NAME zhpfa - compute the UDU factorization of a Hermitian matrix A in packed storage. It is typical to follow a call to xHPFA with a call to xHPSL to solve Ax = b or to xHPDI to compute the determinant, inverse, and inertia of A. SYNOPSIS SUBROUTINE ZHPFA (ZA, N, IPIVOT, INFO) SUBROUTINE CHPFA (CA, N, IPIVOT, INFO) #include <sunperf.h> void zhpfa(doublecomplex *za, int n, int *ipivot, int *info); void chpfa(complex *ca, int n, int *ipivot, int *info); ARGUMENTS xA On entry, the upper triangle of the matrix A. On exit, a UDU factorization of the matrix A. N Order of the matrix A. N >= 0. IPIVOT On exit, a vector of pivot indices. INFO On exit: INFO = 0 Subroutine completed normally. INFO * 0 Returns a value k if the kth pivot block is singular to indicate that xHPSL or xHPDI will divide by zero if called. SAMPLE PROGRAM PROGRAM TEST IMPLICIT NONE C INTEGER LENGTA, N PARAMETER (N = 3) PARAMETER (LENGTA = (N * N + N) / 2) C COMPLEX A(LENGTA), B(N) INTEGER INFO, IPIVOT(N) C EXTERNAL CHPFA, CHPSL INTRINSIC CONJG C C Initialize the array A to store the matrix A shown below. C Initialize the array B to store the vector b shown below. C C 1 1+2i 1+2i 95-180i C A = 1+2i 6 -2+6i b = 545-118i C 1+2i -2+6i 11 865+ 62i C DATA A / (1.0,0.0), (1.0,-2.0), (6.0,0.0), $ (1.0,-2.0), (6.0,-2.0), (11.0,0.0) / DATA B / (95.0,-180.0), (545.0,-118.0), (865.0,62.0) / C PRINT 1000 PRINT 1010, A(1), A(2), A(4) PRINT 1010, CONJG(A(2)), A(3), A(5) PRINT 1010, CONJG(A(4)), CONJG(A(5)), A(6) PRINT 1020 PRINT 1030, B CALL CHPFA (A, N, IPIVOT, INFO) IF (INFO .EQ. 0) THEN CALL CHPSL (A, N, IPIVOT, B) PRINT 1040 PRINT 1030, B ELSE PRINT 1050 END IF C 1000 FORMAT (1X, 'A in full form:') 1010 FORMAT (4(: 3X, '(', F4.1, ',', F4.1, ')')) 1020 FORMAT (/1X, 'b:') 1030 FORMAT (3X, '(', F6.1, ',', F6.1, ')') 1040 FORMAT (/1X, 'A**(-1) * b:') 1050 FORMAT (1X, 'A is singular to working precision.') C END SAMPLE OUTPUT A in full form: ( 1.0, 0.0) ( 1.0,-2.0) ( 1.0,-2.0) ( 1.0, 2.0) ( 6.0, 0.0) ( 6.0,-2.0) ( 1.0, 2.0) ( 6.0, 2.0) (11.0, 0.0) b: ( 95.0,-180.0) ( 545.0,-118.0) ( 865.0, 62.0) A**(-1) * b: ( 5.0, 0.0) ( 26.0, 0.0) ( 64.0, 0.0)
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