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skiserv (1)
  • >> skiserv (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         skiserv - SKI keyserver
         skiserv, the SKI keyserver, is a per-host daemon which  per-
         forms   cryptographic  operations  with  private  keys.  The
         private key operations performed by  the  keyserver  include
         digital signature and decryption operations.
         skiserv also acts as a repository  for  user  and  host  key
         packages.   When  users require access to their key package,
         they  retrieve  it  from  skiserv,  and  not  the  (possibly
         insecure) naming service.
         Users register  their  private  key  and  key  package  with
         skiserv  by  executing  the skilogin command, which uses the
         entered password to cryptographically validate the key pack-
         age  and decrypt the private key (see keypkg(1)).  The vali-
         dated key package and decrypted private key are then sent to
         skiserv  via  an  RPC  call  using the secure local loopback
         transport.  The key and  key  package  remain  with  skiserv
         until the user runs the skilogout command.
         The skilogout utility removes the user's private key and key
         package  from  skiserv.  Note  that  this  does  not  happen
         automatically when a user runs logout(1).
         skiserv stores all private keys that  have  been  registered
         with  it  in  an  obscured form in memory. Private keys that
         have been permanently registered with skiserv (by  executing
         the  skilogin command with the -h option) are also stored in
         the  file  daemon.key  in   the   root-protected   directory
         /etc/ski/daemon  on  the local filesystem. This file is read
         by skiserv upon startup to initialize itself with a  set  of
         permanent host keys and key packages.
         /etc/ski/daemon/daemon.key  File where the private  key  and
                                     key package of hosts are stored
         keypkg(1), skilogin(1), skilogout(1)
         You must be root in order to run skiserv.

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