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mmsadm (1)
  • >> mmsadm (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    mmsadm - administration command for the Media Management System


    /usr/sbin/mmsadm [-h | -?]

    mmsadm discover [-H] [-t library|drive|vol] [-S ACSLS-host[:port]] -a

    mmsadm create -t library|drive|mpool|dpool|app|voltype
        -o option=x [-o option2=y...] name

    mmsadm delete -t library|drive|mpool|dpool|app|voltype
        [-f] name

    mmsadm set -t library|drive|mpool|dpool|app|voltype
        -o option=x [-o option2=y...] name

    mmsadm list [-vH] -t library|drive|mpool|dpool|app|voltype
        -o option=x [-o option2=y...] [-F filter [-F filter2...] [name]

    mmsadm passwd [-P file] name

    mmsadm online -t library|drive name

    mmsadm offline -t library|drive name

    mmsadm add-volume -l library -o voltype=type -x vol1[,vol2,...] mpool

    mmsadm remove-volume -x [-l library] [-x vol1[,vol2,...]] mpool

    mmsadm label [-n] [-A application] [-l library]
        [-P file]volume[,volume,...]]

    mmsadm showreq [-H] [drivename]

    mmsadm accept [-r "reason"] requestid

    mmsadm reject [-r "reason"] requestid

    mmsadm dbbackup directory

    mmsadm dbrestore file

    mmsadm mount [-n] [-N] [-d drive] [-D density] -A application -l library
        [-P passwordfile] [-u username] [-b blocksize] [-R]
        [-M mode[,mode...] volume

    mmsadm unmount [-A application] [-P file] [-f] volume|pseudodevice



    The Media Management System (MMS) is a software interface that manages removable storage media such as tape libraries, tape drives, media pools, tape volumes, and disk resources that emulate tape drives and tape volumes. It is an implementation of the IEEE 1244 specification for removable media.

    The MMS consists of an MM server and database that control various library managers and drive managers. Administrators use mmsadm and its subcommands to configure and maintain storage resources from a variety of vendors. The MMS management commands, such as mmsadm, construct and issue the most frequently-used Media Management Protocol (MMP) commands, handling all events and acknowledgments. The MMP is defined in the IEEE 1244 specification.

    The mmsinit(1M) command must be run to initialize MMS on a system before you can use the mmsadm command.

    The mmsadm command is RBAC-compliant. (See rbac(5).) Required authorizations vary among individual subcommands and are listed in the descriptions of those subcommands.  


    The mmsadm supports the subcommands listed below. Each subcommand description includes a description of that subcommand's options and operands. A mmsadm command takes the form:

    # mmsadm subcommand [options]


    discover Subcommand

    The discover subcommand displays the library, drives, or volumes on an Automated Control System Library Server (ACSLS) server, or the tape drives connected to the local system. Use this command to determine what resources are available and whether they have been configured for use with MMS.

    discover requires the authorization. The subcommand has the following syntax:

    mmsadm discover [-H] [-t library|drive|vol]
        [-S ACSLS-host[:port]] -a

    The subcommand options are described as follows.


    Displays all discovered resources, including those configured for MMS. By default, only unconfigured resources are displayed.


    Displays the resources in a manner parseable by scripts. The display does not include headers and it separates fields with a tab character.

    -S ACSLS-host[:port]

    Displays resources managed by the specified server and port. The default port number is 50004. If the -S option is not used, the command displays tape drives connected to the local system.

    -t library|drive|vol

    Displays only the specified type of resource:

    -t library

    Shows discovered libraries.

    -t drive

    Shows discovered drives.

    -t vol

    Shows discovered volumes.

    If this option is not used, library and drive resources are included in the display. The number of volumes can be large so their discovery must be requested explicitly.


    create and set Subcommands

    The create subcommand configures the resource to be managed by MMS. The set subcommand modifies the attributes of a resource managed by MMS. These subcommands share a common set of options.

    ACSLS-controlled libraries and disk archiving libraries are supported. Libraries must be configured before any drive pool and drives managed in that library can be configured, or any volumes managed by the library added to media pools. voltype must be configured before adding volumes to media pools.

    The create and set subcommands require the solaris.smf.modify.mms, solaris.smf.value.mms, solaris.mms.*, and authorizations, with the exception of changing tracing attributes. If changing the size of trace files or trace level, only solaris.mms.device.log and authorizations are required.

    These subcommands have the following syntax:

    create -t library|drive|mpool|dpool|app|voltype
        -o option=x [-o option2=y...] name
    set -t library|drive|mpool|dpool|app|voltype
        -o option=x [-o option2=y...] name

    The subcommand options and operand are described as follows.

    -t type

    Specifies the type of resource being created or modified. type can be one of:


    Tape library


    Tape or disk archiving drive


    Media pool


    Drive pool


    MMS-aware application


    An MMS construct to map tape cartridge types (such as LTO3) to a user-defined type. Allows the user to specify a default cartridge size for this type of tape.

    -o option=x [-o option2=y...]

    Options are key/value pairs and are specific to the resource type.

    Library Options:


    For real libraries, specifies the library type as reported by the discover subcommand. Required for create.

    For disk archiving libraries, specify DISK.

    The following are options for real network attached libraries.


    Specifies the ACSLS ACS number for the library, as shown by the discover subcommand. Required for create.


    Specifies the ACSLS LSM number for the library, as shown by the discover subcommand. Required for create.


    Specifies the serial number of the library as reported by the discover subcommand. Required for create.


    Identifies the host and port number of the ACSLS server controlling the library. If not specified, the default port is 50004. Required for create.

    The following are options for disk archiving libraries.


    Defines the default path of the DISK library. The path specifies the parent directory of the library and its name must not be the last component of the path.


    Defines the path of a DISK library in a host which cannot use the default path to access the DISK library. The path specifies the parent directory of the library and its name must not be the last component of the path.

    All libraries have the following options.


    Specifies the level of detail in messages written to the log file. The default level is error.


    Specifies the level of detail in messages written to the trace file. The default level is error.


    Specifies the maximum size of the trace file before it is rotated and restarted. Specify the size using a value and the character that identifies the unit:
    o K for kilobytes
    o M for megabytes
    o G for gigabytes
    The default size is 10 megabytes. To set the maximum size of the trace file to 15 megabytes (for example), enter:


    Drive Options:


    Specifies the drive type as reported from the discover subcommand. Required for create.


    Specifies the serial number of the drive as reported from the discover subcommand. Required for create.


    Defines the MMS identifier of the library controlling this drive as reported from the list subcommand. Required for create.


    Identifies the host name or IP address to which the drive is physically connected. If the drive is multiported, enter each host separated by a comma. Required for create.


    Specifies which applications registered with MMS can use this drive. To specify that more than one application can use this drive, enter each application name, separated by commas.


    Specifies the level of detail in messages written to the log file. The default level is error.


    Specifies the level of detail in messages written to the trace file. The default level is error.


    Specifies the maximum size of the trace file before it is rotated and restarted. Specify the size using a value and the character that identifies the unit:
    o K for kilobytes
    o M for megabytes
    o G for gigabytes
    The default size is 10 megabytes. To set the maximum size of the trace file to 15 megabytes (for example), enter:



    Specifies the maximum time an unused volume is left in a drive before it is ejected. After an application has finished using a volume, it is often left in the drive. This is to speed up requests if the same volume is needed again in a short amount of time. This option ensures the drive is emptied and available to load other volumes when requested. The default number of minutes is 60.


    Defines whether access to a drive is enforced. Use yes to use SCSI reserve and release commands to enforce access to the drive. Use no to not use SCSI reservations. Use no only if the drive behaves improperly when access is enforced, or if the drive does not support the SCSI reservation commands. The default value is yes.

    Drive Pool Options

    Specifies which applications registered with MMS can use this drive pool. To specify that more than one application can use this pool, enter each application name, separated by commas.

    Media Pool Options


    Specifies which applications registered with MMS can use this media pool. To specify that more than one application can use this pool, enter each application name, separated by commas.

    Application Options


    Specifies the number of days that the volume's data is preserved after the expiration date defined by the application for a volume. The default value is 0.


    Specifies whether overwriting unexpired files is allowed. Use no to allow overwriting of unexpired volume files. Use yes to prevent overwriting unexpired volume files. The default value is no.


    Specifies whether the volume identifier is verified. Use yes to verify that the volume ID obtained from the mmsadm mount command matches the volume identifier on the volume label. Use no to specify that this verification is not done. The default value is yes.


    Specifies whether the file name is verified. Use yes to verify that the file name obtained from the mmsadm mount command matches the file name on the HDR1 header label of the file. Use no to specify that this verification is not done. The default value is no.


    This option is only for unlabeled volumes that are not blank. It specifies whether the data on an unlabeled volume can be overwritten. The default is yes to indicate data can be overwritten. Use no to reject any write requests. Use ask to prompt an operator for his wish when a write request is received.

    System Options


    Specifies the level of detail in messages written to the log file. The default level is error.


    Specifies the number of attempts to start a failed daemon before the drive or library associated with the daemon is disabled and requires the mmsadm online command to be run after the problem with the system or device is resolved. Use a value of -1 for unlimited restart attempts. The default value is 3.


    Specify whether MMS makes operator requests when an operation cannot be automatically satisfied. An example of such a case would be if a mount request was made for a tape volume that had been physically removed from a library. The default action, yes, indicates that an operator is available to respond. Use no to specify that no operator is available. If no operator is available, all operator requests are rejected.


    Specifies the number of open file descriptors the MM daemon can have at one time. On a resource-constrained system, set this value to a number between 30 and 65536. It is not recommended to set the value to less than 256. The default value is -1, meaning an unlimited number of file descriptors.


    Specifies the time a disk archiving drive manager waits for the file system containing a disk archiving volume to become available. It is strongly recommended to set the time to a minimum of 120 seconds (two minutes). Use a value of 0 to specify no expiration time.

    dkvol Options


    Required by (and only valid for) create. Specifies the directory in which the new disk archiving volume will created.


    Valid only for create. Specifies the size, in megabytes, of the disk archiving volume.


    Sets the volume to read-only or to allow write operations. The default is false, meaning that the disk archiving volume is writeable.


    Media pool to which this disk archiving volume will be added after it is created. This option is required for create.

    dkdrive Options


    Specifies which applications registered with MMS can use this drive. To specify that more than one application can use this drive, enter each application name, separated by commas.


    Specifies the level of detail in messages written to the log file. The default level is error.


    Specifies the level of detail in messages written to the trace file. The default level is error.


    Specifies the maximum size of the trace file before it is rotated and restarted. Specify the size using a value and the character that identifies the unit:
    o K for kilobytes
    o M for megabytes
    o G for gigabytes
    The default size is 10 megabytes. To set the maximum size of the trace file to 15 megabytes (for example), enter:



    Specifies the maximum time an unused volume is left in a drive before it is ejected. After an application has finished using a volume, it is often left in the drive. This is to speed up requests if the same volume is needed again in a short amount of time. This option ensures the drive is emptied and available to load other volumes when requested. The default number of minutes is 60.

    voltype Options


    One of the supported media types: 9940, 9840, LTO1, LTO2, LTO3, LTO4, SDLT1, SDLT2, and DISK. This option is required for create.


    The size, in megabytes, of the this volume type. This option is required for create.

    The create and set subcommands have the following operand.


    Specifies the name of the resource being added or modified. With the exception of applications, names are simple text strings, and they must be unique for their resource type. Recommended naming conventions are:

    For a library: LIB_type_serial

    Example: LIB_L180_MPC02209500

    For a drive: DRV_type_serial

    Example: DRV_T9940B_479000010675

    For a disk archive volume: VOL_xxxxxx

    Application names must reflect the name the application itself is going to use when communicating with MMS. Check the application documentation to find this value.


    delete Subcommand

    The delete subcommand deletes the entry for the specified resource from the MMS configuration. Use caution when removing media pools, as this might result in data loss. If the resource to be deleted is determined to be in use, the operation will be rejected unless the -f option is specified.

    Deleting a library involves deleting all associated drives, and removing volumes managed by this library from media pools. Deleting a library is prohibited if any of its associated drives is actively in use, or any of its volumes have been used by an application.

    Deleting a drive is prohibited if it is actively in use.

    Deleting a drive pool is prohibited if any of its drives is being used by an application.

    Deleting a media pool is prohibited if any of its volumes is being used by an application.

    Deleting an application will cause all volumes that have been used by that application to be recycled and made available for reuse. Ensure that all required data has been copied from these volumes before deleting the application.

    Deleting a voltype is prohibited if any volumes are assigned that type. The -f option cannot be used to force this operation.

    The delete subcommand requires the solaris.smf.value.mms and solaris.mms.* authorizations.

    This subcommand has the following syntax:

    mmsadm delete -t library|drive|mpool|dpool|app|voltype
        [-f] name

    The subcommand has the following options:


    Forces the removal of the specified resource, subject to the restrictions outlined above.

    -t library|drive|mpool|dpool|app|voltype

    Specifies the type of resource being deleted.

    The subcommand has the following operand:


    Identifies the resource as reported by the list subcommand.


    list Subcommand

    The list subcommand displays all of the storage resources or messages that meet the criteria specified in the options, filter, and name parameters. This subcommand is available to any user.

    This subcommand has the following syntax:

    mmsadm list [-vH] -t library|drive|mpool|dpool|app|voltype
        -o option[,-o option2,...] [-F filter [-F filter2...] [name]

    The list subcommand has all of the options that are supported by the create and set subcommands. See the section on these subcommands for descriptions of those options. In addition to these options, list has the options and operand listed below.




    Displays the information in a manner parseable by scripts. The display does not include headers and it separates fields with a tab character.

    -t type

    One of:
    o app
    o drive
    o library
    o mpool
    o dpool
    o voltype

    -o option[,-o option2,...]

    Specifies which properties of a resource are displayed. For example, to list only drive names and their respective states, enter:

    % mmsadm list -t drive -o name,state

    -F filter [-F filter2...]

    Restricts the listed items to those with specified filter. Filter names are the same as option names, and results are restricted to those resources that match the option value. For example, to show all drives of type LTO4, enter:

    # mmsadm list -t drive -F hwtype=LTO4

    Each resource type has its own options. All options are listed below. Most options are in common with the create subcommand; see the section on that subcommand for descriptions of these common options. Those options that are supported only by the list subcommand have their descriptions below.

    Library Options

    Options in common with set:

    o acs
    o acsls
    o hwtype
    o lsm
    o msg-level
    o serialno
    o trace-file-size
    o trace-level
    The following library options are unique to list.


    The date and time when the library was added to the MMS.


    The current state of the library, one of ready, offline, or broken.

    Drive Options

    Options in common with set:

    o apps
    o connection
    o hwtype
    o library
    o msg-level
    o reserve
    o serialno
    o trace-file-size
    o trace-level
    o unload-time
    The following drive options are unique to list.


    The date and time when the drive was added to the MMS.


    The Unix device name of the drive, if available.


    The date and time when the drive was last mounted.


    The current state of the drive, one of ready, offline, or broken.


    The total amount of time the drive has had tapes mounted.


    The volume name of the volume loaded in the drive, if any.

    Media Pool Options

    There is one option in common with create, apps.

    The following media pool options are unique to list.


    The date and time the media pool was created.


    The total amount of free space remaining on volumes in the media pool.


    The total capacity of the media pool.


    The total amount of data on volumes in the media pool.

    Application Options

    All of the application options are in common with create. These options are as follows:

    o overwrite-existing
    o retain
    o validate-expiration
    o validate-filename
    o validate-volid
    System Options

    Options in common with set:

    o acsls-install-dir
    o attended
    o disk-timeout
    o host
    o log-file
    o log-level
    o port
    o num-restarts
    o num-sockets
    There is one system option unique to list.


    Brief listing of active sessions.

    Volume Options

    All of the volume options are unique to list.


    Lists the application that has stored data on this volume.


    Date and time this volume was added to the MMS.


    Amount of free space on the volume.


    Date and time this volume was last mounted.


    Lists the library controlling this volume.


    Media pool, of which this volume is a member.


    Number of times this volume has been mounted.


    Size of the volume.


    Total amount of time this volume has been mounted.


    Amount of data written to the volume.


    Lists the volume type as was specified when the volume was added to a media pool.

    Volume Type Options

    Both of the volume type options are unique to list.


    MMS media type associated with this voltype.


    Default size, in megabytes, for volumes of this type.


    The passwd Subcommand

    The passwd subcommand changes the password for the MMS administrator, MMS Database administrator, or for MMS applications. If the -P option is not specified, the user will be prompted to enter the password.

    The passwd subcommand has the following syntax.

    mmsadm passwd [-P passwdfile] name

    This subcommand requires the solaris.smf.value.mms and solaris.mms.* authorizations.

    The passwd subcommand has the following option.

    -P passwdfile

    Path to a temporary file containing the password.

    The passwd subcommand has the following operand.


    Use admin to change the MMS administrative password. Use dbadmin to change the MMS database administrative password. Use the application name to change the password for any other application.


    The online and offline Subcommands

    The online and offline subcommands control whether the specified library or drive is available to clients. If a library is set to offline, all drives and volumes managed by that library are unavailable. If a drive is set to offline, no volume can be mounted or accessed on that drive.

    The syntax for the online and offline subcommands is as follows:

    mmsadm online -t library | drive name
    mmsadm offline -t library | drive name

    The online and offline subcommands require the and solaris.mms.device.state.* authorizations.

    The online and offline subcommands have the following option.

    -t library | drive

    Specifies the type of resource to make unavailable or to restore.


    Tape or disk archiving drive.


    Tape library.

    The online and offline subcommands have the following operand.


    Name of the library or drive, as reported by the list subcommand


    The label Subcommand

    The label subcommand labels specified volumes. The subcommand has the following syntax:

    mmsadm label [-n] -l library -A application [-P file]

    The label subcommand requires the and* authorizations.

    The label subcommand has the following options.

    -l library

    Name of the library holding the volume.


    Do not mount the volume. If this is not specified, the specified volume will be mounted and header labels will be written.

    -A application

    Name of the application to which this volume will be assigned after labeling.

    -P file

    Path to a file containing the application password. If a file name is not provided, the user is prompted for the password.

    The label subcommand has the following operand.


    Volume(s) to be labeled.


    The add-volume Subcommand

    The add-volume subcommand adds new volumes to the specified media pool. The subcommand has the following syntax:

    mmsadm add-volume -l library_name -o voltype=type
        -x vol1[,vol2,...] mpool

    The add-volume subcommand requires the and* authorizations.

    The add-volume subcommand has the following options.

    -l library_name

    Name of the library from which volumes are selected.

    -o voltype=type

    Volumes to be added will be assigned the voltype specified here. To add volumes of different types to the same media pool, use the mmsadm add-volume command multiple times, specifying a different voltype each time.

    -x vol1[,vol2,...]

    A comma-separated list of unused volumes in the specified library.

    The add-volume subcommand has the following operand.


    Name of the media pool as reported by the list subcommand.


    The remove-volume Subcommand

    The remove-volume subcommand removes volumes from the specified media pools. If a volume is being used by an application, the force option, -f, is required. If the option is not included in the command, the request is rejected. This subcommand prompts for confirmation unless -f is provided. The subcommand has the following syntax:

    mmsadm remove-volume -f -x [-l library] vol1[,vol2,...] mpool

    The remove-volume subcommand requires the and* authorizations.

    The remove-volume subcommand has the following options.


    Forces the removal of the specified volume(s), even if they are in use by an application.

    -l library_name

    Name of the library from which volumes are removed.

    -x vol1[,vol2,...]

    A comma-separated list of volumes.

    The remove-volume subcommand has the following operand.


    Name of the media pool as reported by the list subcommand.


    The showreq Subcommand

    The showreq subcommand lists any pending operator requests, each with a request identifier. The subcommand has the following syntax:

    mmsadm showreq [-H] [drivename]

    The showreq subcommand does not require any authorizations.

    The showreq subcommand has the following option.


    Displays the requests in a manner parseable by scripts. The display does not include headers; fields are separated with a tab character.

    The showreq subcommand has the following operand.


    Displays the requests only for the specified drive.


    The accept Subcommand

    The accept subcommand accepts the operator request so that the MMS can proceed with the operation. The subcommand has the following syntax.

    mmsadm accept [-r "response text"] requestid

    The accept subcommand requires the solaris.mms.request.* and authorizations.

    The accept subcommand has the following option.

    -r "response text"

    Displays the text that explains the reason for the action.

    The accept subcommand has the following operand.


    The identifier of the operator request, as displayed by the mmsadm showreq command.


    The reject Subcommand

    The reject subcommand rejects the operator request. The subcommand has the following syntax.

    mmsadm reject [-r "response text"] requestid

    The reject subcommand requires the solaris.mms.request.* and authorizations.

    The reject subcommand has the following option.

    -r "response text"

    Displays the text that explains the reason for the action.

    The reject subcommand has the following operand.


    The identifier of the operator request, as displayed by the mmsadm showreq command.


    The dbbackup Subcommand

    The dbbackup subcommand creates a backup file containing the contents of the MMS database. This file can be used to restore the MMS database in the case of accidental removal, corruption, or other destructive event. It is strongly suggested this backup file be created on a regular basis, and backed up as part of the system backups. The subcommand has the following syntax.

    mmsadm dbbackup directory

    The dbbackup subcommand requires the solaris.smf.manage.mms, solaris.smf.value.mms, and solaris.mms.* authorizations.

    The dbbackup subcommand has the following operand.


    Specifies the location where the database backup files will be stored.


    The dbrestore Subcommand

    The dbrestore subcommand restores the MMS database from the specified file. The database is restored to the state it was in at the time the file was created by the mmsadm dbbackup command. The subcommand has the following syntax

    mmsadm dbrestore filename

    The dbrestore subcommand requires the solaris.smf.manage.mms and solaris.smf.value.mms authorizations.

    The dbrestore subcommand has the following operand.


    Specifies the complete pathname to the file containing the backup of the MMS database.


    The mount Subcommand

    The mount subcommand mounts a specified volume. The subcommand has the following syntax.

    mmsadm mount [-n] [-N] [-d drive] [-D density] 
        -A application -l library [-P file] [-u username]
        [-b blocksize] [-R] [-M mode[,mode...] volume

    The mount subcommand requires the[read|write|*] authorization.

    The mount subcommand has the following options.

    -A application

    Application name to be used when authenticating with the MM server. The name is the identifer used by the application itself, according to its API documentation.

    -b blocksize

    Specifies the largest block that the application can write to the tape drive for both variable and fixed blocks. Default is 262144. The maximum size depends on the drive type:

    9940 and 9840

    1 - 262144. If you specify fixed for the -M option (described below), must be an even number.

    LTO (all models)

    1 - 16777215. If you specify fixed for the -M option (described below).

    The choice of variable or fixed block is specified in the argument to the -M (mode) option. If you specify fixed, then -b is the block size because you can only read and write blocks in the block size you specified.

    -d drive

    Drive on which to mount a volume. If this option is not specified, the MM server selects a drive based on availability and capability.

    -D density

    Specifies the output density. Can be one of:
    o high
    o medium
    o low
    o compressed
    o den_9840
    o den_T9840C
    o den_T9940A
    o den_T9940B

    -l library_name

    Library containing the volume to be mounted.

    -M mode[,mode...]

    The mode argument can be one or more of creat, old, st_nobsd, st_tm, raw, mms, compression, nocompression, variable, block.


    Specifies norewind.


    Specifies nowait.

    -P file

    Path to a file containing the application password. If a file name is not provided, the user is prompted for the password.


    Specifies a read-only mount. The default is read/write.

    -u username

    Specifies the user who will own the pseudodevice created by mount.

    The mount subcommand has the following operand.


    Volume to be mounted.


    The unmount Subcommand

    The unmount subcommand unmounts the specified volume or MMS pseudodevice. The subcommand has the following syntax.

    mmsadm unmount [-f] [-l library_name] [-A application]
        [-P file] volume|pseudodevice

    The unmount subcommand requires the[read|write|*] authorization.

    The unmount subcommand has the following options.

    -A application

    Application name to be used when authenticating with the MM server.


    Forces an unmount operation of this volume even if it is in use by another user.

    -l library_name

    Library containing the mounted volume. Required only if using the volume name operand.

    -P file

    Path to a temporary file containing the application password.

    The unmount subcommand has one of the following operands.


    Device path as returned from the mmsadm mount command. If this form of unmount is used, the library need not be specified.


    Volume to be unmounted.



    Example 1 Displaying Available Libraries

    To display all libraries available to be managed by the MMS, enter:

    # mmsadm discover -t library -S my-acsls-server

    Example 2 Creating a Library

    To create a library in the MMS, enter:

    # mmsadm create -t library -o acsls=my-acsls-server -o acs=0 \
    -o lsm=1 -o hwtype=L180 -o serialno=7493476 LIB_L180_7493476

    Example 3 Creating a Drive

    To create a drive in the MMS, enter:

    # mmsadm create -t drive -o library=LIB_L180_7493476 \
    -o hwtype=LTO2 -o serialno=6453805873 \
    -o connection=myhost DRV_LTO2_6453805873

    Example 4 Making Library Available

    To make a library available for use, enter:

    # mmsadm online LIB_L180_7493476

    Example 5 Registering an Application

    To register an application, enter:

    # mmsadm create -t app -P /var/tmp/app_passwd MyBackupApp

    Example 6 Allowing an Application to Use a Drive

    To allow the MyBackupApp application to use a drive, enter:

    # mmsadm set -t drive -o apps=MyBackupApp DRV_LTO2_6453805873

    Example 7 Listing Volumes in a Library

    To show volumes in library L700_99987004 of type LT03, enter:

    # mmsadm list -t vol -o library=L700_99987004 -F mtype=LTO3

    Example 8 Listing Unconfigured Volumes

    To show volumes not yet configured for the MMS, enter:

    # mmsadm discover -t vol -S my_acsls_server

    Example 9 Configure an MMS for Three Applications

    The following sequence of commands illustrates the process of configuring a Media Management System for three applications, engineering, finance, and backup.

    Initialize the MM server and set the administrator password to mmsadm2008 in the password file, mmsadm_passwd:

    # mmsinit -P ~/mmsadm_passwd

    Create an application for the engineering application:

    # mmsadm create -t app -P ~/eng_passwd eng

    Create an application for the finance application:

    # mmsadm create -t app -P ~/finance_passwd finance

    Create an application for the backup application:

    # mmsadm create -t app -P ~/backup_passwd backup

    Create an L700 library named library1:

    # mmsadm create -t library -o acsls=mms-280-1 -o hwtype=L700 \
    -o acs=0 -o lsm=0 -o serialno=MPC02201638 library1

    Create a drive pool named org_dpool, to be shared between the engineering and finance applications:

    # mmsadm create -t dpool -o apps=eng,finance org_dpool

    Create a drive pool named shared_dpool, to be shared by the engineering, finance, and backup applications:

    # mmsadm create -t dpool -o apps=eng,finance,backup shared_dpool

    Create an exclusive drive pool for the backup application named bk_dpool:

    # mmsadm create -t dpool -o apps=backup bk_dpool

    Add a 9940 drive named drive1 shared by the engineering and finance applications:

    # mmsadm create -t drive -o hwtype=9940 -o serialno=479000002009 \
    -o library=library1 -o dpool=org_dpool drive1

    Add a 9940 drive named drive2 shared by the engineering, finance, and backup applications:

    # mmsadm create -t drive -o hwtype=9940 -o serialno=479000001954 \
    -o library=library1 -o dpool=shared_dpool drive2

    Add an exclusive 9940 drive named drive3 for the backup application:

    # mmsadm create -t drive -o hwtype=9940 -o serialno=479000001944 \
    -o library=library1 -o dpool=bk_dpool drive3

    Create media pool for the engineering and finance applications named org_mpool:

    # mmsadm create -t mpool -o apps=eng,finance org_mpool

    Create an exclusive media pool for the backup application named bk_mpool:

    # mmsadm create -t mpool -o apps=backup bk_mpool

    Add three volumes to the engineering and finance media pool:

    # mmsadm add-volume -l library1 -o voltype=9940 \
    -x 000220,000221,000222 org_mpool

    Add two volumes to the backup media pool:

    # mmsadm add-volume -l library1 -o voltype=9940 \
    -x 000230,000231 bk_mpool

    Write a volume label on the volume. The volume becomes owned by the engineering application. The finance or backup applications are, as a result, not able to use the volume:

    # mmsadm label -P ~/eng_passwd -l library1 -A eng 000220

    Verify that the engineering application owns the volume:

    # mmsadm label -P ~/finance_passwd -l library1 -A finance 000220

    Write a volume label for the finance application:

    # mmsadm label -P ~/finance_passwd -l library1 -A finance 000221

    Write a volume label for the backup application:

    # mmsadm label -P ~/backup_passwd -l library1 -A backup 000230

    Mount media for the engineering, finance and backup applications. The handle returned by the mount command will be used as a normal /dev/rmt entry:

    # mmsadm mount -P ~/eng_passwd -l library1 -A eng 000220
    # mmsadm mount -P ~/finance_passwd -l library1 -A finance 000221
    # mmsadm mount -P ~/backup_passwd -l library1 -A backup 000230

    Unmount the media and unload the drives:

    # mmsadm unmount -P ~/eng_passwd -U -l library1 -A eng 000220
    # mmsadm unmount -P ~/finance_passwd -U -l library1 -A finance 000221
    # mmsadm unmount -P ~/backup_passwd -U -l library1 -A backup 000230

    Example 10 Configure an MMS for Disk Archiving

    The following sequence of commands configures a Media Management System for disk archiving.

    Create a test application:

    # mmsadm create -t app -P ~/test_passwd test

    Create a disk archiving library named dklib1:

    # mmsadm create -t library -o hwtype=DISK -o dkpath=/dskpool dklib1

    Create a disk archiving media pool named dkcarts:

    # mmsadm create -t mpool -o apps=test dkcarts

    Create three 100 GB volumes for disk archiving and place the volumes in the media pool:

    # mmsadm add-volume -l dklib1 -o voltype=DISK -x 000000,000001,000002 \
    -o size=100g dkcarts

    Create a disk archiving drive pool named dkdrives:

    # mmsadm create -t dpool -o apps=test dkdrives

    Create a disk archiving drive and place it in the drive pool:

    # mmsadm create -t drive -o hwtype=DISK -o library=dklib1 \
    -o dpool=dkdrives dkdrive1

    Create volume labels. The volume will be labeled when it is mounted:

    # mmsadm label -P ~/test_passwd -n -l dklib1 -A test 000000
    # mmsadm label -P ~/test_passwd -n -l dklib1 -A test 000001
    # mmsadm label -P ~/test_passwd -n -l dklib1 -A test 000002

    Mount the volume 000000. Use the returned tape handle in a subsequent tar command:

    # mmsadm mount -P ~/test_passwd -n -l dklib1 -A test 000000

    Show the file sizes of the disk archiving volume before creating tar archive:

    % ls -la /dskpool/dklib1/000000

    Create a disk archiving tar archive:

    # tar -cvf <mms_handle> /var > /tmp/out$$ 2>&1

    Show the file sizes of the disk archiving volume after creating the tar archive:

    % ls -la /dskpool/dklib1/000000

    Unmount and unload the volume from the drive:

    # mmsadm unmount -P ~/test_passwd -U -l dklib1 -A test 000000




    Command succeeded.


    An error occurred.



    See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:



    Interface Stability



    mmsclient(1M), mmsexplorer(1M), mmsinit(1M), mount(1M), attributes(5), mms(5), rbac(5)



    discover Subcommand
    create and set Subcommands
    delete Subcommand
    list Subcommand
    The passwd Subcommand
    The online and offline Subcommands
    The label Subcommand
    The add-volume Subcommand
    The remove-volume Subcommand
    The showreq Subcommand
    The accept Subcommand
    The reject Subcommand
    The dbbackup Subcommand
    The dbrestore Subcommand
    The mount Subcommand
    The unmount Subcommand

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    Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov
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