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dmake (1)
  • >> dmake (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         dmake - DistributedMake
         dmake [-c dmake_rcfile] [-g dmake_group] [-j dmake_max_jobs]
         [-o dmake_odir]
         Note: This man page supplements the make utility man page.
         DMake is part of the Sun WorkShop TeamWare  product.   DMake
         (DistributedMake) parses your makefiles and determines which
         target can be built concurrently, and distributes the  build
         of those targets over a number of hosts set by you.
         If you use the standard  make  utility,  the  transition  to
         DMake  requires  little if any alteration to your makefiles.
         DMake is a superset of the make utility. With nested  makes,
         if  a  top-level  makefile  calls  "make",  you  need to use
         You execute dmake on a "DMake host" and distribute "jobs" to
         "build  servers."  You can also distribute jobs to the DMake
         host, in which case the DMake  host  also  becomes  a  build
         server.  DMake  distributes  jobs  based on makefile targets
         that DMake determines (based on your makefiles) can be built
         You can use any machine as a build  server  as  long  as  it
         meets the following requirements:
              -From the DMake host (the machine you  are  using)  you
              must  be  able to use rsh, without being prompted for a
              password, to remotely execute  commands  on  the  build
              server. For example:
                   demo% rsh <machine_name> which dmake
              The rsh must be "clean", with no additional output.
              -The bin directory  in  which  the  DMake  software  is
              installed  must be accessible from the build server. By
              default, DMake assumes that the  logical  path  to  the
              DMake  executables  on  the build server is the same as
              the DMake host. This assumption can  be  overridden  by
              specifying a path name a an attribute of the host entry
              in the runtime configuration file.
         From the DMake host you can control which build servers  are
         used  and  how  many  DMake  jobs are allotted to each build
         server. The number of DMake jobs that can  run  on  a  given
         build server can also be limited on that server.
         -c dmake_rcfile
              Specifies an alternate runtime configuration file.  The
              default runtime configuration file is $(HOME)/.dmakerc.
         -g dmake_group
              Specifies the name of the build server group  to  which
              jobs  are distributed.  You define server groups in the
              runtime configuration file.  The default  server  group
              is the first group in the runtime configuration file.
         -j dmake_max_jobs
              Specifies the maximum total number  of  jobs  that  are
              distributed  to the specified group of build servers in
              the runtime configuration  file.  The  default  maximum
              number  of jobs is the sum of all the specified jobs in
              a build server group. The jobs are subtracted from,  or
              added  to,  hosts  by 1 in the order they appear in the
              runtime configuration file.  For example, if  all  jobs
              specified in the runtime configuration file total 8:
                   host earth { jobs = 3 }
                   host mars  { jobs = 5 }
              and dmake_max_jobs is specified as 11, DMake adds three
              more  jobs  to the current total maximum number of jobs
              (which is eight) as follows:
                   host earth { jobs = 5 }
                   host mars  { jobs = 6 }
              Also, if dmake_max_jobs is specified as 4,  DMake  sub-
              tracts 4 jobs (from the original eight) as follows:
                   host earth { jobs = 1 }
                   host mars  { jobs = 3 }
         -m {serial | parallel | distributed}
              Specify one of the following key words:
              serial      Causes DMake to behave  like  the  standard
                          serial version of make.
              parallel    Causes DMake to execute jobs  to  only  the
                          DMake  host.  This behavior is identical to
                          the ParallelMake program  distributed  with
                          TeamWare 1.x.
              distributed Causes DMake to behave in fully distributed
                          mode. This is the DMake default.
         -o dmake_odir
              Specifies a common physical directory  that  DMake  can
              write temporary output files to and read temporary out-
              put files from. The directory  used  is  $(HOME)/.dmake
              and  this  or whichever directory is specified, must be
              visible to all build servers.  Use this option only  if
              the  $(HOME)  directory  on  your  local  host  and the
              $(HOME) directory on all of your remote hosts  are  NOT
              the  same  physical  $(HOME) directory.  For example, a
              root user would use this option.
         Note: These  options  and  the  environment  variables   and
               makefile  macros  described  later  in  this  man page
               modify the same behavior. Their order of precedence is
               defined as:
               1. Command-line options
               2. Makefile macros
               3. Environment variables
               4. DMake default
      Special-purpose Targets
         DMake allows targets to be built concurrently on a number of
         build servers.  Concurrent processing can greatly reduce the
         time required to build a large system or project. DMake sup-
         plies  the special makefile targets .PARALLEL, .NO_PARALLEL,
         .LOCAL, and .WAIT for controlling concurrency and timing.
         .NO_PARALLEL:    Use this target to indicate  which  targets
                          are to be processed serially.
         .PARALLEL:       Use this target to indicate  which  targets
                          are to be processed in parallel.
         .LOCAL:          Use this target to indicate  which  targets
                          are  to  be processed serially on the local
         .WAIT            When you specify this target  in  a  depen-
                          dency list, DMake waits until the dependen-
                          cies that precede it  are  finished  before
                          processing  those  that  follow,  even when
                          processing is parallel.
         Makefiles that you write using these targets remain compati-
         ble  with  the  standard  version  of  make distributed with
         Solaris 1.x and Solaris 2.x.  Standard  make  accepts  these
         targets without error (and without action).
         See the Sun WorkShop TeamWare User's Guide for more informa-
         tion  about  modifications you can make to makefiles for use
         with DMake.
      Controlling DMake Jobs
         The distribution of DMake jobs is controlled in two ways:
              1. A DMake  user  on  a  DMake  host  can  specify  the
              machines  they  want  to  use  as build servers and the
              number of jobs they want to distribute  to  each  build
              2.   The   owner   (a   user   that   can   alter   the
              /etc/opt/SPROdmake/dmake.conf  file ) on a build server
              can control the maximum total number of DMake jobs that
              can be distributed to that build server.
      The DMake Host
         When DMake begins execution it searches for a runtime confi-
         guration  file  to know where to distribute jobs. Generally,
         this file is located in your home  directory  on  the  DMake
         host  and is named .dmakerc.  DMake searches for the runtime
         configuration file in the following  locations  and  in  the
         following order:
         1.  The path name you specify on the command line using  the
             -c option
         2.  The  path  name  you  specify  using  the   DMAKE_RCFILE
             makefile macro
         3.  The  path  name  you  specify  using  the   DMAKE_RCFILE
             environment variable
         4.  $(HOME)/.dmakerc
         If a runtime configuration file is not found, DMake switches
         to  parallel  mode and distributes two jobs (the default) to
         the DMake host. You can change this using the -j option,  or
         The runtime configuration file may contain a list  of  build
         servers  and the number of jobs you want distributed to each
         build server. The following is a sample of a simple  runtime
         configuration file:
              # My machine. This entry causes DMake to distribute to it
              falcon { jobs = 1 }
              eagle { jobs = 3 }
              # Manager's machine. She's usually at meetings
              heron { jobs = 4 }
         The entries: falcon, hawk,  eagle,  heron,  and  avocet  are
         listed as build servers.
         You can specify the number of jobs you want  distributed  to
         each build server. The default number of jobs is two.
         Any line that begins with the "#" character  is  interpreted
         as a comment.
         Note: This list of build servers includes  falcon  which  is
               also the DMake host. The DMake host can also be speci-
               fied as a build server. If you do not  include  it  in
               the runtime configuration file, no DMake jobs are dis-
               tributed to it.
         You can also construct groups of build servers in  the  run-
         time  configuration  file. This provides you with the flexi-
         bility of easily switching between different groups of build
         servers  as  circumstances  warrant.   For  instance you may
         define a different group of build servers for  builds  under
         different  operating  systems, or on groups of build servers
         that have special software installed  on  them.   The  build
         servers  must be all the same architecture and have the same
         SunOS installed.
         The following runtime configuration file contains groups:
         earth                   { jobs = 2 }
         mars                    { jobs = 3 }
         group lab1 {
                        host falcon    { jobs = 3 }
                        host hawk
                        host eagle     { jobs = 3 }
         group lab2 {
                        host heron
                        host avocet    { jobs = 3 }
                        host stilt     { jobs = 2 }
         group labs {
                        group lab1
                        group lab2
         group sunos5.x {
                        group labs
                        host jupiter
                        host venus     { jobs = 2 }
                        host pluto     { jobs = 3 }
         Formal groups are specified by  the  "group"  directive  and
         lists of their constituents are delimited by braces ({}).
         Build servers that are constituents of groups are  specified
         by the optional "host" directive.
         Groups can be constituents of other groups.
         Individual build servers can be listed in runtime configura-
         tion  files  that  also contain groups of build servers.  In
         this case DMake treats these build servers  as  constituents
         of the unnamed group.
         DMake distributes jobs to a single group of hosts  specified
         by the following list and in precedence from 1 to 4.
         1. The group specified on the command-line as an argument to
            the -g option
         2. The group specified by the DMAKE_GROUP makefile macro
         3. The group specified by the DMAKE_GROUP environment  vari-
         4. The first formal group listed in the  runtime  configura-
            tion file
         The names of groups and hosts specified in the runtime  con-
         figuration file may be enclosed in double quotes. This is to
         allow  more  flexibility  with  respect  to  the   character
         sequences  that  may  appear  as  part of the group and host
         names. For example, if the name of the group starts  with  a
         digit it should be double-quoted:
         group "123_sparc"
         As mentioned above, the bin directory  in  which  the  DMake
         software  is  installed  must  be  accessible from the build
         server. By default, DMake assumes that the logical  path  to
         the DMake executables on the build server is the same as the
         DMake host. This assumption can be overridden by  specifying
         a path name as an attribute of the host entry in the runtime
         configuration file. For example:
         group sparc-cluster {
            host wren   { jobs = 10 , path = "/export/SUNWspro/bin" }
            host stimpy { path = "/opt/SUNWspro/bin"                }
      The Build Server
         The /etc/opt/SPROdmake/dmake.conf file  is  located  in  the
         file  system  of build servers. Use this file to specify the
         -The maximum total number of DMake jobs (from all users) that can
          run concurrently on that build server.
         -The /usr/bin/ priority under which all DMake jobs are to be run.
         The following is a sample of a dmake.conf file:
              max_jobs: 8
              _prio: 5
         This file sets the maximum number of DMake jobs permitted to
         run on that build server (from all DMake users) to be eight.
         You can change the priority of the jobs to be run  by  using
         the nice_prio command. See nice(1).
         Note: If the  /etc/opt/SPROdmake/dmake.conf  file  does  not
         exist  on  a  build server, no DMake jobs will be allowed to
         run on that server.
         The following can be defined as either environment variables
         or makefile macros:
         DMAKE_RCFILE             Defines an alternate runtime confi-
                                  guration  file. The default runtime
                                  configuration        file        is
                                  $(HOME)/.dmakerc .
         DMAKE_GROUP              Defines  the  name  of  the   build
                                  server group to which jobs are dis-
                                  tributed. Server groups are defined
                                  in  the runtime configuration file.
                                  The default  server  group  is  the
                                  first  group  in the runtime confi-
                                  guration file.
         DMAKE_MAX_JOBS           Defines the maximum total number of
                                  jobs  that  are  distributed to the
                                  specified group of build servers in
                                  the runtime configuration file. The
                                  default maximum number of  jobs  is
                                  the  sum  of all the specified jobs
                                  in a build server group.  The  jobs
                                  are  subtracted  from, or added to,
                                  hosts by 1 in the order they appear
                                  in  the runtime configuration file.
                                  See the -j option in this man  page
                                  for an example.
         DMAKE_MODE               May contain one  of  the  following
                                  key words:
                                  serial      Causes DMake to  behave
                                              like    the    standard
                                              serial version of make.
                                  parallel    Causes DMake to distri-
                                              bute  jobs  to only the
                                              DMake    host.     This
                                              behavior  is  identical
                                              to   the   ParallelMake
                                              program     distributed
                                              with TeamWare 1.x.
                                  distributed Causes DMake to  behave
                                              in   fully  distributed
                                              mode. This is the DMake
         DMAKE_ODIR               Defines a common physical directory
                                  that DMake can write temporary out-
                                  put files  to  and  read  temporary
                                  output   files   from.    Use  this
                                  environment  variable,  or   macro,
                                  only  if  the  $(HOME) directory on
                                  your local  host  and  the  $(HOME)
                                  directory  on  all  of  your remote
                                  hosts are  NOT  the  same  physical
                                  $(HOME)  directory.  For example, a
                                  root user would use this option.
         $(HOME)/.dmakerc    The default runtime configuration  file.
                             Contains  the names of build servers and
                             groups of build servers.
                             Located on build servers, this  file  is
                             used to specify the maximum total number
                             of jobs that can be distributed to it by
                             all  DMake  users.   It  is also used to
                             specify the /usr/bin/nice  priority  all
                             DMake jobs are to be run under.
         Sun WorkShop TeamWare User's Guide.
         See the Sun WorkShop TeamWare User's Guide  for  a  complete
         list of error and warning messages and possible remedies.

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