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fn_compound_name_delete_all (3)
  • >> fn_compound_name_delete_all (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         FN_compound_name_t,      fn_compound_name_from_syntax_attrs,
         fn_compound_name_get_syntax_attrs, fn_compound_name_destroy,
         fn_string_from_compound_name,         fn_compound_name_copy,
         fn_compound_name_assign,             fn_compound_name_count,
         fn_compound_name_first,               fn_compound_name_next,
         fn_compound_name_prev,                fn_compound_name_last,
         fn_compound_name_prefix,            fn_compound_name_suffix,
         fn_compound_name_is_empty,        fn_compound_name_is_equal,
         fn_compound_name_is_prefix,      fn_compound_name_is_suffix,
         fn_compound_name_prepend_comp, fn_compound_name_append_comp,
         fn_compound_name_insert_comp,  fn_compound_name_delete_comp,
         fn_compound_name_delete_all - an XFN compound name
         cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lxfn [ library ... ]
         #include <xfn/xfn.h>
         FN_compound_name_t *fn_compound_name_from_syntax_attrs(const
         FN_attrset_t  *aset,  const  FN_string_t  *name, FN_status_t
         FN_attrset_t        *fn_compound_name_get_syntax_attrs(const
         FN_compound_name_t *name);
         void fn_compound_name_destroy(FN_compound_name_t *name);
         FN_string_t              *fn_string_from_compound_name(const
         FN_compound_name_t *name);
         FN_compound_name_t              *fn_compound_name_copy(const
         FN_compound_name_t *name);
         *fn_compound_name_assign(FN_compound_name_t    *dst,   const
         FN_compound_name_t *src);
         unsigned int fn_compound_name_count(const FN_compound_name_t
         const       FN_string_t        *fn_compound_name_first(const
         FN_compound_name_t *name, void **iter_pos);
         const        FN_string_t        *fn_compound_name_next(const
         FN_compound_name_t *name, void **iter_pos);
         const        FN_string_t        *fn_compound_name_prev(const
         FN_compound_name_t *name, void **iter_pos);
         const        FN_string_t        *fn_compound_name_last(const
         FN_compound_name_t *name, void **iter_pos);
         FN_compound_name_t            *fn_compound_name_prefix(const
         FN_compound_name_t *name, const void *iter_pos);
         FN_compound_name_t            *fn_compound_name_suffix(const
         FN_compound_name_t *name, const void *iter_pos);
         int    fn_compound_name_is_empty(const    FN_compound_name_t
         int    fn_compound_name_is_equal(const    FN_compound_name_t
         *name1,   const   FN_compound_name_t  *name2,  unsigned  int
         int   fn_compound_name_is_prefix(const    FN_compound_name_t
         *name,   const  FN_compound_name_t  *pre,  void  **iter_pos,
         unsigned int *status);
         int   fn_compound_name_is_suffix(const    FN_compound_name_t
         *name,  const  FN_compound_name_t  *suffix, void **iter_pos,
         unsigned int *status);
         int fn_compound_name_prepend_comp(FN_compound_name_t  *name,
         const FN_string_t *atomic_comp, unsigned int *status);
         int  fn_compound_name_append_comp(FN_compound_name_t  *name,
         const FN_string_t *atomic_comp, unsigned int *status);
         int  fn_compound_name_insert_comp(FN_compound_name_t  *name,
         void  **iter_pos,  const  FN_string_t *atomic_comp, unsigned
         int *status);
         int fn_compound_name_delete_comp(FN_compound_name_t   *name,
         void **iter_pos);
         int fn_compound_name_delete_all(FN_compound_name_t *name);
         Most applications treat names as  opaque  data.  Hence,  the
         majority  of  clients  of the XFN interface will not need to
         parse names. Some applications, however, such  as  browsers,
         need  to  parse  names. For these applications, XFN provides
         support in the form of the FN_compound_name_t object.
         Each naming system in an XFN federation potentially has  its
         own  naming  conventions.  The FN_compound_name_t object has
         associated operations for applications to  process  compound
         names  that  conform to the XFN model of expressing compound
         name syntax.   The XFN syntax model for compound names  cov-
         ers  a  large  number  of  specific  name  syntaxes  and  is
         expressed in terms of  syntax properties of the naming  con-
         vention. See  xfn_compound_names(3XFN).
         An FN_compound_name_t object is constructed by the operation
         fn_compound_name_from_syntax_attrs,  using a string name and
         an attribute   set  containing  the  "fn_syntax_type"  (with
         identifier  format  FN_ID_STRING)  attribute identifying the
         namespace syntax of the string name.  The  value  "standard"
         (with     identifier    format    FN_ID_STRING)    in    the
         "fn_syntax_type" specifies a syntax model that is by default
         supported  by  the FN_compound_name_t object. An implementa-
         tion may support other syntax types instead of the XFN stan-
         dard   syntax   model,  in  which  case  the  value  of  the
         "fn_syntax_type"   attribute   would   be    set    to    an
         implementation-specific                              string.
         fn_compound_name_get_syntax_attrs() returns an attribute set
         containing  the  syntax  attributes that describes the given
         compound  name.  fn_compound_name_destroy()   releases   the
         storage   associated   with   the   given   compound   name.
         fn_string_from_compound_name() returns the  string  form  of
         the  given  compound name. fn_compound_name_copy() returns a
         copy of the given compound  name.  fn_compound_name_assign()
         makes  a  copy  of  the compound name src and  assigns it to
         dst, releasing any old contents of dst.  A  pointer  to  the
         object     pointed     to     by     dst     is    returned.
         fn_compound_name_count() returns the number of  atomic  com-
         ponents in the given compound name.
         The function  fn_compound_name_first() returns a  handle  to
         the  FN_string_t  that  is the first atomic component in the
         compound name, and sets iter_pos to  indicate  the  position
         immediately  following  the first component. It returns 0 if
         the name has no components. Thereafter, successive calls  of
         the  fn_compound_name_next() function return pointers to the
         component following the iteration marker,  and  advance  the
         iteration  marker.  If the iteration marker is at the end of
         the sequence, fn_compound_name_next() returns 0.  Similarly,
         fn_compound_name_prev()  returns the component preceding the
         iteration pointer and moves the marker back  one  component.
         If  the  marker is already at the beginning of the sequence,
         fn_compound_name_prev()    returns    0.    The     function
         fn_compound_name_last()  returns  a pointer to the last com-
         ponent of the name and sets the iteration marker immediately
         preceding  this  component  (so  that  subsequent  calls  to
         fn_compound_name_prev() can be used to step through trailing
         components of the name).
         The fn_compound_name_suffix() function  returns  a  compound
         name  consisting of a copy of those components following the
         supplied      iteration      marker.      The       function
         fn_compound_name_prefix() returns a compound name consisting
         of those components that precede the iteration marker. Using
         these  functions  with an iteration marker that was not ini-
         tialized   with   the   use   of   fn_compound_name_first(),
         fn_compound_name_last(),   fn_compound_name_is_prefix(),  or
         fn_compound_name_is_suffix() yields undefined and  generally
         undesirable behavior.
         The         functions           fn_compound_name_is_equal(),
         fn_compound_name_is_prefix(),                            and
         fn_compound_name_is_suffix() test for equality between  com-
         pound  names  or  between parts of compound names. For these
         functions, equality is defined as name equivalence. A name's
         syntactic  property,  such  as  case-insensitivity, is taken
         into account by these functions.
         The function fn_compound_name_is_prefix() tests if one  com-
         pound  name  is a prefix of another. If so, it returns 1 and
         sets the iteration marker immediately following the  prefix.
         (For example, a subsequent call to fn_compound_name_suffix()
         will return the  remainder  of  the  name.)   Otherwise,  it
         returns  0  and  value of the iteration marker is undefined.
         The function  fn_compound_name_is_suffix()  is  similar.  It
         tests if one compound name is a suffix of another. If so, it
         returns 1 and sets the iteration marker immediately  preced-
         ing the suffix.
         The    functions     fn_compound_name_prepend_comp()     and
         fn_compound_name_append_comp()  prepend  and append a single
         atomic component to the given compound  name,  respectively.
         These  operations invalidate any iteration marker the client
         holds  for   that   object.   fn_compound_name_insert_comp()
         inserts  an  atomic  component  before iter_pos to the given
         compound name and sets iter_pos to be immediately after  the
         component   just   inserted.  fn_compound_name_delete_comp()
         deletes the atomic component located  before  iter_pos  from
         the  given  compound  name  and  sets iter_pos back one com-
         ponent.  fn_compound_name_delete_all  ()  deletes  all   the
         atomic components from name.
         The following test functions return 1 if the test  indicated
         is true; otherwise, they return 0:
            o  fn_compound_name_is_empty()
            o  fn_compound_name_is_equal()
            o  fn_compound_name_is_suffix()
            o  fn_compound_name_is_prefix()
         The following update functions return 1 if  the  update  was
         successful; otherwise, they return 0:
            o  fn_compound_name_prepend_comp()
            o  fn_compound_name_append_comp()
            o  fn_compound_name_insert_comp()
            o  fn_compound_name_delete_comp()
            o  fn_compound_name_delete_all()
         If a function is expected to return a pointer to an  object,
         a NULL pointer (0) is returned if the function fails.
         When   the   function   fn_compound_name_from_syntax_attrs()
         fails,  it  returns  a  status  code in status. The possible
         status codes are:
               The name supplied to the operation  was  not  a  well-
               formed  XFN  compound  name,  or  one of the component
               names was not well-formed according to the syntax   of
               the naming system(s) involved in its resolution.
               The code set of the given string is incompatible  with
               that supported by the compound name.
               The syntax attributes supplied are invalid or insuffi-
               cient to fully specify the syntax.
               The syntax type specified is not supported.
         The following functions may return  in   status  the  status
         code  FN_E_INCOMPATIBLE_CODE_SETS  when  the code set of the
         given string is incompatible with that of the compound name:
            o  fn_compound_name_is_equal()
            o  fn_compound_name_is_suffix()
            o  fn_compound_name_is_prefix()
            o  fn_compound_name_prepend_comp()
            o  fn_compound_name_append_comp()
            o  fn_compound_name_insert_comp()
         See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-
        |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
        | MT-Level                    | MT-Safe                     |
         FN_attribute_t(3XFN),                    FN_attrset_t(3XFN),
         FN_composite_name_t(3XFN),                FN_status_t(3XFN),
         FN_string_t(3XFN),      fn_ctx_get_syntax_attrs      (3XFN),
         xfn(3XFN), xfn_compound_names(3XFN), attributes(5)
         The implementation of XFN in this Solaris release  is  based
         on  the  X/Open preliminary specification. It is likely that
         there will be minor changes to these interfaces  to  reflect
         changes in the final version of this specification. The next
         minor release of Solaris will offer binary compatibility for
         applications  developed using the current interfaces. As the
         interfaces evolve toward  standardization,  it  is  possible
         that  future  releases  of Solaris will require minor source
         code  changes  to  applications  that  have  been  developed
         against the preliminary specification.

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