]
                     Specifies an input string to be converted.
                     Specifies a string that is the  result  of  con-
                     verting string1.
               number | s
                     A number value (an integer) specifies the number
                     of  characters  in the string1 (counted from the
                     last character  of  the  string1  )  to  be  re-
                     converted.  This number must be smaller than the
                     length of the string1. The default is 0. Instead
                     of  a  number  value, 's' specifies that a "non-
                     fixed" entry is not converted. "Non-fixed" means
                     that  an  input  string can match with more than
                     one rule. 's'  and  a  number  value  cannot  be
                     specified at the same time. Note: The characters
                     enclosed by  a  pair  of  square  brackets  [  ]
                     represent  Japanese  Kana. The upper cases (e.g.
                     [KI]) represent a regular size Kana.  The  lower
                     cases  (e.g. [tsu]) represent a small size Kana.
                     For example, to obtain "[KI][tsu][TO]" by input-
                     ting   "kitto",  the  following  rules  must  be
                               ki   [KI]
                               to   [TO]
                               tto  [tsu]     2
               First, as the input string "kitto" matches with  "ki",
               it is converted to "[KI]". Second, as the input string
               matches to "tto", it is converted to  "[tsu]".   More-
               over,  the  last  two  characters  of  "tto"  are  re-
               evaluated. As they match with "to", the string "to" is
               converted  to  "[TO]".  As a whole, "[KI][tsu][TO]" is
               There are other rules that result "[KI][tsu][TO]" from
               "kitto"  as  described  in the following.  Each set of
               the    following     conversion     rules     provides
               "[KI][tsu][TO]"  by  inputting  "kitto".  But both can
               cause some problems.
               With the following set  of  rules,  the  input  string
               "kitto" is also converted to "[KI][tsu][TO]". However,
               the     string     "ttttt"     is     converted     to
                               ki   [KI]
                               to   [TO]
                               tt   [tsu]     1
               With the following set of rules, when you  change  the
               definition  of  "to", you must also change the defini-
               tion of "tto":
                               ki   [KI]
                               to   [TO]
                               tto  [tsu][TO]
               The following describes the conversion rules for  non-
               fixed   "n".  Assume  that  the  following  rules  are
                               n    [N]  s
                               to   [TO]na    [NA]
                               tto  [tsu][TO]ni    [NI]
                     The input string "n" matches with the rule  "n".
                     But  's'  is  specified  in  the  rule, and this
                     string "n" is a non-fixed entry. Therefore,  the
                     string  "n" is not converted to "[N]". If "a" is
                     entered after "n", the string will be  converted
                     to  "[NA]".   If  "i"  is entered after "n", the
                     string will be converted to "[NI]".  "n" is con-
                     verted  to "[N]" only when "n" is fixed.  If 's'
                     is not specified, "n" is converted to "[N]", and
                     when "a" or "i" is entered after "n", "[N]" will
                     change to "[NA]" or "[NI]", respectively.
         The maximum character length of a line is 1024, and  a  new-
         line  character  terminates  the  line. A line starts with a
         hash sign "#" is a comment line. The delimiters between  the
         fields in a rule are spaces or tabs.
               The following extension characters are required to use
               the control characters in string1 or string2:
               \n    New line
               \r    Carriage return
               \t    Tab
               \f    Form feed
               \~    Space (0x20)
               \{    (
               \}    )
               \#    #
               \\    \
               \^    ^
               \0    Octal (\001, \012)
               \1    Octal (\100, \123)
               \x    Two-digit hexadecimal (\x01, \xff)
               \w    Four-digit hexadecimal (\w0101, \wabcd)
               \q    Eight-digit hexadecimal (\q00000101, \q8000cdab)
               \k    Code (Kuten code) (\k0101, \k1616)
               Main dictionary for Kana-Kanji conversion
               User dictionary for Kana-Kanji conversion
               Code conversion rule definition file for HIRAGANA mode
               Code conversion rule  definition  file  for  full-size
               KATAKANA mode
               Code conversion rule  definition  file  for  half-size
               KATAKANA mode
               Code conversion rule  definition  file  for  full-size
               alphanumeric mode
               Code conversion rule  definition  file  for  half-size
               alphanumeric mode
         mdicm(1) or udicm(1) should be used to modify cs00_m.dic  or
         cs00_u.dic, respectively.

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