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mdicm (1)
  • >> mdicm (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         mdicm - main dictionary  maintainance  tool  for  Kana-Kanji
         mdicm [ command ]  [ arguments ]
         mdicm maintenances a main  dictionary  for  cs00  Kana-Kanji
         conversion.  It has also some functions for an user diction-
         ary which is used for maintenance of a main dictionary.
         Started with  command, mdicm runs in non-interactive mode.
         Started without  command, mdicm shows the prompt mdicm>  and
         runs  in interactive mode. With `quit' command, you can ter-
         minate mdicm. See "COMMANDS and ARGUMENTS" section below for
         more detail.
         Each function of mdicm will be  performed  by  specifying  a
         command and some arguments. mdicm support the following com-
                   mshow, show, ladd,  ldel,  cat,  create,  extract,
                   quit, hinshi, ?, help
         How to specify each command is listed below. In the  follow-
         ing,  main_dict  means  a main dictionary, and user_dict, an
         user dictionary. See  "File  Formats"  section  below  about
         synopsis,  word,  reading  and  part-of  speech symbols of a
         words-list file.
    filename ] [  -k ]
         mshow main_dict user_dict [  -s  start  ]  [   -
               e  end  ]  [   -f
               Display contents of  the  main  dictionary.  Read  the
               words  registered  in specified area, format them in a
               words-list, and put it to the  specified  file.  Argu-
               ments are as follows.
               -s start
                     Specify the reading of a word  at which start to
                     list.   Without  this  argument,  from the first
                     word it will be started.
               -e end
                     Specify the reading of a word  at which  end  to
                     list.  Without  this argument, at the last word,
                     it will be done.
               -f filename
                     Specify the words-list file to which the results
                     are  put.  Without this argument, it will be put
                     into standard output.
               -k    Print the part of speech information in the name
                     of part-of-speech.
               See mdicm(1) in ja locale for an example.
         show main_dict user_dict [ -s start ] [ -e end ]
               [ -f filename ] [ -k ]
               Display contents of  the  user  dictionary.  Read  the
               words  registered  in specified area, format them in a
               words-list, and put it to the  specified  file.  Argu-
               ments are as follows;
               -s start
                     Specify the reading of a word  at which start to
                     list. Without this argument, from the first word
                     it will be started.
               -e end
                     Specify the reading of a word  at which  end  to
                     list.  Without  this argument, at the last word,
                     it will be done.
               -f filename
                     Specify the words-list file to which the results
                     are  put.  Without this argument, it will be put
                     into standard output.
               -k    Print the part of speech information in the name
                     of  part-of-speech. Without this argument, it is
                     printed in Part-of-Speech-Symbols.
         ladd main_dict user_dict filename [ -l logfile ]
               [ -m new_main_dict ] [ -u new_user_dict ]
               Add multiple words at one time to the main dictionary.
               Arguments are as follwos.
               -l logfile
                     Put the results of registration to  logfile.  No
                     logfile  is created without this argument.
               -m new_main_dict
                     Specify the main dictionary to create. No  argu-
                     ment,  it  is created in the name newmdic in the
                     current directory.
               -u new_user_dict
                     Specify the user dictionary to create. No  argu-
                     ment,  it  is created in the name newudic in the
                     current directory.
                     Specify the words-list file in  which  words  to
                     add are listed.
         ldel main_dict user_dict filename [ -l logfile ]
               [ -m new_main_dict ] [ -u new_user_dict ]
               Delete multiple words at one time of the main diction-
               ary. Opeions are as follows.
               -l logfile
                     Put the results of registration to  logfile.  No
                     logfile  is created without this argument.
               -m new_main_dict
                     Specify the main dictionary to create.  No  log-
                     file,  it  is created in the name newmdic in the
                     current directory.
               -u new_user_dict
                     Specify the user dictionary to create. If  miss-
                     ing,  it  is  created in the name newudic in the
                     current work directory.
                     Specify the words-list file in  which  words  to
                     delete are listed.
         cat main_dict user_dict filename [ -l logfile ]
               [ -m  new_main_dict  ]  [  -u  new_user_dict  ]  Merge
               another  user dictionary to the main dictionary. Argu-
               ments are as follows.
               -l logfile
                     Put the result  to   logfile.  No   logfile   is
                     created without this argument.
               -m new_main_dict
                     Specify the main dictionary to create. No  argu-
                     ment,  it  is created in the name newmdic in the
                     current directory.
               -u new_user_dict
                     Specify the user dictionary to create. No  argu-
                     ment,  it  is created in the name newudic in the
                     current directory.
                     Specify the dictionary's filename which is to be
                     merged to the main dictionary.
    file6 [file7]
         create new_main_dict new_user_dict file1 file2 file3 file4  file5
         create new_main_dict new_user_dict filename
               The first synopsis creates a new main dictionary  from
               the   files  1-6  and  a  new user dictionary from the
               words-list file ( file7 ). If  file7 is not given,  an
               empty user dictionary is created. The files 1-7 are as
               file1     Jiritsugo File                  (.jir)
               file2     Conjunction matric file         (.set)
               file3     Clause Terminator file          (.bun)
               file4     Conjugation file                (.kat)
               file5     Suffix file                     (.sbi)
               file6     Fuzokugo file                   (.fuz)
               file7     Words list of user dictionary   (.usr)
                    The second synopsis creates a new main dictionary
                    and  a  new  user dictionary from the files whose
                    name consist of filename followed  by  the  above
                    seven  suffixs.  All  files  with  suffix such as
                    filename.jir should be  in  the  same  directory.
                    NOTE:  Formats  of  the  files  or words-list are
                    described in "File Formats".
                file6 file7
               extract main_dict user_dict file1 file2 file3  file4  file5
               extract main_dict user_dict filename
                     The first synopsis extracts the  contents  of  a
                     main  dictionary  to the  files 1-6 and those of
                     user dictionary to the words-list file  (  file7
                     The second synopsis  extracts  the  files  whose
                     name  consist of  filename followed by the above
                     seven suffixs, from a  main  dictionary  and  an
                     user  dictionary.  NOTE: Formats of the files or
                     words-list are described in "File Formats".
               quit  Quit  mdicm (interactive mode).
                     Show  the  list  of  part-of-speech-symbols   to
               ?, help
                     Help. Show the  command  reference  to  standard
      File Formats
         Words list file
               The format of the words-list for input/output of  each
                     Lines starting with "#" are comments.
               Data  Consists of three fields.   The first and second
                     fields  are for reading and word , respectively.
                     And the last one is the part-of-speech  informa-
                     tion,  described  as  an  enumerate  of part-of-
                     speech-symbol. These  fields  are  separated  by
                     half-size  Katakana  (Hankaku),  white sapces or
                     An example is shown on the mdicm(1M) for  locale
                     ja (japanese).
                     12 Hiragana characters defined in  Japanese  EUC
                     Codeset  1  can be used. However, "you-on" (such
                     as 'xya'), 'wi', 'we',  'wo'  and  'nn'   aren't
                     permitted,  as  the  first  character.  For  the
                     second or subsequent characters,  "cho-on"  ('-'
                     in  Japanese EUC Codeset 1) can be used in addi-
                     tion to all Hiragana characters.  "daku-on"  and
                     "handaku-on" (such as 'da' and 'pa') are treated
                     as two characters.
               Word  Eight characters defined in Japanese EUC Codeset
                     1 can be used.
                     The part-of-speech information consists  of  the
                     following part ot speech symbols.
                     Symbols   Part of speech            Remarks
                     :N1       noun1                     general noun
                     :N2       noun2                     pronoun
                     :M1       person's name1            family-name
                     :M2       person's name2            first-name
                     :T1       place name1
                     :T2       place name2               Names of prefectures
                     :NM       numeral
                     :NN       supplemental numeral      Mai(pieces),
                                                         Nen(years), etc.
                     :PR       prefix
                     :SF       suffix
                     :AD       adverb
                     :CN       conjunction
                     :RT       participial adjective
                     :AJ       adjective
                     :AV       adjective verb
                     :SH       S-series irregular con-
                               jugation  verb  (Sahen-
                     :ZH       Z-series irregular con-
                               jugation  verb  (Zahen-
                     :1V       Single conjugation verb
                     :KV       K-series five  conjuga-
                               tion    verb   (Kagyou-
                     :GV       G-series five  conjuga-
                               tion    verb   (Gagyou-
                     :SV       S-series five  conjuga-
                               tion    verb   (Sagyou-
                     :TV       T-series five  conjuga-
                               tion    verb   (Tagyou-
                     :NV       N-series five  conjuga-
                               tion    verb   (Nagyou-
                     :BV       B-series five  conjuga-
                               tion    verb   (Bagyou-
                     :MV       M-series five  conjuga-
                               tion    verb   (Magyou-
                     :RV       R-series five  conjuga-
                               tion    verb   (Ragyou-
                     :WV       W-series five  conjuga-
                               tion    verb   (Wagyou-
                     :UN       No Classification
                     :TK       single kanji
                     :BS       clause
         file1: Jiritsugo file
               A reading of Jiritsugo in  a  word  part,  a  part  of
               speech for reading, Kanji, a part of speech for Kanji,
               a reading of Kanji part or Kanji is specified in  each
               line.  Each line has a list of readings and candidates
               for words for the Kanji part.
               For a word part,
                     RRR...R XXXXXXXX JJJJJJJ....JJJJ YYYYYYYY
               For a Kanji part,
                                 Reading (Kana Code)
                                 Part of speech for reading  (expres-
                                 sion in 8 digits  HEX number)
                                 Kanji (Japanese EUC Code)
                                 A part of speech for Kanji  (expres-
                                 sion in 8 digits  HEX number)
                                 A Kanji character (string  of  Kanji
                                 (max 255))
                                 Delimiter to distinguish the homonym
                                 and a Kanji character.
                                 To separate each item, a  half-width
                                 space is used.
         file2: Conjunction matrix file
               A dimensional array (32 columns by 182  rows)  of  HEX
                     X     (an expression of 1 HEX digit)
         file3:   Clause Terminator file
               An expression of 46 HEX digits
                     X     (expression of 1 digit HEX number)
                     Y     (expression of 1 digit HEX;  the  lower  2
                           bits of 4 bits are not used)
         file4:   Conjugation file
               Following a reading of Conjugation,  a  repetition  of
               line number is specified in a line.
               RRR....R LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL
               *LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL
                           Reading (Kana Code; if no reading, uses *)
                     LLL   Line number (max 3 digits decimal number)
                     /     Delimiter used  to  separate  each  of  15
                           types of Conjugation specified in the fol-
                           lowing order:
                           1. Adjective
                           2. Adjective verb
                           3. No classification
                           4. S-series  irregular  conjugation   verb
                           5. Z-series  irregular  conjugation   verb
                           6. Single conjugation verb
                           7. K-series    five    conjugation    verb
                           8. G-series    five    conjugation    verb
                           9. S-series    five    conjugation    verb
                              T-series    five    conjugation    verb
                              N-series    five    conjugation    verb
                              B-series    five    conjugation    verb
                              M-series    five    conjugation    verb
                              R-series    five    conjugation    verb
                              W-series    five    conjugation    verb
         file5:   Suffix file
               A reading, type and Kanji of the suffix  is  described
               in a line.
               RRR...R JJ
                           Reading (Kana Code)
                     N     Type (7 types with values(1, 2, 3,..., 7))
                     JJ    Kanji (max2 Kanji characters;  when  Kanji
                           is   1  character,  the  latter  half  has
                     *     When  reading,  type  and  Kanji  are  not
         file6: Fuzokugo file
               Following a reading  of   Fuzokugo,  a  repetition  of
               column number  and row number of Conjunction matrix is
               specified in a line.
               RRR...RR ccc,rrr ccc,rrr ccc,rrr ccc,rrr...ccc,rrr
               *ccc,rrr ccc,rrr ccc,rrr ccc,rrr...ccc,rrr
                           Reading (Kana Code; when no  reading,  use
                     ccc   Column  number  (max  3   digits   decimal
                     rrr   Row number (max 3 digits decimal number)
                           A  pair  of  row  and  column  numbers  is
                           separated by a comma.
                     /     Terminator when neither reading,  nor  row
                           and column numbers is specified.
         udicm(1), cs00(1M)

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