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dlaexc (3)
  • >> dlaexc (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         dlaexc - swap adjacent diagonal blocks T11 and T22 of  order
         1  or 2 in an upper quasi-triangular matrix T by an orthogo-
         nal similarity transformation
         SUBROUTINE DLAEXC( WANTQ, N, T, LDT, Q,  LDQ,  J1,  N1,  N2,
                   WORK, INFO )
         INTEGER INFO, J1, LDQ, LDT, N, N1, N2
         DOUBLE PRECISION Q( LDQ, * ), T( LDT, * ), WORK( * )
         #include <sunperf.h>
         void dlaexc(int wantq, int n, double *t, int ldt, double *q,
                   int ldq, int j1, int n1, int n2, int *info) ;
         DLAEXC swaps adjacent diagonal blocks T11 and T22 of order 1
         or  2 in an upper quasi-triangular matrix T by an orthogonal
         similarity transformation.
         T must be in Schur canonical form, that is, block upper tri-
         angular  with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks; each 2-by-2
         diagonal block has its diagonal elemnts equal and  its  off-
         diagonal elements of opposite sign.
         WANTQ     (input) LOGICAL
                   = .TRUE. : accumulate the  transformation  in  the
                   matrix Q;
                   = .FALSE.: do not accumulate the transformation.
         N         (input) INTEGER
                   The order of the matrix T. N >= 0.
         T         (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION  array,  dimension
                   On entry, the upper quasi-triangular matrix T,  in
                   Schur canonical form.  On exit, the updated matrix
                   T, again in Schur canonical form.
         LDT       (input)  INTEGER
                   The leading dimension  of  the  array  T.  LDT  >=
         Q         (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION  array,  dimension
                   On entry,  if  WANTQ  is  .TRUE.,  the  orthogonal
                   matrix  Q.   On  exit,  if  WANTQ  is  .TRUE., the
                   updated matrix Q.  If WANTQ is .FALSE., Q  is  not
         LDQ       (input) INTEGER
                   The leading dimension of the array Q.  LDQ  >=  1;
                   and if WANTQ is .TRUE., LDQ >= N.
         J1        (input) INTEGER
                   The index of the first row of the first block T11.
         N1        (input) INTEGER
                   The order of the first block T11. N1 = 0, 1 or 2.
         N2        (input) INTEGER
                   The order of the second block T22. N2 = 0, 1 or 2.
         WORK      (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)
         INFO      (output) INTEGER
                   = 0: successful exit
                   = 1: the transformed matrix T  would  be  too  far
                   from  Schur form; the blocks are not swapped and T
                   and Q are unchanged.

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