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expectk (1)
  • >> expectk (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • expectk (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         expectk - Expect with Tk support
         expectk [ args ]
         Expectk is a combination of  Expect  with  Tk.   (See  their
         respective man pages for a more comprehensive explanation of
         either.)  Expectk should run any wish or Expect script (with
         minor changes - see below).
         The differences between the Expectk and  Expect  environment
         The send command is Tk's.   Expect's  send  command  can  be
         invoked  by  the  name exp_send.  (For compatibility, Expect
         allows either send or exp_send to be used.)
         Scripts may be invoked implicitly on systems  which  support
         the #! notation by marking the script executable, and making
         the first line in your script:
              #!/usr/local/bin/expectk -f
         Of course, the path must accurately describe  where  Expectk
         lives.  /usr/local/bin is just an example.

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