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todo (3)
  • >> todo (3) ( Linux man: Библиотечные вызовы )


    todo - Todo List
    Class rpmlead

     Don't use any information from lead. 

    Class tagMacro

     Should other macros be added from header when installing a package? 

    File buildio.h

     Eliminate, merge into rpmlib. 

    Global checkHardLinks(FileList fl)
    Only lang coloring is checked, doc et al also need doing.

    Global genCpioListAndHeader(FileList fl, TFI_t *cpioList, Header h, int isSrc)
    Should directories have doc/config attributes? (#14531)

    Remove RPMTAG_OLDFILENAMES, add dirname/basename instead.

    Global cpio_doio(FD_t fdo, Header h, CSA_t csa, const char *fmodeMacro)

     Create transaction set *much* earlier. 

    Global doSetupMacro(Spec spec, char *line)
    FIXME: Option -q broken when not immediately after setup.

    Global alSatisfiesDepend(const availableList al, const char *keyType, const char *keyDepend, const char *keyName, const char *keyEVR, int keyFlags)

    Global unsatisfiedDepend(rpmTransactionSet ts, const char *keyType, const char *keyDepend, const char *keyName, const char *keyEVR, int keyFlags, struct availablePackage ***suggestion)
    Eliminate rpmrc provides.

    Global getFilesystemList(void)
    determine rdonly for non-linux file systems.

    Global dataLength(int_32 type, hPTR_t p, int_32 count, int onDisk)
    Remove sanity check exit's.

    File header.h
    Document version2 headers.

    Global rpmReadPackageManifest(FD_t fd, int *argcPtr, const char ***argvPtr)

     Infinite loops through manifest files exist, operator error for now.

    Global domd5(const char *fn, unsigned char *digest, int asAscii)
    Eliminate, use beecrypt instead.

    Global mdbinfile(const char *fn, unsigned char *bindigest)
    Eliminate, use beecrypt instead.

    Global mdfile(const char *fn, unsigned char *digest)
    Eliminate, use beecrypt instead.

    Global psmStage(PSM_t psm, pkgStage stage)

     Packages w/o files never get a callback, hence don't get displayed on install with -v. 

    Global freeSpecVec)(Spec spec)=NULL

     Eliminate linkage loop into librpmbuild.a 

    Global parseSpecVec)(Spec *specp, const char *specFile, const char *rootdir, const char *buildRoot, int recursing, const char *passPhrase, char *cookie, int anyarch, int force, int preprocess)=NULL

     Eliminate linkage loop into librpmbuild.a 

    Global rpmVerifyDigest(Header h)
    Make digest check part of rpmdb iterator.

    Global rpmprobFilterFlags_e

     Generalize filter mechanism. 

    Global rpmVerifyScript(const char *rootDir, Header h, FD_t scriptFd)
    gnorpm/kpackage prevents static, should be using VERIFY_SCRIPT flag.

    Global rpmPackageGetEntry(void *leadp, Header sigs, Header h, int_32 tag, int_32 *type, void **p, int_32 *c)
    Eliminate from API.

    Global rpmReadPackageInfo(FD_t fd, Header *sigp, Header *hdrp)

    Global checkSize(FD_t fd, int siglen, int pad, int datalen)
    rpmio: use fdSize rather than fstat(2) to get file size.

    Global relocateFileList(const rpmTransactionSet ts, TFI_t fi, struct availablePackage *alp, Header origH, fileAction *actions)
    multilib file dispositions need to be checked.

    Global fingerPrint

     Convert to pointer and make abstract. 

    Global dbiFindByLabel(dbiIndex dbi, void *dbcursor, const char *arg, dbiIndexSet *matches)
    Name must be an exact match, as name is a db key.

    Global expandMacro(MacroBuf mb)
    Dynamically reallocate target buffer.

    Global grabArgs(MacroBuf mb, const MacroEntry me, const char *se, char lastc)
    Use popt rather than getopt to parse args.

    File rpmerr.h

     Eliminate from API. 

    Global expandMacros(void *spec, MacroContext mc, char *sbuf, size_t slen)
    Eliminate from API.

    Global rpmDefineMacro(MacroContext mc, const char *macro, int level)


    File rpmmessages.h

     Eliminate from API. 

    Global pgpHashAlgo_e

     Add SHA256. 

    Global XurlFree(urlinfo u, const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line)

     Remove debugging entry from the ABI.

    Global XurlLink(urlinfo u, const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line)

     Remove debugging entry from the ABI.

    Global XurlNew(const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line)

     Remove debugging entry from the ABI.

    Global xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)

     Annotate ptr with returned/out. 

    Global rpmQueryFlags_e

     Merge rpmQueryFlags, rpmVerifyFlags, and rpmVerifyAttrs?. 

    Global rpmVerifyFlags_e

     Merge rpmQueryFlags, rpmVerifyFlags, and rpmVerifyAttrs values?. 

    Global rpmQVSources_e

     Move to rpmcli.h 

    Global rpmVerifyAttrs_e

     Move to rpmcli.h

    Global rpmVerifyFile(const char *root, Header h, int filenum, rpmVerifyAttrs *result, rpmVerifyAttrs omitMask)
    gnorpm and python bindings prevent this from being static.

    Global rpmInstallInterfaceFlags_e

     Move to rpmcli.h 

    Global rpmInstall(const char *rootdir, const char **fileArgv, rpmtransFlags transFlags, rpmInstallInterfaceFlags interfaceFlags, rpmprobFilterFlags probFilter, rpmRelocation *relocations)

     Generalize --freshen policies.

    Global transactionSetHeader

     Remove, there's no headerLink refcount on the pointer. 

    Global rpm_machtable_e

     Eliminate from API. 

    Global rpmGetVar(int var)

     Eliminate from API. 

    Global rpmSetVar(int var, const char *val)

     Eliminate from API. 

    Global rpmGetArchInfo(const char **name, int *num)
    Generalize to extract arch component from target_platform macro.

    Global rpmGetOsInfo(const char **name, int *num)
    Generalize to extract os component from target_platform macro.

    Global rpmMachineScore(int type, const char *name)
    Rewrite to use RE's against config.guess target platform output.

    Global rpmSetTables(int archTable, int osTable)
    Eliminate from API. #

    Note: Only used by build code.

    Global rpmSetMachine(const char *arch, const char *os)
    Eliminate from API.

    Global rpmGetMachine(const char **arch, const char **os)
    Eliminate from API.

    Global rpmFreeRpmrc(void)

     Eliminate from API. 

    Global rpmtransGetKeys(const rpmTransactionSet ts, const void ***ep, int *nep)
    Removed packages have no keys, returned as interleaved NULL pointers.

    Global rpmdbSetIteratorVersion(rpmdbMatchIterator mi, const char *version)
    Eliminate from API.

    Global rpmdbSetIteratorRelease(rpmdbMatchIterator mi, const char *release)
    Eliminate from API.

    Global XrpmdbNextIterator(rpmdbMatchIterator mi, const char *f, unsigned int l)

     Remove debugging entry from the ABI.

    Global HDRaddorappend)(Header h, int_32 tag, int_32 type, const void *p, int_32 c)
    Arg 'p' should have const.

    Global HDRsort)(Header h)
    Eliminate from API.

    Global HDRunsort)(Header h)
    Eliminate from API.

    Global copyEntry(const indexEntry entry, hTYP_t type, hPTR_t *p, hCNT_t c, int minMem)
    Permit retrieval of regions other than HEADER_IMUTABLE.

    Global headerAddOrAppendEntry(Header h, int_32 tag, int_32 type, const void *p, int_32 c)
    Arg 'p' should have const.

    Global headerFreeData(const void *data, rpmTagType type)
    Remove from API.

    Global expandRegular(FSM_t fsm)
    Legacy: support brokenEndian MD5 checks?

    Page Dependencies
    per-interpreter dependency generators are not located in subdiretories.

    Page Immutable header regions in rpm-4.0.1 and later
    Either concatenated/nested regions may be used to implement a metarpm, aka a package of packages, dunno how, when, or even if, yet.




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