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makepsres (1)
  • >> makepsres (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         makepsres - Build PostScript resource database file.
         makepsres [ options ] directory ...
         makepsres  creates  PostScript  language  resource  database
         files.   Resource  database files can be used to specify the
         location of resources that are used by  the  font  selection
         panel  and other Adobe software.  For a complete description
         of  the  resource  location  facilities   in   the   Display
         PostScript system, see Appendix A and Appendix B of "Display
         PostScript  Toolkit  for  X"  in  Programming  the   Display
         PostScript System with X.
         makepsres creates a resource database file  named  PSres.upr
         that  contains  all  the resources in all the directory path
         names specified on the command line.
           If the list of directories contains -  ,  makepsres  reads
           from  stdin and expects a list of directories separated by
           space, tab, or newline.
           If the list of directories is empty, it is taken to be the
           current directory.
           If all specified directories have a common initial prefix,
           makepsres  extracts  it  as  a directory prefix in the new
           resource database file.
         makepsres normally acts recursively; it looks  for  resource
         files  in  subdirectories  of  any specified directory. This
         behavior can be overridden with the command line option -nr.
         makepsres uses existing resource database files to assist in
         identifying  files.  By  default,  makepsres  creates  a new
         resource database file containing all of the following  that
           Resource files found in the  directories  on  the  command
           Resource files pointed to by the resource  database  files
           in the directories on the command line.
           Resource entries found  in  the  input  resource  database
           files.  These entries are copied if the files they specify
           still exist and are located in directories  not  specified
           on the command line.
         If you run makepsres in discard mode (with the  -d  option),
         it  does  not  copy resource entries from the input resource
         database files. In that case, the output file consists  only
         of  entries  from  the  directories on the command line. The
         input resource database files are only  used  to  assist  in
         identifying files.
         If you run makepsres in keep mode (with the -k  option),  it
         includes  in  the  output  file  all resource entries in the
         input resource database files, even entries for  files  that
         no  longer  exist or are located in directories specified on
         the command line.
         makepsres uses various heuristics to identify files. A  file
         that  is of a private resource type or that does not conform
         to the standard format for a resource file must be specified
         in one of the following ways:
           By running makepsres in interactive mode
           By preloading the file into a resource database file  used
           for input
           By beginning the file with the following line:
              %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-<resource-type>
         -o filename
              Writes the output to the specified filename.  The  con-
              struction  "-o -" writes to stdout. If the -o option is
              not specified, makepsres creates a  PSres.upr  file  in
              the  current  directory  and  writes the output to that
         -f filename
              Uses information from the specified file to  assist  in
              resource  typing. The file must be in resource database
              file format.  Multiple -f options may be specified. The
              construction "-f -" uses stdin as an input file and may
              not be used if "-" is specified as a directory  on  the
              command line.
         -dir dirname
              Specifies that dirname is a directory. Needed  only  in
              rare  cases  when dirname is the same as a command-line
              option such as -nb.
         -d   Specifies discard mode. The resulting output file  con-
              sists  solely  of  entries  from the directories on the
              command line.
         -e   Marks the resulting PSres.upr file as exclusive.   This
              option  makes  the  resource  location library run more
              quickly since it  does  not  have  to  look  for  other
              resource database files. It becomes necessary, however,
              to run makepsres whenever new resources  are  added  to
              the  directory,  even  if the resources come with their
              own resource database file.
         -i   Specifies interactive mode. In  interactive  mode,  you
              will  be  queried  for the resource type of any encoun-
              tered file that makepsres cannot identify.   If  -i  is
              not specified, makepsres assumes an unidentifiable file
              is not a resource file.
         -k   Specifies keep mode.
         -nb  If the output file already exists, do not back it up.
         -nr  Specifies nonrecursive mode.  makepsres  normally  acts
              recursively:  it  looks for resource files in subdirec-
              tories of any specified  directory.  If  -nr  is  used,
              makepsres  does not look in subdirectories for resource
         -p   Specifies  no  directory  prefix.   If  -p   is   used,
              makepsres  does not try to find a common directory pre-
              fix among the specified directories.
         -pfb Specifies  that  makepsres  should   recognize   binary
              PostScript  outline  fonts, i.e. .pfb fonts in addition
              to the normal .pfa fonts. Please  be  aware  that  even
              though  the Display PostScript System can find and exe-
              cute .pfb fonts,  they  cannot  be  downloaded  to  the
              interpreter  by an application. Only .pfa outline fonts
              can be downloaded. If  you  do  not  want  this  slight
              inconsistency  on  your  system,  do  not  use the -pfb
         -q   Quiet mode: ignores  unidentifiable  files  instead  of
              warning about them.
         -s   Specifies strict mode.  If -s is used,  makepsres  ter-
              minates with an error if it encounters a file it cannot
         makepsres .
              Creates a resource database file that contains all  the
              resources in the current directory.
         makepsres -i -o local.upr /usr/local/lib/ps/fonts
              Runs  makepsres  in  interactive  mode  and  creates  a
              resource  database file named local.upr, which contains
              all     the     resources     in     the      directory
         Programming the Display PostScript System with  X  (Addison-
         Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1993).
         Adobe Systems Incorporated
         PostScript and Display PostScript are  trademarks  of  Adobe
         Systems Incorporated which may be registered in certain jur-
         Copyright (c) 1989-1994  Adobe  Systems  Incorporated.   All
         rights reserved.

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