NAME dtstyle - the CDE Style Manager SYNOPSIS dtstyle [ -color ][ -font ][ -backdrop ][ -keyboard ][ -mouse ][ -beep ][ -screen ][ -window ][ -startup ] DESCRIPTION Dtstyle provides interactive customization of visual ele- ments and system behavior for the desktop through the style manager. This component consists of the UI and supporting code that allows the end user to interactively customize most of the visual elements and system behavior for the CDE. This com- ponent also helps define some resource utilization conven- tions. The style manager's main window which consists of an iconic interface is invoked from the Front Panel. The style manager window contains icons representing customization in several areas. Key Supported Tasks Colors Sets the color palette that is used for win- dow colors in the workspace. Fonts Sets the application font sizes as applica- tions are started. Backdrop Sets the backdrops for workspaces. Keyboard Sets the keyboard's key click volume and character repeat capability. Mouse Sets the mouse button click settings, double-click speed, pointer acceleration and pointer movement threshold. Audio Sets the beeper volume, tone, and duration. Screen Sets the screen lock and time-out intervals, chooses the screen saver client(s) to be run at time out and/or screen lock and previews the selected screen saver client(s) to the user. Window Sets the window focus policy, window raise policy and iconification policy (in an icon box or on the desktop). Startup Sets the session startup policy. OPTIONS -color Start with Color component window visible. -font Start with Font component window visible. -backdrop Start with Backdrop component window visible. -keyboard Start with Keyboard component window visible. -mouse Start with Mouse component window visible. -beep Start with Beep component window visible. -screen Start with Screen component window visible. -window Start with Window component window visible. -startup Start with Startup component window visible. RESOURCES Style Manager specific resources The style manager used the following resources to control its appearance and behavior. Name Class Value Type Default ______________________________________________________________ writeXrdbImmediate WriteXrdbImmediate Boolean true writeXrdbImmediate Controls when new font size or new mouse double-click time resources are used. If True, new resources are used when new clients start. If False, new resources are used at the next session (after logout, with "Resume Current Session" selected in the Startup dialog). The following resources are specified in Dtstyle (dtstyle's app-defaults file). Name Class Value Type Default _____________________________________________________________________ mainRC.orientation XmNorientation string HORIZONTAL componentList ComponentList string see below* componentList ComponentList string see below* secondaryColorSetId SecondaryColorSetId int 6 toneScale.maximum XmCMaximum int 9000 toneScale.minimum XmCMaximum int 82 durationScale.maximum XmCMaximum int 25 mainRC.orientation Controls the layout of the style manager main window. If this resource is set to VERTICAL then the style manager main window is displayed vertically. componentList Specifies the Style Manager components with a list of com- ponent keywords separated by spaces. Valid component key- words include: Color, Font, Backdrop, Keyboard, Mouse, Audio, Screen, Window, and Startup. The default com- ponentList value is: Color Font Backdrop Keyboard Mouse Audio Screen Window Startup. secondaryColorSetId Specifies the color to be used for the menubar and all menus and dialogs of the dtstyle application. toneScale.maximum Specifies the maximum value to be used for the tone slider in the Beep dialog. toneScale.minimum Specifies the minimum value to be used for the tone slider in the Beep dialog. durationScale.maximum Specifces the maximum value to be used for the duration slider in the Beep dialog. fileMenu.exit.accelerator Specifies the accelerator key for the Exit menu option of the style manager main window. fileMenu.exit.acceleratorText Specifies the text for the accelerator key that appears next to the Exit menu option of the style manager main window. dtstyle Specific Resources The following font resources are specified in Dtstyle Name Class Value Type Default ______________________________________________________ numFonts NumFonts int 6 systemFont1 SystemFont1 FontList see SF1 below systemFont2 SystemFont2 FontList see SF2 below systemFont3 SystemFont3 FontList see SF3 below systemFont4 SystemFont4 FontList see SF4 below systemFont5 SystemFont5 FontList see SF5 below systemFont6 SystemFont6 FontList see SF6 below systemFont7 SystemFont7 FontList see SF7 below userFont1 UserFont1 FontList see UF1 below userFont2 UserFont2 FontList see UF2 below userFont3 UserFont3 FontList see UF3 below userFont4 UserFont4 FontList see UF4 below userFont5 UserFont5 FontList see UF5 below userFont6 UserFont6 FontList see UF6 below userFont7 UserFont7 FontList see UF7 below numFonts Specifies the number of System/User Font alias pairs presented in the Font dialog. The default is 7. systemFont[1-7] Specifies a SystemFont alias for a particular font size that can be selected in the Font dialog. The default system font aliases are: SF1 -dt-interface system-medium-r-normal-xxs*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*: SF2 -dt-interface system-medium-r-normal-xs*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*: SF3 -dt-interface system-medium-r-normal-s*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*: SF4 -dt-interface system-medium-r-normal-m*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*: SF5 -dt-interface system-medium-r-normal-l*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*: SF6 -dt-interface system-medium-r-normal-xl*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*: SF7 -dt-interface system-medium-r-normal-xxl*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*: userFont[1-6] Specifies a UserFont for a particular font size that can be selected in the Font dialog. The default user fonts are local specific. For English language-US the defaults are: UF1 -dt-interface user-medium-r-normal-xxs*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*: UF2 -dt-interface user-medium-r-normal-xs*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*: UF3 -dt-interface user-medium-r-normal-s*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*: UF4 -dt-interface user-medium-r-normal-m*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*: UF5 -dt-interface user-medium-r-normal-l*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*: UF6 -dt-interface user-medium-r-normal-xl*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*: UF7 -dt-interface user-medium-r-normal-xxl*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*: Color and backdrop resources: Global to The following resources are used by more than one desktop component. The syntax for specifying global resources is: *resource_id. Name Class Value Type Default _________________________________________________________ colorUse ColorUse int dynamic* dynamicColor DynamicColor Boolean true foregroundColor ForegroundColor int dynamic* shadowPixmaps ShadowPixmaps int dynamic* writeXrdbColors WriteXrdbColors Boolean true NOTE: The display type determines default. ColorUse Specifies the number of colors to use for the user inter- face. The default value for this resource is dependant on the number of bit planes available in the display. However, to reduce the number of col- ors used by the desktop, the default color use for a high color display is MEDIUM_COLOR. Valid values are: " B_W" - Specifies a black and white sys- tem. The color palettes use only Black and White (color cells 0 and 1) and icons are displayed as bitonal images. In this configuration four color palettes are available: Black, White, BlackWhite and WhiteBlack. These palettes do not dynamically change. To change a palette, the session must be restarted. This resource value forces shadowPixmaps to True, and foregroundColor to either black or white depending on the palette chosen. " LOW_COLOR" - Specifies a low color system. The color palettes use 2 color sets and icons are displayed as bitonal images. The number of color cells can be further reduced by using the resources shadowPixmaps and foregroundColor. MEDIUM_COLOR - Specifies a medium color system. The color palettes use 4 color sets and icons are displayed as bitonal images. The number of color cells can be further reduced by using the resources shadowPixmaps and foregroundColor. HIGH_COLOR - Specifies a high color sys- tem. The color palettes use 8 color sets and icons are displayed as multi-color images. The number of color cells can be reduced by using the resources shadowPixmaps and foregroundColor. dynamicColor This resource can have values of True or False. dynamicColor is used to reduce the number of color cells being used. Once a palette has been selected and it is not likely to be changed, dynamicColor can be set to False. If set to False colors cannot be dynamically changed using the Style Manager. A selected palette will take effect the next ses- sion. The next time the session comes up, the color server uses Read Only color cells that can be shared by all clients, thus reducing the number of color cells used. foregroundColor This resource can have values of White, Black or Dynamic. foregroundColor causes all text (foreground) to use either pixel 0 or 1 (Black or White) or to have a color cell dedi- cated to foreground that changes in response to the back- ground color (Dynamic) for each ColorSet. If set to White or Black, the number of color cells used per ColorSet is reduced by 1. shadowPixmaps For color systems, this resource can have a value of True or False. If True, topShadowColor and bottomShadowColor use the same pixel as background and topShadowPixmap and bottomSha- dowPixmap are specified instead of solid color to create the 3D look. This reduces the number of color cells per ColorSet by 2. shadowPixmaps defaults to True for systems with 4 or less color planes (16 or less color cells), and False for systems with more than 4 color planes. writeXrdbColors This resource should only be used if non desktop Motif clients are to be run that have color schemes that conflict with the desktop colors. This resource has no impact on clients linked with the desktop Motif library. This resource specifies whether color resource information should be writ- ten out. If set to False, background and foreground resources are not written out with the values of the current palette. This means that the above-mentioned clients do not get the desktop colors when they are started. The default value is True. Color resources: client specific The following resources are specified on a per client basis. The syntax for specifying client-specific resources is: client_name_or_class*resource_id. Name Class Value Type Default ________________________________________________________________ primaryColorSetId PrimaryColorSetId int 3 secondaryColorSetId SecondaryColorSetId int 4 primaryColorSetId This resource specifies the primary color for an applica- tion. The primary color is used for the main background areas of the application and all children of the main area. The value of this resource is a number from one to eight that represents a specific color set in a palette. secondaryColorSetId This resource specifies the secondary color for an applica- tion. The secondary color is used for the menubar and all menus and dialogs of the application. This allows dialogs on the screen to be visually associated with their parent applications by matching the dialog color to the menubar. The value of this resource is a number from one to eight that represents a specific color set in a palette. Color resources: dtwm specific The following are dtwm-specific resources. Name Class Value Type Default ______________________________________________________________ activeColorSetId ActiveColorSetId int 1 inactiveColorSetId InactiveColorSetId int 2 activeColorSetId Specifies the active frame color for dtwm. The value of this resource is a number from one to eight, which represents a specific color set in a palette. inactiveColorSetId Specifies the inactive frame color for dtwm. The value of this resource is a number from one to eight, which represents a specific color set in a palette. Resources saved to xrdb by the The following resources are written out to xrdb by the style manager. *HelpColorUse color use mode for help. *ColorUse color use mode. *ColorPalette value of current color palette *MonochromePalette value of the current palette if it is monochrome. *background motif resource. *foreground motif resource. Dtwm.keyboardFocusPolicy motif resource. Dtwm*focusAutoRaise motif resource. Dtwm*moveOpaque motif resource. Dtwm*useIconBox motif resource. *multiClickTime motif resource. *enableBtn1Transfer when set to true button 2 performs adjust operation at the next session. *systemFont: <systemFont[1-7]> font displayed in labels and other non-editable text areas. *userFont: <userFont[1-7]> font displayed in text widgets. *FontList: <systemFont[1-7]> motif resource. *XmText*FontList: <userFont[1-7]> motif resource. *XmTextField*FontList: <userFont[1-7]> motif resource. *Font: <systemFont[1-7]> motif resource. *FontSet: <systemFont[1-7]> font resource. *DtEditor*textFontList: <userFont[1-7]> dtpad resource. ENVIRONMENT DTSCREENSAVERLIST This environment variable specifies the names of the avail- able screen saver actions (separated by a blank space). Using this variable allows the style manager to query the actions data base and display a list of the available screen saver clients for the user and to invoke screen saver actions for preview of selected screen savers. BROADCAST MESSAGES None. PROPERTIES AND SELECTIONS The style manager uses X properties to communicate with the session manager and the window manager. DIAGNOSTICS - This will replace your home session with the current session. Continue? Startup dialog - Message appears in a warning dialog when the user pushes Set Home Session... - A palette named `%s' already exists. This new palette will overwrite the old one. Is this what you want to do? Add Palette dialog - Message appears in a warning dialog when an existing palette name is specified. - Delete palette `%s'? Delete Palette dialog - Message appears in a warning dialog when a palette is being deleted. - The new double-click time will take effect as appli- cations are restarted. Other mouse values take effect immediately. Mouse dialog - Message appears in a warning dialog after the user selects a new double- click time and presses OK (and the resource *WriteXrdbImmediate is True). - The new double-click time will take effect at your next session. Other mouse values take effect immedi- ately. Mouse dialog - Message appears in a warning dialog after the user selects a new double- click time and presses OK (and the resource *WriteXrdbImmediate is False). - The right and left mouse buttons will switch function immediately after you push OK below. Look at the mouse visual in Style Manager Mouse window for indication of current handedness. Mouse dialog - Message appears in a warning dialog after the user selects the left- handed or right-handed toggle to change mouse handedness. - The function of the middle button will switch at your next session if you push OK below. Note that when the middle button is set to perform the adjust operation, the transfer operation is integrated with the select button by holding down the select button and dragging. Mouse dialog - Message appears in a warning dialog after the user selects the transfer or adjust toggles to change the function of the middle button. - The new Color Use value will take effect at your next session. ColorUse dialog - Message appears in a warning dialog when the color use mode is changed and OK is pushed. - The selected palette will take effect at your next session. Color dialog - Message appears in a warning dialog when the desktop is running in black and White mode and a new palette is selected in the Color dialog. ERROR MESSAGES - You must select an item within the Style Manager. Main window - Message appears in an error dialog when On Item Help is being used and the user clicks on an area out- side of the style manager main window area. - Couldn't open bitmap directory `%s'. Backdrop dialog - Message appears in an error dialog when the bitmap directory could not be loaded. - There are no backdrop icons available in `%s'. See your System Administrator or the User's Guide for more details. Backdrop dialog - Message appears in an error dialog when the bitmap directory is empty. - The palette name cannot contain these characters: :( ) [ ] { } < > ! | ` / \ Color dialog- Messages appear in an error dialog when the specified palette name is not acceptable. - The palette name must be 10 characters or less. Color dialog- Messages appear in an error dialog when the specified palette name is not acceptable. - The color portion of the Style Manager will not operate because the color server is not running. Check $HOME/.dt/errorlog. Color dialog- Messages appear in an error dialog when the color icon is selected and the color server is not running for some reason. - The color portion of the Style Manager will not operate because the resource useColorObj is set to False. Color dialog- Messages can be caused to appear in an error dialog by setting the resource *useColorObj to False and then running dtstyle and trying to post the Color Dialog. - The color portion of the Style Manager will not operate because there are no palette files available. Check $HOME/.dt/errorlog. Color dialog- Messages appears in an error dialog when the color icon is selected and there are no palette files to be found. FILES Icon files Icons used in the style manger. App-default file Dtstyle - contains application resources for the style manager. Palette files Files that contain the default and customized palettes. Backdrop file Files containing the data for backdrop cus- tomization. SEE ALSO Dtsession Acts as a color server and runs the screen saver clients. Dtwm The window manager can be restarted when cer- tain environment customization operations are performed so that changes can take effect.
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