NAME cfftopt - compute the length of the closest fast FFT INTEGER FUNCTION CFFTOPT(N) INTEGER N #include <sunperf.h> int cfftopt(int len); PURPOSE CFFTOPT computes the length of the closest fast FFT. Fast Fourier transform algorithms, including those used in Per- formance Library, work best with vector lengths that are products of small primes. For example, an FFT of length 32=2**5 will run faster than an FFT of prime length 31 because 32 is a product of small primes and 31 is not. If your application is such that you can taper or zero pad your vector to a larger length then this function may help you select a better length and run your FFT faster. CFFTOPT will return an integer no smaller than the input argument N that is the closest number that is the product of small primes. CFFTOPT will return 16 for an input of N=16 and return 18=2*3*3 for an input of N=17. Note that the length computed here is not guaranteed to be optimal, only to be a product of small primes. Also, the value returned may change as the underlying FFTs become capable of handling larger primes. For example, passing in N=49 today will return 50=2*5*5 rather than 49=7*7 because the FFTs in Performance Library do not have fast radix 7 code. In the future, radix 7 code may be added and then N=49 will return 49. ARGUMENTS N (input) INTEGER Length of the vector to be transformed. N >= 0. CFFTOPT(0) .EQ. 0.
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