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fstream (3)
  • >> fstream (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         fstream - stream class for file I/O
         #include <fstream.h>
         typedef long streampos;
         typedef long streamoff;
         class unsafe_ios {
              // exported types
                 // stream status bits
                 enum io_state   {
                     goodbit  = 0x00,        // no bit set: all is ok
                     eofbit   = 0x01,        // at end of file
                     failbit  = 0x02,        // last I/O operation failed
                     badbit   = 0x04,        // invalid operation attempted
                     hardfail = 0x80         // unrecoverable error
                 // stream operation mode
                 enum open_mode  {
                     in       = 0x01,        // open for reading
                     out      = 0x02,        // open for writing
                     ate      = 0x04,        // seek to eof upon original open
                     app      = 0x08,        // append mode: all additions at eof
                     trunc    = 0x10,        // truncate file if already exists
                     nocreate = 0x20,        // open fails if file doesn't exist
                     noreplace= 0x40         // open fails if file already exists
                 // stream seek direction
                 enum seek_dir { beg=0, cur=1, end=2 };
              // see ios(3C++) for remainder ...
         class  filebuf : public streambuf {
              // see filebuf(3C++) ...
         class unsafe_fstreambase : virtual public unsafe_ios {
                         unsafe_fstreambase(const char*, int, int = filebuf::openprot);
                         unsafe_fstreambase(int _f, char*, int);
                 void    open(const char*, int, int = filebuf::openprot);
                 void    attach(int);
                 void    close();
                 void    setbuf(char*, int);
                 filebuf* rdbuf();
         class fstreambase : virtual public ios, public unsafe_fstreambase {
                                 fstreambase() ;
                                 fstreambase(const char*, int, int=filebuf::openprot) ;
                                 fstreambase(int) ;
                                 fstreambase(int, char*, int) ;
                 void            open(const char*, int, int=filebuf::openprot) ;
                 void            attach(int);
                 void            close() ;
                 void            setbuf(char*, int) ;
                 filebuf*        rdbuf();
         class ifstream : public fstreambase, public istream {
              // exported functions
              void open(const char* fname, int omode=ios::in, int prot=filebuf::openprot);
              filebuf* rdbuf();
              // exported constructors
              ifstream(const char* fname, int omode=ios::in, int prot=filebuf::openprot);
              ifstream(int fileno);
              ifstream(int fileno, char* buf, int size);
         class ofstream : public fstreambase, public ostream {
              // exported functions
              void open(const char* fname, int omode=ios::out, int prot=filebuf::openprot);
              filebuf* rdbuf();
              // exported constructors
              ofstream(const char* fname, int omode=ios::out, int prot=filebuf::openprot);
              ofstream(int fileno);
              ofstream(int fileno, char* buf, int size);
         class fstream : public fstreambase, public iostream {
              // exported functions
              void open(const char * fname, int omode, int prot=filebuf::openprot);
              filebuf* rdbuf();
              // exported constructors
              fstream(const char* fname, int omode, int prot=filebuf::openprot);
              fstream(int fileno);
              fstream(int fileno, char* buf, int size);
         The discussion about thread safety applies only  to  Solaris
         2.x.   On  Solaris 1.x the ``safe'' and ``unsafe'' functions
         behave identically.
         Classes ifstream, ofstream, and fstream  are  specialization
         of classes istream, ostream, and iostream, respectively, for
         I/O using files.  That is, the  associated  streambuf  is  a
         An auxiliary class fstreambase is an implementation  detail,
         primarily  to  provide a set of common functions.  It is not
         further discussed.
         We will discuss these classes together, using  the  notation
         Xstream  to  refer  equally to any of ifstream, ofstream, or
         Objects of type fstream, ifstream,  ofstream  are  protected
         against simultaneous access by multiple threads by the useof
         mutex  locks.   Class  unsafe_fstreambase  is  available  to
         derive  new  file  classes  that  do  not require mt-safety.
         Class fstreambase, which is a base class for the three  pro-
         vided  file  classes,  does  use  mutex locks to provide mt-
         As for other iostream classes, the mutex locking may be dis-
         abled  by  calling the member function set_safe_flag defined
         by class stream_MT.
              Constructs a closed Xstream not connected to any file.
         Xstream(name, mode, prot)
              Constructs an Xstream and opens file  name  using  mode
              for the open mode bits and prot for the file protection
              bits.  (See open below.)   The  default  open  mode  is
              input  for an ifstream and output for an ofstream.  The
              default protection is filebuf::openprot, which is 0666.
              Any  errors  will be stored in the Xstream error state;
              see ios(3C++).
              Constructs an Xstream attached to  file  descriptor  f,
              which must already be open.  (It does not test for this
         Xstream(f, ptr, len)
              Constructs an Xstream attached to  file  descriptor  f,
              which must already be open.  (It does not test for this
              condition.)  The filebuf will use the len chars  begin-
              ning  at  the  location pointed to by ptr as the buffer
              (reserve area).  If ptr is zero or len is  not  greater
              than  zero, there will be no reserve area and fbuf will
              be unbuffered.
      Member functions
              Connects fs to an open file descriptor  f.   If  fs  is
              already  connected  to a file, ignores the request, and
              sets ios::failbit in the fs error state.
              Closes the associated filebuf and disconnects the  file
              from  fs.  If the filebuf's close call succeeds, clears
              the error state; otherwise sets ios::failbit in the  fs
              error state.
    , mode, prot)
              Opens file name and connects its file descriptor to fs;
              If  the  file  does not exist, and ios::nocreate is not
              set in mode, open attempts to create the file with  the
              protection  bits  specified in prot (with default value
              0666).  The mode parameter is a collection of bits from
              ios::open_mode which may be or'd together:
                   Initially seeks to the end of the file.  Any  sub-
                   sequent  write  always  appends  to the end of the
                   file.  This flag implies ios::out.
                   Initially seeks to the end of the file.  This flag
                   does  not  imply  ios::out, but only begins opera-
                   tions at end of file.
                   Open the file for input.  Construction or  opening
                   of  an  ifstream  always implies this bit, meaning
                   the bit need not be set.  When set for an fstream,
                   means  that  input  should be allowed if possible.
                   When set for an  ofstream,  means  that  the  file
                   should not be truncated when it is opened.
                   Open the file for output.  Construction or opening
                   of  an  ofstream  always implies this bit, meaning
                   the bit need not be set.  When set for an fstream,
                   means  that  output should be allowed if possible.
                   May be set for an ifstream, but output to the file
                   is not permitted.
                   If the file exists, truncate to zero  length  upon
                   opening it.  When ios::out is specified or implied
                   and neither ios::ate nor  ios::app  is  specified,
                   this bit is implied.
                   If the file does not already exist, do not  create
                   it; open will fail in this case.
                   The file should not already exist; open will  fail
                   if  it does.  This bit makes sense only when open-
                   ing for output.
         filebuf* fb = fs.rdbuf()
              Returns a pointer to the filebuf  associated  with  fs.
              This  is  the same as base class versions of this func-
              tion, except that the return  type  is  specifically  a
         fs.setbuf(ptr, len)
              This offers the buffer of  len  chars  at  ptr  as  the
              reserve  area.  It calls the filebuf version of setbuf,
              and uses its return value to adjust the error state  of
              fs.  That is, it clears the error state on success, and
              sets ios::failbit on error.
         ios.intro(3C++), filebuf(3C++), ios(3C++), istream(3C++),
         ostream(3C++), sbufpub(3C++),
         C++ 4.1 Library Reference Manual:
                 Chapter 4, "The Iostream Library",
                 Chapter 5, "Using libC in a Multithreaded Environment."

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