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snmptrapd.conf (5)
  • snmptrapd.conf (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
  • >> snmptrapd.conf (5) ( Разные man: Форматы файлов )


    snmptrapd.conf - configuration file for the Net-SNMP notification receiver


    The Net-SNMP notification receiver (trap daemon) uses one or more configuration files to control its operation and how incoming traps (and INFORM requests) should be processed. This file (snmptrapd.conf) can be located in one of several locations, as described in the snmp_config(5) manual page.  


    Previously, snmptrapd would accept all incoming notifications, and log them automatically (even if no explicit configuration was provided). Starting with release 5.3, access control checks will be applied to incoming notifications. If snmptrapd is run without a suitable configuration file (or equivalent access control settings), then such traps WILL NOT be processed. See the section ACCESS CONTROL for more details.

    As with the agent configuration, the snmptrapd.conf directives can be divided into four distinct groups.  


    snmpTrapdAddr [<transport-specifier>:]<transport-address>[,...]
    defines a list of listening addresses, on which to receive incoming SNMP notifications. See the section LISTENING ADDRESSES in the snmpd(8) manual page for more information about the format of listening addresses.
    The default behaviour is to listen on UDP port 162 on all IPv4 interfaces.
    doNotRetainNotificationLogs yes
    disables support for the NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB. Normally the snmptrapd program keeps a record of the traps received, which can be retrieved by querying the nlmLogTable and nlmLogvariableTable tables. This directive can be used to suppress this behaviour.
    See the snmptrapd(8) manual page and the NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB for details.
    doNotLogTraps yes
    disables the logging of notifications altogether. This is useful if the snmptrapd application should only run traphandle hooks and should not log traps to any location.
    doNotFork yes
    do not fork from the calling shell.
    pidFile PATH
    defines a file in which to store the process ID of the notification receiver. By default, this ID is not saved.


    Starting with release 5.3, it is necessary to explicitly specify who is authorised to send traps and informs to the notification receiver (and what types of processing these are allowed to trigger). This uses an extension of the VACM model, used in the main SNMP agent.

    There are currently three types of processing that can be specified:

    log the details of the notification - either in a specified file, to standard output (or stderr), or via syslog (or similar).
    pass the details of the trap to a specified handler program, including embedded perl.
    forward the trap to another notification receiver.

    In the following directives, TYPES will be a (comma-separated) list of one or more of these tokens. Most commonly, this will typically be log,execute,net to cover any style of processing for a particular category of notification. But it is perfectly possible (even desirable) to limit certain notification sources to selected processing only.

    authCommunity TYPES COMMUNITY [SOURCE [OID | -v VIEW ]]
    authorises traps (and SNMPv2c INFORM requests) with the specified community to trigger the types of processing listed. By default, this will allow any notification using this community to be processed. The SOURCE field can be used to specify that the configuration should only apply to notifications received from particular sources - see snmpd.conf(5) for more details.
    authUser TYPES [-s MODEL] USER [LEVEL [OID | -v VIEW ]]
    authorises SNMPv3 notifications with the specified user to trigger the types of processing listed. By default, this will accept authenticated requests. (authNoPriv or authPriv). The LEVEL field can be used to allow unauthenticated notifications (noauth), or to require encryption (priv), just as for the SNMP agent.
    With both of these directives, the OID (or -v VIEW) field can be used to retrict this configuration to the processing of particular notifications.
    Unlike the VACM processing described in RFC 3415, this view is only matched against the snmpTrapOID value of the incoming notification. It is not applied to the payload varbinds held within that notification.
    authGroup TYPES [-s MODEL] GROUP [LEVEL [OID | -v VIEW ]]
    authorise notifications in the specified GROUP (configured using the group directive) to trigger the types of processing listed. See snmpd.conf(5) for more details.
    createUser username (MD5|SHA) authpassphrase [DES|AES]
    See the snmpd.conf(5) manual page for a description of how to create SNMPv3 users. This is roughly the same, but the file name changes to snmptrapd.conf from snmpd.conf.
    disableAuthorization yes
    will disable the above access control checks, and revert to the previous behaviour of accepting all incoming notifications.


    format1 FORMAT
    format2 FORMAT
    specify the format used to display SNMPv1 TRAPs and SNMPv2 notifications respectively. Note that SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 both use the same SNMPv2 PDU format.
    See snmptrapd(8) for the layout characters available.
    ignoreAuthFailure yes
    instructs the receiver to ignore authenticationFailure traps.
    This currently only affects the logging of such notifications. authenticationFailure traps will still be passed to trap handler scripts, and forwarded to other notification receivers. This behaviour should not be relied on, as it is likely to change in future versions.
    logOption string
    specifies where notifications should be logged - to standard output, standard error, a specified file or via syslog. See the section LOGGING OPTIONS in the snmpcmd(1) manual page for details.
    outputOption string
    specifies various characteristics of how OIDs and other values should be displayed. See the section OUTPUT OPTIONS in the snmpcmd(1) manual page for details.
    printEventNumbers yes
    enables specialised logging of event-related notifications from the (long obsolete) M2M-MIB.


    As well as logging incoming notifications, they can also be forwarded on to another notification receiver, or passed to an external program for specialised processing.
    traphandle OID|default PROGRAM [ARGS ...]
    invokes the specified program (with the given arguments) whenever a notification is received with a snmpTrapOID value matching the OID token. If this field is default then the program will be invoked for any notification not matching another (OID specific) traphandle entry.
    An SNMPv1 trap will be converted to an equivalent SNMPv2-style notification (following RFC 2576), before selecting the trap handler(s) to call. This will affect both the OIDs listed in traphandle entries, and the format of the data passed to the trap handler program.
    The program is fed details about the notification to its standard input, in the following format, one entry per line:
    The name of the host that sent the notification, as determined by gethostbyaddr(3).
    The IP address of the host that sent the notification.
    A list of variable bindings describing the contents of the notification, one per line. The first token on each line (up until a space) is the OID of the varind, and the remainder of the line is its value. The format of both of these are controlled by the outputOption directive (or similar configuration).
    The first OID should always be SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0, and the second should be SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0. The remaining lines will contain the payload varbind list. For SNMPv1 traps, the final OID will be SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapEnterprise.0.
    A traptoemail script has been included in the Net-SNMP package that can be used within a traphandle directive:
    traphandle default /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/traptoemail -s -f
    forward OID|default DESTINATION
    forwards notifications that match the specified OID to another receiver listening on DESTINATION. The interpretation of OID (and default) is the same as for the traphandle directive).
    See the section LISTENING ADDRESSES in the snmpd(8) manual page for more information about the format of listening addresses.


    The daemon blocks while executing the traphandle commands. (This should be fixed in the future with an appropriate signal catch and wait() combination).
    All directives listed with a value of "yes" actually accept a range of boolean values. These will accept any of 1, yes or true to enable the corresponding behaviour, or any of 0, no or false to disable it. The default in each case is for the feature to be turned off, so these directives are typically only used to enable the appropriate behaviour.




    snmp_config(5), snmptrapd(8), syslog(8), variables(5), snmpd.conf(5), read_config(3).




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