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find2perl (1)
  • >> find2perl (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • find2perl (1) ( Разные man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


         find2perl - translate find command lines to Perl code


                 find2perl [paths] [predicates] | perl


         find2perl is a little translator to convert find command
         lines to equivalent Perl code.  The resulting code is
         typically faster than running find itself.
         "paths" are a set of paths where find2perl will start its
         searches and "predicates" are taken from the following list.
         `! PREDICATE'
             Negate the sense of the following predicate.  The `!'
             must be passed as a distinct argument, so it may need to
             be surrounded by whitespace and/or quoted from
             interpretation by the shell using a backslash (just as
             with using `find(1)').
         `( PREDICATES )'
             Group the given PREDICATES.  The parentheses must be
             passed as distinct arguments, so they may need to be
             surrounded by whitespace and/or quoted from
             interpretation by the shell using a backslash (just as
             with using `find(1)').
             True if _both_ PREDICATE1 and PREDICATE2 are true;
             PREDICATE2 is not evaluated if PREDICATE1 is false.
             True if either one of PREDICATE1 or PREDICATE2 is true;
             PREDICATE2 is not evaluated if PREDICATE1 is true.
             Follow (dereference) symlinks.  The checking of file
             attributes depends on the position of the `-follow'
             option. If it precedes the file check option, an `stat'
             is done which means the file check applies to the file
             the symbolic link is pointing to. If `-follow' option
             follows the file check option, this now applies to the
             symbolic link itself, i.e.  an `lstat' is done.
             Change directory traversal algorithm from breadth-first
             to depth-first.
             Do not descend into the directory currently matched.
             Do not traverse mount points (prunes search at mount-
             point directories).
         `-name GLOB'
             File name matches specified GLOB wildcard pattern.  GLOB
             may need to be quoted to avoid interpretation by the
             shell (just as with using `find(1)').
         `-perm PERM'
             Low-order 9 bits of permission match octal value PERM.
         `-perm -PERM'
             The bits specified in PERM are all set in file's
         `-type X'
             The file's type matches perl's `-X' operator.
         `-fstype TYPE'
             Filesystem of current path is of type TYPE (only
             NFS/non-NFS distinction is implemented).
         `-user USER'
             True if USER is owner of file.
         `-group GROUP'
             True if file's group is GROUP.
             True if file's owner is not in password database.
             True if file's group is not in group database.
         `-inum INUM'
             True file's inode number is INUM.
         `-links N'
             True if (hard) link count of file matches N (see below).
         `-size N'
             True if file's size matches N (see below) N is normally
             counted in 512-byte blocks, but a suffix of "c"
             specifies that size should be counted in characters
             (bytes) and a suffix of "k" specifes that size should be
             counted in 1024-byte blocks.
         `-atime N'
             True if last-access time of file matches N (measured in
             days) (see below).
         `-ctime N'
             True if last-changed time of file's inode matches N
             (measured in days, see below).
         `-mtime N'
             True if last-modified time of file matches N (measured
             in days, see below).
         `-newer FILE'
             True if last-modified time of file matches N.
             Print out path of file (always true).
             Like -print, but terminates with \0 instead of \n.
         `-exec OPTIONS ;'
             exec() the arguments in OPTIONS in a subprocess; any
             occurence of {} in OPTIONS will first be substituted
             with the path of the current file.  Note that the
             command "rm" has been special-cased to use perl's
             unlink() function instead (as an optimization).  The `;'
             must be passed as a distinct argument, so it may need to
             be surrounded by whitespace and/or quoted from
             interpretation by the shell using a backslash (just as
             with using `find(1)').
         `-ok OPTIONS ;'
             Like -exec, but first prompts user; if user's response
             does not begin with a y, skip the exec.  The `;' must be
             passed as a distinct argument, so it may need to be
             surrounded by whitespace and/or quoted from
             interpretation by the shell using a backslash (just as
             with using `find(1)').
         `-eval EXPR'
             Has the perl script eval() the EXPR.
             Simulates `-exec ls -dils {} ;'
         `-tar FILE'
             Adds current output to tar-format FILE.
         `-cpio FILE'
             Adds current output to old-style cpio-format FILE.
         `-ncpio FILE'
             Adds current output to "new"-style cpio-format FILE.
         Predicates which take a numeric argument N can come in three
            * N is prefixed with a +: match values greater than N
            * N is prefixed with a -: match values less than N
            * N is not prefixed with either + or -: match only values equal to N



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