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imagetool (1)
  • >> imagetool (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         imagetool - Image viewer for OpenWindows
         imagetool [ -usage ] [ -v ] [ -verbose ] [ -timeout  seconds
         ] [ imagefile ]
         Imagetool is an interactive image viewer.  Imagetool can  be
         used to view the contents of a variety of file types such as
         gif, tiff, jfif (jpeg) and POSTSCRIPT.  The user may perform
         various  operations  on  the image such as rotation, zooming
         and flipping to view the image  differently.   If  the  file
         loaded  in  is  a  multipage  document (such as a POSTSCRIPT
         document), the user may page through the entire document, or
         skip to any page directly.
         The four menu buttons across the top of the main window  are
         described below:
         File      The File menu contains the following items.
                   Open...   Brings up a dialog which allows the user
                             to  select  a  file that is to be opened
                             for viewing.
                   Open As...
                             Brings up a dialog which allows the user
                             to  select  a  file that is to be opened
                             for viewing, and also allows the user to
                             specify the file type.
                   Save...   If the file has no name, this brings  up
                             a  dialog  for  the  user to specify the
                             file name, and save the  file.   If  the
                             file  is  named,  then this simply saves
                             the currently viewed image to the file.
                   Save As...
                             Brings up a dialog which allows the user
                             to specify the file name, the file type,
                             number of colors and compression type of
                             the file that is to be saved.
                   Save Selection As...
                             Brings up a dialog which allows the user
                             to specify the file name, the file type,
                             number of colors and compression type of
                             the file that is to be saved.  This menu
                             item is only  active  if  the  user  has
                             selected  a  region  of  interest in the
                             currently displayed image.
                   Save Page As Image...
                             Brings up a dialog which allows the user
                             to specify the file name, the file type,
                             number of colors and compression type of
                             the file that is to be saved.  This menu
                             item is only active if the user if view-
                             ing a page of a multipage file.
                   Print One Allows user to print  one  copy  of  the
                             currently   displayed  image  using  the
                             current values (which may be the default
                             values) on the Print dialog.
                   Print Preview...
                             Brings up  a  window  and  displays  the
                             image  as  it  would  look  if  it  were
                             printed, based on  the  settings  (which
                             may  be the default values) on the Print
                   Print...  Brings up a dialog which allows user  to
                             set  various  parameters that affect the
                             printing  of  the  currently   displayed
                             image such as position, and size.
         View      The View menu contains the following items.
                   Image Info...
                             Brings up a window that displays various
                             information  about  the currently viewed
                             image, such as width and height.
                   Page Overview...
                             Brings up a  dialog  which  displays  at
                             most  16  pages  of the currently viewed
                             document.  The user may  select  a  page
                             for  viewing  from  this  display.  This
                             option is valid  only  if  the  user  is
                             viewing a multipage document.
                   Page Viewing Controls
                             Brings up a dialog from which  the  user
                             may  set  various parameters that affect
                             the  viewing  of  multipage   (such   as
                             POSTSCRIPT  )  files.   This  option  is
                             valid only if the user is viewing a mul-
                             tipage document.
         Edit      The Edit menu contains the following items.
                   Undo      If the user  has  selected  one  of  the
                             various  operations  on  the palette, he
                             may undo his last selection by  choosing
                             this menu item.
                             Brings up a palette with various  opera-
                             tions  that  may  be  performed  on  the
                             currently displayed image, such as rota-
                             tion, zooming and flipping.
                             Brings up a dialog that allows the  user
                             to   specify  options  that  affect  how
                             imagetool is run.  These include whether
                             to  display  images  in  gray  scale  or
                             color, number of colors to display (this
                             option depends on the framebuffer of the
                             users system) and  whether  or  not  the
                             palette  is  to  display  immediately or
                   Help...   Launches the  helpviewer(1)  which  pro-
                             vides  the  user  with  imagetool online
    backward arrows
         There are two other buttons in the main panel  with  forward  and
         on them.  These buttons become active when a multipage docu-
         ment is loaded.  Using these buttons, the user may page for-
         ward or backward.
         At the far right of the main panel, there is a  drop  target
         which  has  two  functions.   First, the user may drag files
         from another application ( filemgr(1) for example) and  drop
         them in the drop target.  This causes them to be loaded into
         the imagetool and displayed.  Alternately, after a file  has
         been  loaded  into  the  imagetool for display, the user may
         drag a copy of the file out of imagetool by moving the mouse
         pointer  to the drop target, pressing down on the left mouse
         button and dragging the  resulting  file  image  to  another
         application (filemgr again for example ).
         Below the main panel, there is a canvas on which  the  image
         is  displayed.  When imagetool starts up, it tries to create
         the window to fit the size of the image.   However,  if  the
         image  is very large, it may only show a portion of it.  The
         user may however, use the scrollbars attached to the display
         canvas to move around within the image.
         -v       Prints out the current version of imagetool.
         -verbose Prints lots of debugging information (not useful to
                  the user)
         -timeout seconds
                  Set the timeout value for  the  Display  POSTSCRIPT
                  server.  The default value is 60 seconds.
         -usage   Prints out valid command line options.
         If imagefile is specified, image is displayed automatically when
         the  window  appears.   If  no  argument is given, imagetool
         comes up with no document or image in it.
         On startup, imagetool will use the following X resources which
         are  stored  in $HOME/.desksetdefaults.  Note these resource
         names will be prepended with deskset.imagetool.
         Resource:      ViewImageIn
         Values:        Color, GrayScale (Color)
         Description:   Determines if images  will  be  displayed  in
                        color  or grayscale. If user is using a mono-
                        chrome monitor, this setting has no affect.
         Resource:      Colors
         Values:        BW, 16, 256, Millions (256)
         Description:   Sets the number of colors  to  be  used  when
                        viewing images. This resource only is used if
                        a multi-plane framebuffer is being used. Note
                        that for most color monitors, only 256 colors
                        are possible.
         Resource:      DisplayPalette
         Values:        True, False (True)
         Description:   Determines  if   palette   is   automatically
                        displayed  when  first  image  is  opened  by
         Resource:      UseDSC
         Values:        True, False (False)
         Description:   Determines  how  POSTSCRIPT   documents   are
                        interpreted.   A well written POSTSCRIPT file
                        contains Document Structuring Comments  which
                        separate  various  sections  of the document.
                        If the comments are used correctly,  then  it
                        is  easy  to determine where each page of the
                        document  begins  and  ends.    By   default,
                        imagetool  does  not  look for these comments
                        when determining  pages.   Because  of  this,
                        backward  paging  can  be slow since the only
                        way to verify that the  displayed  page  will
                        look  correct is to begin at the beginning of
                        the  document  and  render  pages  until  the
                        desired  page  is  found.   If the user finds
                        that the performance is not acceptable,  then
                        this  resource  may  be  set,  at which time,
                        imagetool will use the  Document  Structuring
                        Comments  to determine where each page begins
                        and ends.  Note that this  may  help  perfor-
                        mance,  but that displayed pages may not look
                        correct due to no comments being found in the
                        document,   or   the   comments   being  used
         helpviewer(1), filemgr(1), dps(7)
         Solaris User's Guide
         POSTSCRIPT is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc
         The OpenWindows environment may no longer be supported in  a
         future  release.  You may want to migrate to CDE, the Common
         Desktop Environment.

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