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sdtgwm (1)
  • >> sdtgwm (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         sdtgwm - Graphical workspace manager for CDE
         sdtgwm [ -w # ]
         sdtgwm is an interactive  graphical  representation  of  all
         application windows across CDE workspaces.
         When  run,  sdtgwm,  by  default,  will  display   all   CDE
         workspaces  in  miniature and will have a representation for
         all application windows that reside in these workspaces.
         Windows can then be selected and various actions can be per-
         formed on them, via drag and drop or the various menus.
         Double clicking on a window list item will bring that window
         into focus.
         Windows can be dragged and dropped  from  one  workspace  to
         -w # Specify number of workspaces to display. Where #  indi-
              cates  the  number to be shown. If the number specified
              is less than the actual number of workspaces, then  the
              first  #  are  displayed.  In the event that the number
              specified  is  greater  than  the  actual   number   of
              workspaces, then all workspaces are shown.
         The three menu buttons across the top of the main window bar
         are described below.
         Workspace The Window menu contains the following items.
              Add Workspace
                   Adds a new workspace.
              Delete Workspace
                   Deletes a specified workspace.
                   Renames a specified workspace.
              Cascade All Windows
                   Switches to the selected  workspace  and  cascades
                   all  non minimized windows in that workspace. Win-
                   dows are not resized as they are cascaded.
              Tile All Windows
                   Switches to the selected workspace and  tiles  all
                   non  minimized  windows in that  workspace. Tiling
                   can be done  either  horizontally  or  vertically.
                   Windows  are  resized so that they are all visible
                   on the screen.
              Exit Terminates the application.
         Window  The Window menu contains the following items.
                   Menu Item toggles  between  Minimize  and  Restore
                   depending  on  the state of the currently selected
                   window. Menu option either minimizes  or  restores
                   the selected window.
              Close Window
                   Attempts to close the selected window. If the win-
                   dow being closed is the last window for its appli-
                   cation, then a confirmation dialog is shown.
              Terminate Application
                   Prompts user to confirm  termination  of  applica-
                   tion, if confirmed then closes this window and all
                   other windows associated with this application.
              Move To Workspace
                   Move  the  selected  window   from   its   current
                   workspace  to  the  selected  workspace.  May also
                   select all workspaces.
              Occupy Workspace
                   Displays Occupy Workspace dialog, from  which  the
                   user  can  specify  what workspace(s) the selected
                   window should occupy.
              Unoccupy Workspace
                   Only available on windows that are currently occu-
                   pying  more than one workspace. Simply removes the
                   window from workspace.
                   The Option menu contains the following items.
              Show Workspaces
                   Specifies how many workspaces to display.
              Help Standard help menu.
         There are also two Popup Menus available.
              Workspace Contextual Menu.
                   Clicking the secondary mouse button while hovering
                   over  the  workspace  thumbnail background selects
                   that workspace and brings up the Workspace contex-
                   tual  menu.  Menu  items available are the same as
                   those available on the Workspace pull down menu.
              Window Contextual Menu.
                   Clicking the secondary mouse button while hovering
                   over  the window icon selects that icon and brings
                   up the Window contextual menu. Menu  items  avail-
                   able are the same as those on the Window pull down
         example% sdtgwm
              Will launch sdtgwm with either default options or those
              of the previous session.
         example% sdtgwm -w 2
              Launches sdtgwm and displays the first 2 workspaces.
         Solaris User's Guide

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