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ldap_gen_profile (1)
  • >> ldap_gen_profile (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         ldapclient,  ldap_gen_profile  -  initialize   LDAP   client
         machine or create an LDIF of an LDAP client profile
         /usr/sbin/ldapclient  [  -v  ]   -P   profile_name    [  -d
         domaianname  ]  LDAP_server_addr
         /usr/sbin/ldapclient -i | -m  [ -O ]  [ -v ]  [ -a   none  |
         simple     |    cram_md5     ]     [    -b baseDN    ]     [
         -B alternate_search_dn ]  [ -d domainname ]  [ -D Bind_DN  ]
         [    -e client_TTL    ]     [    -o timeout_value    ]     [
         -p server_preference   ]    [   -r follow_referals   ]     [
         -w client_password ]  LDAP_server_addr ...
         /usr/sbin/ldapclient -l
         /usr/sbin/ldapclient -u  [ -v ]
         /usr/sbin/ldap_gen_profile -P  profile_name   [ -O ]   [  -a
         none   |   simple    |   cram_md5    ]   [  -b baseDN  ]   [
         -B alternate_search_dn ]  [ -d domainname ]  [ -D Bind_DN  ]
         [    -e client_TTL    ]     [    -o timeout_value    ]     [
         -p server_preference   ]    [   -r follow_referals   ]     [
         -w client_password ]  LDAP_server_addr ...
         The ldapclient utility can be used to:
            o  initialize LDAP client machines
            o  restore  the  network  service  environment  on   LDAP
            o  list the contents of the LDAP client cache  in  human-
               readable format.
         The ldap_gen_profile utility creates (on the  standard  out-
         put)  an LDIF file that can be loaded into an LDAP server to
         be used as the client profile, which can  be  downloaded  by
         The synopsis (-P profile_name) is used to initialize an LDAP
         client  machine,  using  a  profile stored on an LDAP server
         specified by LDAP_server_addr. This is simplest  method  and
         will  provide  the  default format with all the correct set-
         tings for talking to the  set  of  servers.   It  will  also
         ensure  that  the ldap_cachemgr(1M) can automatically update
         the configuration file as it changes.
         The second synopsis (-i | -m) is used to initialize  a  LDAP
         client machine. The -i option is used to convert machines to
         use LDAP or to change the machine's domain name. It  assigns
         a  default value for the required parameters if they are not
         specified.  You must  be  logged  in  as  superuser  on  the
         machine  that  is  to become a LDAP client. The -m option is
         used to modify the parameters in the cache file. It  updates
         the parameter specified.
         The -i option in conjunction with -a none option can be used
         to initialize an unauthenticated LDAP client machine without
         having to specify a password.
         If the authentication method such  as  simple  or  cram_md5r
         equires  a  password  and  one  is not specified with the -w
         client_password option,  the administrator is  prompted  for
         the  password.   If  one  is  not provided, the command will
         During the client initialization  process,  files  that  are
         being  modified  are backed up as files.orig. The files that
         are usually modified during  a  client  initialization  are:
         /etc/defaultdomain,  /etc/nsswitch.conf, and, if they exist,
         /var/yp/binding/`domainname`  for  a   NIS(YP)   client   or
         /var/nis/NIS_COLD_START for a NIS+ client, or if the machine
         is already an LDAP client,  /var/ldap/ldap_client_cache  and
         /var/ldap/ldap_client_cred.   Note  that  a file will not be
         saved if a backup file already exists.
         The -i option does not set up  an  LDAP  client  to  resolve
         hostnames  using  DNS.  Refer  to  the DNS documentation for
         information on setting up DNS. See resolv.conf(4).
         The third synopsis (-l) is used  to  list  the  LDAP  client
         cache.   The  output will be human-readable (cache files are
         not guaranteed to be human-readable.)
         The fourth synopsis (-u) is used to uninitialize the network
         service  environment,  restoring it to the one in use before
         ldapclient -i  was  executed.  You  must  be  logged  in  as
         superuser  on  the  machine that is to be restored. The res-
         toration will succeeds only if the machine  was  initialized
         with  ldapclient -i because it uses the backup files created
         by the -i option.
         The machine must be rebooted after initializing a machine or
         restoring the network service.
         The following options are supported:
         -a none | simple | cram_md5
               Specify authentication  method. Multiple values can be
               specified,  separated  by commas. The default value is
               none. If simple or cram_md5 is specified,  a  password
               must be provided (see -w below).
         -b baseDN
               Specify      search      baseDN      (for      example
               dc=eng,dc=sun,dc=com.)  The default is the root naming
               context on the first server specified.
         -B alternate_search_dn
               Specify alternative  baseDN  for  LDAP  searches  (for
               example,  ou=people,dc=corp,dc=sun,dc=com.)  An define
               alternative search baseDN  can  be  defined  for  each
               database  possible in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file (see
               nsswitch.conf(4)).  To  remove  a  specific  alternate
               baseDN, specify the database without any argument (for
               example, "passwd:").  The default value for all  data-
               bases is NULL.
         -d domainname
               Specify the domain name (which  becomes  the  default-
               domain  for  the machine).  The default is the current
               domain name.
         -D Bind_DN
               Specify the  Bind  Distinguished  Name  (for  example,
         -e client_TTL
               Specify the TTL  value  for  the  client  information.
               This  is  only relevant if the machine was initialized
               with a client profile.  Set client_TTL to 0 (zero)  if
               you  do  not  wish  for  ldap_cachemgr  to  attempt an
               automatic refresh from the  servers.   The  times  are
               specified with either a zero ``0'' (for no expiration)
               or a positive integer and either ``d'' for days, ``h''
               for  hours,  ``m''  for  minutes or ``s'' for seconds.
               The default is 12h.
         -i    Initialize client.
         -l (ell)
               List the contents of the LDAP client cache.  The  out-
               put  (sent  to  standard output) is meant to be easily
               readable (the direct contents of the cache files might
               not be easily readable.).
         -m    Modify parameters in the configuration file.
         -o timeout_value
               Specify LDAP operation timeout value.  The default  is
               the TCP default (usually 3 minutes.)
         -O    Inform the client to contact only the servers  on  the
               preferred  list (if for instance they are at the wrong
               end of a WAN).  The default is FALSE.
         -p server_preference
               Specify  the  server  preference  list  (for  example,
     ,   The preferred
               servers can be defined either by the  server  specific
               address  or  the  subnet  that the server resides.  To
               remove the server preference, specify ""  for  the  -p
               option.  The default preference is the local subnet.
         -P profile_name
               Specify a profile that is downloaded from  the  server
               and  sets  all the entries automatically.  This option
               also sets an expiration time  that  ldap_cachemgr  can
               use  to  automatically update the file if needed.  The
               default profile_name is 'default' and is stored in the
               bind  distinguished  name.   The  profile name is also
               stored in cache file.
         -r follow_referals
               Specify the search referal option, either followref or
               noref. The default is followref.
         -u    Uninitialize LDAP client. This option  is  appropriate
               only if ldapclient was used to initialize client.
         -v    Specify verbose mode.
         -w client_password
               Specify  client  password  for  simple  and   cram_md5
               authentication  modes.  This option is not required if
               authentication mode is none.
         The following operands are supported:
               Server         address          (for          example,
     ,  The  port number is
               optional; if not specified, the  default  LDAP  server
               port number ':389' is used.
         Example 1:  Setup a client using the default profile  stored
         on the server specified.
         Setup a client using  the  default  profile  stored  on  the
         server  specified.  This  should list all the correct values
         for talking to your domain.
         example# ldapclient -P default
         Example 2: Setup a client using only  one  server  and  with
         authentication mode of none.
         example# ldapclient -i -a none
         Example 3: Setup a client using only  one  server  and  with
         authentication mode of cram_md5.
         Setup an LDAP client to use cram_md5  with  client  password
         "secret",  with the domain information expiring once a week,
         with  no  search   dereference,   with   the   domain   name
         "",  and  with  the  LDAP  server running on port
         number 386 at IP address
         example# ldapclient -i -a cram_md5 -w secret -d \
            -r noref
         Example 4: Setup a client using two servers and with authen-
         tication mode of simple.
         Setup an LDAPclient using two servers and  with  authentica-
         tion  mode of simple. The user will be prompted for a client
         example# ldapclient -i
         Example 5: Setup a client with authentication mode of none.
         Setup an LDAP client with authentication mode of  none  that
         does  not try an encrypt the transport with SSL and talks to
         only one server.
         example# ldapclient -i -a none -a
         Example 6: Use ldap_gen_profile to set only the Base DN  and
         the server addresses.
         Use ldap_gen_profile to set only the Base DN and the  server
         addresses, usoing all possible default values.
         example# ldap_gen_profile \
            -D cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,cd=eng,dc=sun,dc=com \
   > ldif_profile
         Example 7: Create a profile overriding every default value.
         example# ldap_gen_profile -P eng -a cram_md5 -d -w test123 \
            -b dc=eng,dc=ge-uk,dc=com -B ou=people,dc=lab,dc=ge-uk,dc=com \
            -D cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,cd=eng,dc=ge-uk,dc=com -r noref \
            -e 1h -O -p -o 30s \
   > ldif_profile
               contains a list of servers, their transport addresses,
               and the security method used to access them
               contains Bind Distinguished Name (see  -D  above)  and
               the encrypted password
               system default domainname, matching the domainname  of
               the "NIS data" in the LDAP servers
               configuration file for the name-service switch
               sample configuration file that uses "files" and "ldap"
         See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-
        |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
        | Availability                | SUNWnisu                    |
         ldap(1),  ldapadd(1),  ldapdelete(1),  ldaplist(1),  ldapmo-
         dify(1),  ldapmodrdn(1),  ldapsearch(1),  ldap_cachemgr(1M),
         suninstall(1M), resolv.conf(4), attributes(5)

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