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smreg (1)
  • >> smreg (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    smreg - register objects for the Sun Web Console


    /usr/sbin/smreg [-h | --help] subcommand options  


    The smreg utility is a Command Line Interface (CLI) -based registration mechanism to manage the information in the console's registration databases. smreg adds management web applications, libraries, and configuration information to registration databases. It also validates an application's deployment descriptor to make sure it has certain required tags that enable the application to run in the console.

    smreg has four subcommands: add, remove, check, and list.  


    The following subcommands are supported:


    Registers objects of a specified type. If the object is already registered, any new registration will replace the previous registration. The application registration descriptor app.xml is verified to ensure that meets some initial requirements.

    The format of the add subcommand is:

    add -a [-x context] path

    add -d path

    add -l [-L] [-n lib_name] -s ALL | app_name path

    add -m -b behavior [-s service] -o name=value ... module

    add -p [-c | -e] name=value ...

    add -h


    Unregisters named objects.

    The format of the remove subcommand is:

    remove -a app_name | context

    remove -n app_name | -d path

    remove -l -s ALL | app_name lib_name

    remove -m [-s service] module

    remove -p [-c | -e] name ...

    remove -h


    Check an application.

    The check subcommand parses the application's web.xml file to make sure that it has the filter and filter-mapping tags. The console requires these tags to run an application.

    The required tags are as follows:


    Elements in the web.xml file must appear in a fixed order. For example, the filter tag must appear in the web.xml file before the filter-mapping tag. For more information, see the Java Servlet Specifications 2.3.

    The smreg check subcommand parses the application's web.xml file, checking for the existence of these tags and for the correct tag content. That is, the embedded filter-name tag content must be SessionManagerFilter, and the filter-class tag content must be:


    If the tag content is not correct, the application will not be registered.

    If the tags are not included in the application's web.xml file, the script prints to standard output a corrected version the web.xml file, with the tags embedded in the correct location. Because multiple filter tags are allowed in a file, smreg also includes the new tags as the first in a series.

    The format for the check subcommand is:

    check [-d] path

    check -h

    The -d is used strictly to maintain interface compatibility with 1.0-based application packages, and is otherwise ignored.


    Prints list of registered objects.

    The format of the list subcommand is:

    list [-a | -l | -m | -p]

    If no options are specified, then all registered objects are listed.



    The following options are supported:

    -a | --application

    Object type is an application.

    See app_name under ARGUMENTS for more information on the name by which an application is registered.

    -b behavior | --behavior behavior

    A flag value that controls behavior as authentication proceeds down the login module stack. See behavior under ARGUMENTS for more information on values allowed.

    -c name=value ... | --configuration name=value ...

    When used with -p, this option specifies that the property arguments are server configuration properties. The name=value pairs are written to a datastore, to be read during the next server startup. Any property name can be created, but only those recognized by the server will have any effect.

    -d path | --directory path

    This option is deprecated and is preserved only for compatibility with existing 1.0-based applications. It will be removed in a future release.

    When used with the "add" subcommand, it has the same effect as "-a".

    When used with the "remove" subcommand, path is the path to the original installation location of the application. This path will be mapped to the registered app_name so that the application can be unregistered using "smreg remove -a app_name". When used with the "check" subcommand, -d is ignored. The -d option is preserved strictly to maintain 1.0 interface compatibility.

    -e name=value ... | --environment name=value ...

    When used with -p, this option specifies that the property arguments are server environment properties. The name=value pairs are placed into the server's environment during the next server startup. Any environment name can be created, and is available for use by any application.

    -h | -? | --help

    Displays command and subcommand usage information.

    -l | --library

    Object type is a library JAR file.

    Library JAR files that are not installed in the same location as the application, or are not registered at the same time as the application (for example, localization JAR files), can be registered separately by using this option. See lib_name under ARGUMENTS for more information on the name by which a library is registered.

    A library can be registered with global scope so that it can be used by all applications, by specifying the -s ALL option. A library can be registered so that it may only be used by a specific application, by specifying the -s app_name option. If a library must be shared by more than one application but not globally, then a seperate registration is required for each instance in which the library is to be shared.

    -L | --link

    Specifies to register the library JAR as a symbolic link rather than as a file copy. This option is ignored on operating systems which do not support symbolic links.

    -m | --module

    Object type is a login module.

    -n [app_name | lib_name] | --name [app_name | lib_name]

    When used with the "add -l" subcommand, specifies the name by which an application or library is known to the registration service.

    When used with the "remove" subcommand, specifies the name by which an application is known to the registry service. "remove -n" is deprecated and is preserved only for compatibility with existing 1.0-based applications. It will be removed in a future release.

    See app_name under ARGUMENTS for more information on the name by which an application is registered.

    See lib_name under ARGUMENTS for more information on the name by which a library is registered.

    -o name=value ... | --option name=value ...

    Options specific to the login module implementation. The options are specified as name=value pairs, each preceded by the -o option. Values containing more than one word must be enclosed in double quotes (").

    -p | --properties

    Object type is properties. This option is specified for use with either -c (for configuration properties) or -e (for environment properties). If neither -c nor -e are specified, then -c is assumed.

    See the PROPERTIES section for information on specific configuration properties that are useful to a system administrator.

    -s [ALL | app_name] | --scope [ALL | app_name]

    When used with -l, specifies the sharing scope for the library being registered. A scope of ALL makes the library available to all applications. A scope of app_name makes the library available only to the application already registered as app_name. See app_name under ARGUMENTS for more information on the name by which an application is registered.

    -s service | --scope service

    When used with -m, specifies the login service scope for the module. If not specified, the default is ConsoleLogin, which is the web console's browser login service.

    -V | --version

    Display console version information.

    -x context | --context context

    The deployment context path for an application. This option is to be used to register applications built with the SDK version 2.1 or greater. If not provided and the application is unpacked, the context is the parent directory of the application's WEB-INF directory. This option is ignored when registering applications built with an SDK version prior to 2.1.



    The subcommand arguments are:

    app_name The unique name of the registered application in the format of pluginName_version, where pluginName and version are tags extracted from the application's registration descriptor, app.xml. All subsequent references to the registered application must then be made by using this registered name.

    path When used with the "add -a", "add -d", or "remove -d" subcommands, the full directory path where the application has been installed.

    When used with the check subcommand, if it is a directory then it is the full directory path where the application has been installed. If it is a file, then it is the path to a web.xml-compliant file.

    When used with the "add -l" subcommand, the full path where the library JAR file is installed.

    behavior Specifies the authentication behavior. The possible values are: required, requisite, sufficient, or optional.

    lib_name The name by which a library JAR file is known to the registration service. By default, libraries will be registered using the basename of the path to the library. This default value can be overridden by using the -n lib_name option to register the object by using a globally unique name.

    module The fully-qualified class name of the module. For example:



    While the list of configuration properties is unlimitted, certain properties that may be useful to a system administrator are mentioned here:


    This is the time interval of no user activity after which the user will be prompted to log in again to continue. The default session timeout is 15 minutes. Setting the value to -1 means there is no timeout. To set the session timeout to 5 minutes, run the following command:

    # smreg add -p -c session.timeout.value=5


    This is the directory where log files are created. The default is /var/log/webconsole. To set the directory to /tmp/logs, run the following command:

    # smreg add -p -c debug.trace.path=/tmp/logs


    This is the path to the Java Development Kit (JDK) that will be used to run the web server. The default is /usr/j2se on Solaris and /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2 on Linux. To set the path to /usr/jdk142, run the following command:

    # smreg add -p -c java.home=/usr/jdk142


    This contains the options for configuring the Java Virtual machine (JVM). The defaults are "-server -XX:+BackgroundCompilation". To include setting the initial Java heap size to 64MB, run the following command:

    # smreg add -p -c java.options="-Xms64 \
    -server -XX:+BackgroundCompilation"



    Example 1: Registering an unpacked Application

    The following command registers an application which has been installed unpacked in /opt/myCompany/myApp:

    # smreg add -a /opt/myCompany/myApp

    Example 2: Unregistering an Application

    The following command unregisters an application previous registered with an app_name of com.myCompany.myApp_1.2:

    # smreg remove -a com.myCompany.myApp_1.2

    Example 3: Registering a Library JAR File with Global Scope

    The following command registers myLibrary.jar, installed in /opt/myCompany/MyApp, as com_myCompany_myLibrary.jar for use by all applications:

    # smreg add -l -n com_myCompany_myLibrary.jar \
          -s ALL /opt/myCompany/MyApp/myLibrary.jar

    Example 4: Registering a Library JAR file with a Specific Application Scope

    The following command registers Utilities.jar, installed in /opt/SomeCompany/lib, with the application already registered as com.myCompany.myApp_1.2:

    # smreg add -l -s com.myCompany.myApp_1.2 \

    Example 5: Unregister a Library JAR File from Global Scope

    The following command unregisters com_myCompany_myLibrary.jar from global scope so that it is not available to applications:

    # smreg remove -l -s ALL com_myCompany_myLibrary.jar

    Example 6: Unregister a Library JAR File from a Specific Application Scope

    The following command unregisters Utilities.jar so that it is not available to the registered application com.myCompany.myApp_1.2:

    # smreg remove -l -s com.myCompany.myApp_1.2 Utilities.jar

    Example 7: Checking that Application's Deployment Descriptor Meets Sun Web Console Guidelines

    Either of the following commands to check to see if the deployment descriptor located at /opt/myCompany/myApp/WEB-INF/lib/web.xml meets the Sun Web Console guideline:

    # smreg check /opt/myCompany/myApp
      # smreg check /opt/myCompany/myApp/WEB-INF/lib/web.xml

    Example 8: Registering an Environment Property

    The following command registers the environment property name GREETING with value "Hello World" and the name FOO with the value "bar" so that they appear in the server's environment and are available to any application:

    # smreg add -p -e GREETING="Hello World" FOO=bar

    Example 9: Unregistering an Environment Property

    The following command unregisters the environment property names GREETING and FOO so that they no longer appear in the server's environment and are not available to any application:

    # smreg remove -p -e GREETING FOO

    Example 10: Registering a Login Module

    The following command registers the module class with "requisite" behavior and a commandPath argument:

    # smreg add -m -b requisite \
          -o commandPath="/usr/lib/webconsole" \


    Example 11: Unregistering a Login Module

    The following command unregisters the module class

    # smreg remove -m

    Example 12: Print a List of All Registered Applications

    # smreg list -a


    The following exit values are returned:

    0 Successful completion.

    1 Usage error: missing or malformed arguments.

    2 An error occurred that prevents registration - either a console configuration problem, or badly-formatted web.xml or app.xml.

    3 Unable to determine OS for this machine.

    4 Detected OS for this machine is not supported.



    See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

    Interface StabilityObsolete



    smcwebserver(1M), attributes(5)




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