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cplxexp (3)
  • >> cplxexp (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         cplxexp, exp, log, log10, pow, sqrt - functions in  the  C++
         complex number math library
         #include <complex.h>
         class complex {
              friend complex exp(const complex);
              friend complex log(const complex);
              friend complex log10(const complex);
              friend complex pow(double base, const complex exp);
              friend complex pow(const complex base, int exp);
              friend complex pow(const complex base, double exp);
              friend complex pow(const complex base, const complex exp);
              friend complex sqrt(const complex);
              ... // remainder not shown here
         These functions are versions of the corresponding  floating-
         point  math  library functions, overloaded for use with com-
         plex numbers.
         complex z = exp(x)
              Returns e raised to the x power, where x is  a  complex
              number, and e is the base of the natural logarithms.
         complex z = log(x)
              Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of x, where x is
              a complex number.
         complex z = log10(x)
              Returns the common logarithm (base 10) of x, where x is
              a complex number.
         complex z = pow(x, y)
              Returns x raised to the y power, where x or y (or both)
              are  complex numbers.  The library provides versions of
              this function optimized  for  various  combinations  of
              integer, floating-point, and complex arguments.
         complex z = sqrt(x)
              Returns the square root of x,  where  x  is  a  complex
              number.   The  real  part  of  the  result will be non-
         cplx.intro(3C++), cartpol(3C++), cplxerr(3C++),
         cplxops(3C++), cplxtrig(3C++), intro(2), C++ Library Refer-
         ence Manual, Chapter 3, "The Complex Arithmetic Library."
              If the real part of x is small enough or the  imaginary
              part  is  large enough to cause overflow, exp() returns
              (0,0).  If the real part is large enough to cause over-
              flow,  returns a value depending on the sine and cosine
              of the imaginary part of x:
             | x.imag()|  x.imag()|      returned value    |
             |  sin>=0 |   cos>=0 |   (HUGE_VAL, HUGE_VAL) |
             |  sin< 0 |   cos>=0 |   (HUGE_VAL, -HUGE_VAL)|
             |  sin>=0 |   cos< 0 |  (-HUGE_VAL, HUGE_VAL) |
             |  sin< 0 |   cos< 0 |  (-HUGE_VAL, -HUGE_VAL)|
              In all cases, errno is set to ERANGE (see intro(2)).
         log(x), log10(x)
              If x is (0,0), returns (-HUGE_VAL, 0),  sets  errno  to
              EDOM  (see  intro(2)),  and generates a SING error (see

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