Net::Config - Local configuration data for libnet
use Net::Config qw(%NetConfig);
The configuration data is held globally in a file in the perl installation tree, but a user may override any of these values by providing their own. This can be done by having a ".libnetrc" file in their home directory. This file should return a reference to a HASH containing the keys described below. For example
# .libnetrc { nntp_hosts => [ "my_prefered_host" ], ph_hosts => [ "my_ph_server" ], } __END__
-1 Cannot lookup hostname 0 Host is inside firewall (or there is no ftp_firewall entry) 1 Host is outside the firewall
This is done by using hostname lookup and the "local_netmask" entry in the configuration data.
user Username for remote host pass Password for remote host fwuser Username for firewall fwpass Password for firewall The hostname of the remote ftp server
USER fwuser PASS fwpass USER PASS pass
USER fwuser PASS fwpass SITE USER user PASS pass
USER fwuser PASS fwpass OPEN USER user PASS pass
USER PASS pass@fwpass
USER PASS fwpass USER user PASS pass
USER PASS pass AUTH fwuser RESP fwpass
With some firewalls this does not work as the server cannot connect to your machine (because you are behind a firewall) and the firewall does not re-write the command. In this case you should set "ftp_ext_passive" to a true value.
Some servers are configured to only work in passive mode. If you have one of these you can force "Net::FTP" to always transfer in passive mode; when not going via a firewall, by setting "ftp_int_passive" to a true value.
The following entries are used during installation & testing on the libnet package
$Id: //depot/libnet/Net/ $
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