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tcov (1)
  • >> tcov (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         tcov - source code test coverage analysis and  statement-by-
         statement profile
         tcov [ -a ] [ -n ] [ -o filename ] [ -p oldpath newpath ]
              [ -x dir ] files ...
         ttccoovv produces a test coverage analysis of  a  compiled  pro-
         gram.  ttccoovv  takes source files as arguments and produces an
         annotated source listing.  Each straight-line (basic  block)
         segment  of  code  (or each line if the -a option to ttccoovv is
         specified) is prefixed with the number of times it has  been
         executed;  lines  that  have  not been executed are prefixed
         with "#####".
         To use ttccoovv, programs must be compiled  with  -xprofile=tcov
         or -xa compiler options.
         There are two implementations  of  ttccoovv  coverage  analysis.
         Compiling  with  the -xa option prepares the object code for
         the original "old style" coverage analysis.
         Compiling with the -xprofile=tcov compiler option and  using
         the ttccoovv -x dir option invokes the enhanced "new style" cov-
         erage analysis.
         In either case, the output is a copy  of  the  source  files
         annotated with statement execution counts in the margin.
         "Old Style" ttccoovv Coverage Analysis:
         Compile the program with the -xa compiler option. This  pro-
         duces  the  file  $TCOVDIR/file.d  for each source file com-
         piled. (If environment variable TCOVDIR is not set,  the  .d
         files are stored in the current directory.)
         Run the program. At program  completion  (the  program  must
         complete  normally  to produce the coverage analysis) the .d
         files are updated. To view the coverage analysis merged with
         the  source  files,  run ttccoovv on the source files. The anno-
         tated analysis file corresponding to  each  compiled  source
         file is named $TCOVDIR/file.tcov.
         The output produced by ttccoovv shows the number of  times  each
         statement  or  statement group was actually executed in this
         run. With the ttccoovv option -a, statements that were not  exe-
         cuted are marked with ####-> to the left of the statement.
         "New Style" Enhanced ttccoovv Analysis:
         The preferred way to use ttccoovv is to compile the program with
         -xprofile=tcov.   When  the program is run, coverage data is
         stored in program.profile/tcovd, where program is  the  name
         of  the  executable  file.  (If the executable were the file
         a.out, the file a.out.profile/tcovd would be created.)
         Note that if compilation and linking are  done  in  separate
         steps, include the same -xprofile option on the link step as
         appeared on the compile step, and use the compiler  to  per-
         form the linking, not ld..
         Run ttccoovv --xx dir file ... over each source file to create  on
         file   file.tcov  in  the  current  directory  the  coverage
         analysis merged with its source file. A separate .tcov  file
         is created for each source file.
         Environment variables SUN_PROFDATA and SUN_PROFDATA_DIR  can
         be  used  to  specify where the intermediary data collection
         files are saved. These are the *.d and *.tcovd files created
         by  old  and  new  style ttccoovv respectively. (See ENVIRONMENT
         Each subsequent run accumulates more coverage data into  the
         program.profile/tcovd  file.  Data  for  each object file is
         zeroed out the first time  the  program  is  executed  after
         recompilation.  Data  for  the  entire  program is zeroed by
         removing the tcovd file.
         -a   Display an execution count for each statement; if -a is
              not specified, an execution count is displayed only for
              the first statement of each straight-line (basic block)
              segment of code.
         -n   Display table of the line numbers of the  n  most  fre-
              quently executed statements and their execution counts.
         -o filename
              Direct the output to filename instead of ffiillee..ttccoovv.  If
              filename is "-", then direct the output to the standard
              output instead of ffiillee..ttccoovv.  This option overrides any
              directory specified in the TCOVDIR environment variable
              (see ENVIRONMENT below).
         -p originalpath newpath
              The -x option can get confused when  the  source  files
              have  a  different path when you run ttccoovv than they had
              when you compiled them. This frequently happens because
              you  are  using  two  different machines that have dif-
              ferent mount  points  for  the  same  directory.   This
              option  allows  you  to tell ttccoovv that all source files
              that had a path prefix of originalpath at compile time,
              now  have a path prefix of newpath at ttccoovv runtime. You
              may specify as many -p options as you wish.
         -x dir
              "New style" ttccoovv coverage analysis.  The  source  files
              must be compiled with the -xprofile=tcov compiler flag.
              dir is the name of the  directory  where  the  coverage
              data    is    stored.    Typically,    this   will   be
              program.profile/ where program is the name of the  com-
              piled executable file. (For example, a.out.profile ).
              If -x dir is not specified, "old style"  tcov  coverage
              is assumed.
         Old style ttccoovv:
              demo% cc -o myprog -a alpha.c beta.c gamma.c
              demo% myprog      program execution
              demo% tcov -a alpha.c beta.c gamma.c
              demo% cat alpha.tcov beta.tcov gamma.tcov
         New enhanced ttccoovv:
              demo% cc -o myprog -xprofile=tcov alpha.c beta.c gamma.c
              demo% myprog      program execution
              demo% tcov -x myprog.profile alpha.c beta.c gamma.c
              demo% cat alpha.c.tcov beta.c.tcov gamma.c.tcov
         TCOVDIR   "Old style"  coverage  analysis  (without  the  -x
                   option).  If  the  TCOVDIR environment variable is
                   set at compile time, it specifies where the ffiillee..dd
                   files will be written.  At ttccoovv runtime, it speci-
                   fies where to find the ffiillee..dd  and  to  write  the
                   ffiillee..ttccoovv  coverage  analysis  files.  It  has  no
                   effect at the user-program's runtime.
                   "New  style"  coverage  analysis  (with   the   -x
                   option). Same as SUN_PROFDATA_DIR below.
                   "New style" coverage analysis.  With  these  vari-
                   ables  set,  ttccoovv writes performance coverage data
                   to files in $SUN_PROFDATA_DIR/$SUN_PROFDATA/.
                   If set, $SUN_PROFDATA is used as the name  of  the
                   directory read by ttccoovv instead of program.profile.
                   In this case, the appropriate ttccoovv  command  would
                       demo% tcov -x $SUN_PROFDATA source_files...
                   If SUN_PROFDATA_DIR is set, it will look there for
                   the coverage files, and not the current directory.
                   If both TCOVDIR and SUN_PROFDATA_DIR  are  set,  a
                   warning is issued and SUN_PROFDATA_DIR is used.
         Without -x flag (old style ttccoovv):
                   ffiillee..dd input test coverage data  file  created  by
                   compiler for each compiled source file
                   ffiillee..ttccoovv output test  coverage  analysis  listing
         With -x flag ( new style ttccoovv):
                   mmyypprroogg..pprrooffiillee//ttccoovvdd input test coverage data file
                   ffiillee..ttccoovv output test  coverage  analysis  listing
                   file (including file extension:  alpha.c.tcov )
                   See   also   SUN_PROFDATA_DIR   and   SUN_PROFDATA
                   environment variables above.
         acc(1)  cc(1),  CC(1),  f77(1),  gprof(1),  pc(1),  prof(1),
         premature end of file
              Issued for routines containing no statements.
         Multiprocessor/Multithreaded programs with tcov:
         Running an MP/MT program  compiled  with  the  -a  (or  -xa)
         option  produces  unpredictable behavior. The -xprofile=tcov
         option may be used with MP/MT programs, but  the  output  of
         ttccoovv  is valid only for a zero or non-zero value. The actual
         count may be incorrect.
         tcov does not support files which  contain  #line  or  #file
         The analyzed program must call exit(2)  or  return  normally
         for the coverage information to be saved in the .d file.

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