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skilogout (1)
  • >> skilogout (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         skilogin - register the user's private key and  key  package
         with the SKI keyserver
         skilogout - remove the user's private key  and  key  package
         from the SKI keyserver
         skilogin [-s | -v ] [-h [-L virtual_host] [uid ...]]
         skilogout [-s | -v ] [-h [-L virtual_host] [uid ...]]
         The skilogin utility registers the user's  private  key  and
         key  package with the SKI keyserver running on the same host
         (see skiserv(1M)).  skilogin prompts the user for his or her
         password  to decrypt the private key in the key package.  If
         a key  and  key  package  for  the  same  user  are  already
         registered with the skiserv, they will be overwritten by the
         new key and key package.
         The private key to be registered with  skiserv  is  obtained
         from the user's key package which is retrieved from the con-
         figured name service, such as NIS or NIS+.
         The key and key package remain with skiserv until  the  user
         runs  the skilogout command.  Note that this does not happen
         automatically when a user runs logout(1).
         The -h option can be used to permanently register  a  host's
         private  key and key package with skiserv. This task must be
         done if the host has any daemon processes that provide secu-
         rity  services and need to have access to the host's private
         key (e.g., a Web server running SSL).  If the host is a vir-
         tual  host, then its name or dot separated IP address should
         be supplied with the -L option.  If a daemon process must be
         run  under  a  UID  other than 0, the UID(s) must be listed.
         Each UID must be entered as a numeric value.  If no  UID  is
         specified with the -h option, a default UID of 0 is assumed.
         The -h option informs skiserv to store the host private  key
         and  key package in a file, such that each time skiserv res-
         tarts, it will read the key(s) stored in the file and regis-
         ter  them.  skilogin -h can only be invoked by the superuser
         and can not be used to register regular user private keys.
         To skilogout daemon keys with a  particular  UID,  a  system
         administrator  may  invoke the skilogout -h command with the
         appropriate UIDs.  If a name or dot separated IP address  is
         supplied  with  the  -L option then only the private key for
         that virtual host will be removed.  Otherwise,  the  private
         key  for  the  physical  host will be removed.  All keys are
         removed from both skiserv and the permanent key file.
         The following options are supported for skilogin and  skilo-
         -s   Run application silently (no status or  error  informa-
              tion displayed).
         -v   Give verbose output.  If both option -v and  option  -s
              are specified, option -v is ignored.
         -h   Permanently register or remove  a  host's  private  key
              with skiserv.
         -L virtual_host
              Permanently register or remove a virtual host's private
              key   with  skiserv.   Specify  the  name  or  the  dot
              separated IP address of the virtual host.
         The following example registers the private key of a  daemon
         running as "nobody" (UID 60001) on your local host:
              example% skilogin -h 60001
         The following example registers the private key of a  daemon
         running as "root" (UID 0) on your local host:
              example% skilogin -h
         The skilogin and skilogout commands exit with 0 if  success-
         ful and 1 otherwise.
         keypkg(1), skiserv(1M)

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