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svadm (1)
  • >> svadm (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    svadm - command line interface to control Availability Suite Storage Volume operations


    svadm -h

    svadm -v

    svadm [-C tag]

    svadm [-C tag] -i

    svadm [-C tag] -e {-f config_file | volume}

    svadm [-C tag] -d {-f config_file | volume}

    svadm [-C tag] -r {-f config_file | volume}



    The svadm command controls the Storage Volume (SV) driver by providing facilities to enable and disable the SV driver for specified volumes, and to dynamically reconfigure the system.  


    If you specify no arguments to an svadm command, the utility displays the list of volumes currently under SV control. svadm supports the following options:

    -C tag

    On a clustered node, limits operations to only those volumes belonging to the cluster resource group, or disk group name, specified by tag. This option is illegal on a system that is not clustered. The special tag, local, can be used to limit operations to only those volumes that cannot switch over to other nodes in the cluster.


    Disables the SV devices specified on the command line or in the configuration file. If -C tag is specified with this option, then the volume should be in this cluster disk group.


    Enables the SV devices specified on the command line or in the configuration file. Details of the volume are saved in the current configuration. See dscfg(1M). If -C tag is specified with this option, then the volume should be in this cluster disk group.

    -f config_file

    Specifies a configuration file that contains a list of volumes. A command reads this volume list and then perform the operation. The format of the config_file is a simple list of volume pathnames, one per line. Blank lines and lines starting with the comment character (#) are ignored.


    Displays the svadm usage summary.


    Displays extended status for the volumes currently under SV control.


    When a config_file is specified, reconfigure the running system to match the configuration specified in the config_file. When the -C option is specified, compare the cluster tag for each volume and change it to cluster_tag. If a volume is specified with this option, it is valid only to reconfigure the cluster tag associated with the volume. The -e or -d options should be used to enable or disable single volumes.


    Displays the SV version number.



    When an SV volume is enabled, normal system call access to the device (see intro(2)) is redirected into the StoreEdge architecture software. This allows standard applications to use StorageTek features such as Sun StorageTek Point-in-Time Copy and Remote Mirror Software.

    The svadm command generates an entry in the Availability Suite log file, /var/adm/ds.log (see ds.log(4)), when performing enable (-e) and disable (-d) operations.  


    See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:


    AvailabilitySUNWspsvr, SUNWspsvu

    Interface Stability



    dscfg(1M), ds.log(4), attributes(5), sv(7D)




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