NAME sdtcm_admin - calendar administration utility SYNOPSIS sdtcm_admin -a [ -c <calendar@host> ] sdtcm_admin -d [ -c <calendar@host> ] [ -f ] sdtcm_admin -i [ -c <calendar@host> ] sdtcm_admin -l [ -h <hostname> ] sdtcm_admin -p <symbolic-mode-list> [ -c <calendar@host> ] [ -n <name> ] sdtcm_admin -x [ -c <calendar@host> ] sdtcm_admin -z [ -c <calendar@host> ] [ -n <name> ] AVAILABILITY SUNWdtdst DESCRIPTION The sdtcm_admin utility is used to administer calendars on local or remote systems. This utility is useful for creat- ing calendars for both users and non-users (no uid) on the system. The -a and -d options are used to add and delete calendars. Use the -i option to display information about calendars for which you have permission. The -l option is used to list calendars on a system. The -l option used in conjunction with -h hostname provides a way to list calen- dars that exist on remote hosts. The -p option is used to modify a calendar's access list. To list the calendar's access list and rights use the -x option. Use -z to remove a username from an access list. Unless otherwise specified by the -c option, this command acts on the user's calendar. The name of the user's calen- dar is determined by the login name of the user and the hostname given by the deskset.calendar.Location resource in the $HOME/.desksetdefaults file. The hostname value can be controlled by using dtcm(1)'s option sheet under ``Display Settings''. If this value is not set the hostname is deter- mined by using the local host the command is executed from. It is worth noting that the CDE calendar manager supports two calendar file formats. The OpenWindows data format (data version 3) and the CDE data format (data version 4). Some of the options listed below are not supported or work differently on version 3 data. Options that are not sup- ported on version 3 data will return an ``unsupported'' error message. The only option that works differently between the versions is -p and those differences are explained below. The sdtcm_convert(1) program can be used to convert between different data formats. OPTIONS -a Add a new calendar. Without any additional modifiers this option will create a calendar for the user. The -c option can be used in conjunction with the -a option to create calendars either locally or remotely. This option can be used by root to create a calendar for a user on the system. When root creates a calendar for a user the calendar ownership is changed to be that of the user. It is worth noting that login1 (where login1 is not root) cannot create a calendar called login2 if login2 exists in the passwd file or map. Only login2 has privileges to create their own calendar. Addition- ally login1 cannot create a calendar of any name on a host that cannot look up login1 in the passwd map or file. -d Delete an existing calendar. Without any additional modifiers this option will delete the user's calendar. The -c option can be used in conjunction with the -d option to delete calendars either locally or remotely. The -f option is used to turn off the confirmation prompt. -i Print information about a calendar. Alternate calen- dars can be specified by using the -c option. -l List calendars on a host. This option will list the calendars that exist on a host. This option is sup- ported on version 5 and greater calendar servers. The -h option can be used to specify the host. -p Modify calendar's access list. The -p option must be used in conjunction with the -n option. The -n option specifies the username of the person for whom access is being changed. The -p option takes a comma-separated list (with no intervening whitespace) of access modif- iers or the keyword noaccess as a required argument. An access modifier is made up of three components of the form: access operator permissions Operations are performed in the order given. Multiple permissions letters following a single operator cause the corresponding operations to be performed simultane- ously. access One of the following sets of characters pu, sp, pr, at, and ar specifying whose permissions are to be changed or assigned: pu public entry access sp semiprivate entry access pr private entry access at calendar attribute access ar access role operator Either +, -, or =, signifying how per- missions are to be changed: + Add permissions. Add the per- missions represented by per- missions. - Take away permissions. Clear the permissions represented by permissions. = Assign permissions absolutely. Set the current permissions to be those represented by per- missions. permission Any combination of the following permis- sions can be used with the pu, sp, pr, or at access types: v view permission i insert permission c change permission Any combination of the following access roles can be used with the ar access type: a author role o owner role Public entries represented by pu are entries that were entered from dtcm(1) with a privacy setting of ``Others See Time and Text''. Semiprivate entries represented by sp are entries that were entered with a privacy set- ting of ``Others See Time Only''. Individuals with pub- lic view access to the calendar will see all entries with a privacy setting of ``Others See Time and Text'' and only see the time of ``Others See Time Only'' entries. Individuals with Semiprivate view access to the calendar will be able to see ``Others See Time Only'' entries as if they where ``Others See Time and Text'' entries. Individuals with private view access represented by pr will be able to see ``Others See Nothing'' entires as if they were ``Others See Time and Text'' entires. Granting an individual private access does not give public or semiprivate access also. Each permission is independent of the other. Calendar attribute access, controlled by at, provides a way for the administrator of the calendar to control who can view, insert or modify information about the calendar. Some examples of calendar attributes are the access list, the calendar size, and ownership informa- tion. The -l or -x options can only be used by users who have view access to the calendar's attributes. The -p option can only be used by users that have insert or change permission for the calendar's attributes. Access roles ( ar ) provide a user with a set of per- missions. The owner's role grants the individual all the rights that are associated with owning the calen- dar. This includes the ability to delete the calendar from the system. The user that created the calendar is implicitly granted owner rights. The author's role grants the individual the right to delete entries the individual created in the calendar. To revoke all access to a calendar for a particular user specify noaccess. This will prevent the user from accessing the calendar. Simply removing the user from the access list may not be sufficient if there also exists a ``world'' entry in the access list. The ``world'' entry applies to all users not explicitly listed in the access list. -p noaccess -n username The following access modifier can be used to grant a user view, insert, and change permissions for your pub- lic and semiprivate entries along with author's rights: -p pu=vic,sp=vic,ar=a -n username To later remove insert and change access for that same person the following access modifier can be used: -p pu-ic,sp-ic -n username If the data version of the calendar is less than 4 (use the -i option to see the version) then the -p option takes as an argument any combination of the characters b, i, and d b browse permissions i insert permissions d delete permissions The following access modifier can be used to grant a user browse and insert permissions for your entries. [In calendar data versions prior to version 4 there was no notion of public, semiprivate or private entries]. -p bi -n username The expanded permissions model is only supported on data version 4 and later calendars. -x List calendar's access and rights. This option lists the calendar's access list and rights in an abbreviated form. -z Remove a username from the access list. This option when used in conjunction with the -n username option removes the username from the access list. These additional options can be used as modifiers to the options list above: -c calendar@host Names the calendar to be accessed, created or changed. This option can be used as a modifier to all the options listed above except for the -l option. -f Turns off the confirmation prompt when deleting a calendar. This option can only be used as a modifier to the -d option. -h hostname Names the host to list calendars from. This option can only be used with the -l option. -n username Names the user to be added, removed or modified in the calendar access list. The username can be in the form of username@host or just username. This option can be used with the -p and -z options. EXAMPLES To create a new calendar named ``vacation'' on the host ``scoots'' use: example% sdtcm_admin -a -c vacation@scoots To list the calendars that are on the host ``scoots'' use: example% sdstcm_admin -l -h scoots To retrieve information about your calendar use: example% sdtcm_admin -i To retrieve information about another calendar called ``schedule'' that exists on your local system called ``boo- mer'' use: example% sdtcm_admin -i -c schedule@boomer To grant view permissions to the user ``taj'' to all of your public, semiprivate, and private entries use: example% sdtcm_admin -n taj -p pu=v,sp=v,pr=v To then grant the user ``taj'' the permission to insert pub- lic entries from the host ``sacto'' use: example% sdtcm_admin -n taj@sacto -p pu+i To grant the user ``nikki'' owner privileges to your calen- dar use: example% sdtcm_admin -p ar+o -n nikki To remove the user ``taj@sacto'' from the access list on the calendar ``vacation@scoots'' use: example% sdtcm_admin -z -n taj@sacto -c vacation@scoots EXIT STATUS 0 Application ran without error. >0 An error occurred. FILES $HOME/.desksetdefaults default calendar location information SEE ALSO dtcm(1), rpc.cmsd(1), sdtcm_convert(1), dtcm_delete(1), dtcm_editor(1), dtcm_insert(1), dtcm_lookup(1)
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