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iceauth (1)
  • >> iceauth (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • iceauth (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         iceauth - ICE authority file utility
         iceauth [ -f authfile ] [ -vqib ] [ command arg ... ]
         The iceauth program is used to edit and display the authori-
         zation  information  used in connecting with ICE.  This pro-
         gram is usually used to extract authorization  records  from
         one  machine  and  merge  them in on another (as is the case
         when using remote logins or granting access to other users).
         Commands (listed below) may be entered interactively, on the
         iceauth command line, or in scripts.
         add       add an entry
                   add protoname protodata netid authname authdata
         exit      save changes and exit program
         extract   extract entries into file
                   extract filename <protoname=$> <protodata=$> <netid=$>
         help      print help
                   help <topic>
         info      print information about entries
         list      list entries
                   list <protoname=$> <protodata=$> <netid=$> <authname=$>
         merge     merge entries from files
                   merge filename1 <filename2> <filename3> ...
         quit      abort changes and exit program
         remove    remove entries
                   remove <protoname=$> <protodata=$> <netid=$> <authname=$>
         source    read commands from file
                   source filename
         ?         list available commands
         Ralph Mor, X Consortium

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