NAME wresize - resize a curses window SYNOPSIS #include <curses.h> int wresize(WINDOW *win, int lines, int columns); DESCRIPTION The wresize function reallocates storage for an ncurses win- dow to adjust its dimensions to the specified values. If either dimension is larger than the current values, the window's data is filled with blanks that have the current background rendition (as set by wbkgndset) merged into them. RETURN VALUE The function returns the integer ERR upon failure and OK on success. It will fail if either of the dimensions less than or equal to zero, or if an error occurs while (re)allocating memory for the window. NOTES The only restriction placed on the dimensions is that they be greater than zero. The dimensions are not compared to curses screen dimensions to simplify the logic of resizeterm. The caller must ensure that the window's dimen- sions fit within the actual screen dimensions. SEE ALSO resizeterm(3X). AUTHOR Thomas Dickey (from an equivalent function written in 1988 for BSD curses).
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