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clibmvec (3)
  • >> clibmvec (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         clibmvec - vector  versions  of  some  complex  mathematical
         f77 [ flag ... ] file ...  -lmvec [ library ... ]
         f77 [ flag ... ] file ...  -lmvec_mt [ library ... ]
         subroutine vz_abs(n, x, stridex, y, stridey)
         subroutine vz_exp(n, x, stridex, y, stridey, tmp)
         subroutine vz_log(n, x, stridex, y, stridey)
         subroutine vz_pow(n, x, stridex,  y,  stridey,  z,  stridez,
         subroutine vc_abs(n, a, stridea, b, strideb)
         subroutine vc_exp(n, a, stridea, b, strideb, stmp)
         subroutine vc_log(n, a, stridea, b, strideb)
         subroutine vc_pow(n, a, stridea,  b,  strideb,  c,  stridec,
         integer n,stridex,stridey,stridez,stridea,strideb,stridec
         complex*16 x(n),y(n),z(n),tmp(n)
         complex a(n),b(n),c(n),stmp(n)
         Each function of the form vz_ffuunncc evaluates the  correspond-
         ing complex function ffuunncc((xx)) for each element of the complex
         vector x.  The number of elements computed  is  n,  and  the
         results  are  stored in the complex y vector.  For functions
         of two arguments, the results are stored in  the  complex  z
         vector.   Stridex,  stridey,  and  stridez are the distances
         between successive elements of  the  x,  y,  and  z  vectors
         respectively,  and  allow the vector functions to operate on
         elements which are not contiguous in memory.  The arrays  x,
         y, z, and tmp are Fortran type complex arrays.
         vz_abs(n, x , stridex,  y,  stridey,  z,  stridez)  computes
         vz_exp(n, x , stridex, y, stridey, tmp) computes cexp(x).
         vz_log(n, x , stridex, y, stridey) computes clog(x).
         v_pow(n, x , stridex, y, stridey, z, stridez, tmp)  computes
         z = x**y , the complex power function.
         The subroutines vc_abs, vc_exp, vc_log, and vc_pow, are sin-
         gle  precision complex versions of the double precision com-
         plex functions listed above.
         See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-
        | Availability  |  SPROlang       |
        | MT-Level      |  MT-Safe        |
         libmvec(3M), attributes(5)
         The vector functions treat exceptional cases in  the  spirit
         of IEEE754, producing the same results as the Fortran scalar
         functions.  Some vector  functions  may  raise  the  inexact
         exception  even  if all elements of x are such that all ele-
         ments of y are exact.
         The vector functions listed above are provided  in  each  of
         two  libraries, libmvec.a and libmvec_mt.a.  The latter con-
         tains parallelized versions of the functions  that  work  in
         conjunction  with  the automatic parallelization provided by
         the compiler.  To use libmvec_mt.a, you must link  with  one
         of the parallelization options -xparallel, -xexplicitpar, or
         In vector and  parallel  execution,  elements  need  not  be
         evaluated  in  the  order  x[0], x[1*stridex], x[2*stridex],
         etc.  Therefore, exceptions that occur may not be raised  in
         order.   For example, if argument x[1] would raise the over-
         flow exception, and x[9] would raise the invalid  exception,
         there  is  no  guarantee  that  the  overflow will be raised
         The strides for the argument arrays may be positive or nega-
         tive  integers,  but  must not be zero.  The argument arrays
         must  not  be  the   same,   or   overlap.    For   example,
         vz_exp(n,x,1,x,1)  leads to unpredictable results.  Finally,
         the element count n must be greater than zero.

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