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ltime64 (3)
  • >> ltime64 (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         time, ctime, ctime64, ltime,  ltime64,  gmtime,  gmtime64  -
         return system time
         INTEGER*4 FUNCTION time()
               standard FORTRAN version in 32-bit environments
         INTEGER*8 FUNCTION time()
               standard FORTRAN version in 64-bit SPARC environments
         CHARACTER*8 t
         CALL time(t)
               VMS version
         INTEGER n
         CHARACTER*24 FUNCTION ctime(n)
         INTEGER*8 n8
         CHARACTER*24 FUNCTION ctime64(n8)
         INTEGER*4 stime, tarray(9)
         CALL ltime(stime, tarray)
         INTEGER*8 stime8
         INTEGER*4 tarray(9)
         CALL ltime64(stime8, tarray)
         INTEGER*4 stime, tarray(9)
         CALL gmtime(stime, tarray)
         INTEGER*8 stime8
         INTEGER*4 tarray(9)
         CALL gmtime64(stime8, tarray)
         The function time has two versions. The standard version  is
         available  by default. The VMS version is available when the
         calling program is compiled with the -lV77 option.
         Standard Version:
           Function:  time() returns an  integer  that  contains  the
           time  since  00:00:00  GMT,  Jan.  1,  1970,  measured  in
           seconds.  This is the value of the operating system clock.
             integer*4  n, time
             n = time()
         VMS Version:
           Subroutine:  time gets the current system time as a  char-
           acter string.
             call time( t )
             where t is of type character*8, with the form hh:mm:ss.
             hh, mm, and ss are two digits; hh is hour; mm is minute;
             and ss is second.
             demo% cat tim1.f
                     character  t*8
                     call time( t )
                     write( *, "(' The time is: ', A8 )" )  t
             demo% f77 -silent tim1.f  -lV77
             demo% a.out
              The time is: 08:14:13
         ctime returns the system  time,  stime,  as  a  24-character
         string. For example, the program:
                  character*24 ctime
                  integer*4 time
                  print*, ctime(time())
         prints the following:
           Tue Sep  8 17:01:03 1998
         ltime and gmtime split system time into various  time  units
         for  the  local time zone (ltime) or as GMT (gtmtime). These
         units are returned in a nine-element INTEGER*4 array as fol-
         tarray 1 through 9, index, units, and range:
         1 Seconds (0 - 61)
         2 Minutes (0 - 59)
         3 Hours (0 - 23)
         4 Day of month (1 - 31)
         5 Months since January (0 - 11)
         6 Year - 1900
         7 Day of week (Sunday = 0)
         8 Day of year (0 - 365)
         9 Daylight Standard Time, 1 if DST in effect
         64-bit versions of ctime, ltime, and  gmtime  are  provided.
         These take an INTEGER*8 time value.
         After January 19, 2038, at 3:14:07 GMT, the time() value  of
         seconds  since  January  1,  1970  will  exceed the range of
         INTEGER*4. To calculate such dates with these routines,  use
         the 64-bit versions and an INTEGER*8 argument.
         When compiled to run in a 64-bit  environment,  time()  will
         return an INTEGER*8 value. Compiling for 64-bit environments
         means compiling the program with the  -xarch=v9  option  and
         running  the  program on a 64-bit SPARC platform in a 64-bit
         Solaris operating environment.
         libF77.a, libV77.a
         Fortran Library Reference Manual
         itime(3F), idate(3F), fdate(3F) ctime(3C)
         For the C version of ctime, type:  man -s 3C ctime

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