wsreg_add_display_name, wsreg_remove_display_name, wsreg_get_display_name, wsreg_get_display_languages - add, remove, or return a localized display name
cc [flag ...] file ...-lwsreg [library ...] #include <wsreg.h>
int wsreg_add_display_name(Wsreg_component *comp, const char *language, const char *display_name);
int wsreg_remove_display_name(Wsreg_component *comp, const char *language);
char *wsreg_get_display_name(const Wsreg_component *comp, const char *language);
char **wsreg_get_display_languages(const Wsreg_component *comp);
For each of these functions, the comp argument specifies the component on which these functions operate. The language argument is the ISO 639 language code identifying a particular display name associated with the specified component.
The wsreg_add_display_name() function adds the display name specified by display_name to the component specified by comp.
The wsreg_remove_display_name() function removes a display name from the component specified by comp.
The wsreg_get_display_name() function returns a display name from the component specified by comp.
The wsreg_get_display_languages() returns the ISO 639 language codes for which display names are available from the component specified by comp.
The wsreg_add_display_name() function returns a non-zero value if the display name was set correctly; otherwise 0 is returned.
The wsreg_remove_display_name() function returns a non-zero value if the display name was removed; otherwise 0 is returned.
The wsreg_get_display_name() function returns the display name from the specified component if the component has a display name for the specified language code. Otherwise, NULL is returned. The caller must not free the resulting display name.
The wsreg_get_display_languages() function returns a null-terminated array of ISO 639 language codes for which display names have been set into the specified component. If no display names have been set, NULL is returned. It is the caller's responsibility to release the resulting array, but not the contents of the array.
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
MT-Level | Unsafe |
wsreg_initialize(3WSREG), attributes(5)
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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov Добавить, Поддержать, Вебмастеру |