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mpeg_rc (1)
  • >> mpeg_rc (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         mpeg_rc - convert  MPEG-1  bitstream  to  a  rate-controlled
         MPEG-1 bitstream
         mmppeegg_rrcc -i input-filename [ -o output-filename ]
         [ -I intra-distance ] [ -R reference-distance ]
         [ -N num-pics-per-gop ] [ -D name-of-rtvc-device ]
         [ -b bit-rate ] [ -f frames-todo ] [ -s ]  [  -t  frames-to-
         toss ]
         [ -wi weight ] [ -wp weight ] [ -wb weight ]
         mpeg_rc is a program that converts an MPEG-1 bitstream to  a
         bit  rate  controlled  MPEG-1  bitstream.   XIL  is  used to
         decompress the source  MPEG-1  bitstream.  The  decompressed
         images are supplied to the SunVideo card for re-compression.
         Quality of the resultant bitstream can be  affected  by  the
         types of pictures in the group of pictures, the bit rate and
         the bit allocation weights assigned to each picture type.
         The default re-compression  group  of  pictures  pattern  is
         IBBPBBPBBPBBPBB  but  this  can  be modified by changing the
         intra frame distance, the reference frame  distance,  and/or
         the  number  of  pictures per group of pictures pattern. The
         default bit rate is 1,115,000 bits/sec.
         SunVideo allocates a certain number of bits to each  picture
         type.  Bit  allocation  is  a  function of the bit rate, the
         weights of the picture types and the number of  pictures  of
         each  type  in  1  second. See the SunVideo manual under the
         MPEG_WEIGHTS attribute section for more information  on  how
         weights  effect bitstream quality. For this application, the
         default weight for I-pictures is 8, P-pictures is 4  and  B-
         pictures is 1.
         -i filename    name of input MPEG-1 bitstream.
         -o filename    name   of   rate-controlled   MPEG-1   output
                        bitstream file.
         -I n           intra distance - number of frames to the next
                        I-picture. Default is 15.
         -R n           reference distance - number of frames to  the
                        next  reference (I or P) picture.  Default is
         -N n           number  of  pictures  per   GOP   (group   of
                        pictures).  Default  is  15.  This  must be a
                        integer multiple of the reference distance.
         -D name        name  of  the  rtvc   device   to   use   for
                        recompression. Default is /dev/rtvc0.
         -b bitrate     bitrate  in  bits  per  second.  Default   is
                        1150000 bits per second.
         -f frames      frames to do - Default is to  recompress  all
                        frames in source.
         -s             show compression statistics. This will output
                        for each frame the size of the frame in bytes
                        (in decimal and  hex),  the  bits/pixel,  and
                        bits  per  second  as  a  total average and a
                        running  average  over  the  last  second  of
         -t n           frames to  toss  from  the  source  bitstream
                        before starting compress.
         -wi weight     Weight associated with I-pictures. Default 8.
         -wp weight     Weight associated with P-pictures. Default 4.
         -wb weight     Weight associated with B-pictures. Default 1.
         This program only produces bitstreams which  have  an  image
         width  of  320  and height of 240. If the source bitstream's
         width is greater than 320 and/or the height is greater  than
         240, a centered 320x240 child image will be compressed.

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