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xmit (6)
  • >> xmit (6) ( Solaris man: Игры )
         xmit - Radio Free Ethernet transmitter
         xmit [ -h host
         ] [ -s service ] [
         generic-tool-arguments ]
         This program is furnished on an AS IS basis as a  demonstra-
         tion of audio applications programming.
         xmit is the window-based Radio Free Ethernet transmitter. It
         functions as a graphical front-end to the radio_xmit(6) pro-
         gram, which it uses to read audio data from the audio device
         (or a file) and broadcast it over the network. (For an over-
         view of Radio Free Ethernet, please refer  to  the  radio(6)
         manual page.)
         Before you can start broadcasting, you must configure a sta-
         tion  name. Clicking on the Station item brings up a station
         edit panel that allows you to specify the station  name  and
         broadcast characteristics for one or more stations. The Sta-
         tion item brings up a menu of the stations that are  config-
         ured.  Once you select a station, you may begin broadcasting
         by pressing the Power button.
         Ordinarily, the  program  broadcasts  to  the  IP  Multicast
         address  identified by the host name RadioFreeEthernet found
         in the NIS hosts map. The -h host command-line option may be
         used to specify an alternate host address or name to use for
         the default IP Multicast address.
         The Radio Free Ethernet tools use the port number identified
         by the service name radio found in the NIS services map. The
         -s service command-line option may be  used  to  specify  an
         alternate service name or port number to use.
         The following sections describe the  individual  panel  con-
         trols.  In addition, online help is available by positioning
         the pointer over the item in question and pressing the  HELP
         Power toggles the state of the transmitter on and off. Since
               this involves communicating with a running copy of the
               radio_xmit program, this  operation  may  take  a  few
               seconds  to complete. This button is only enabled when
               a station name has been configured and selected.
               brings up a menu of the radio stations that have  been
               configured  for broadcast. The Edit... entry brings up
               a panel that may be used to add or modify  the  broad-
               cast  station  configuration.   Changes to the station
               configuration parameters do not take effect until  the
               Add or Change button is pressed. If the the configura-
               tion parameters are changed  for  a  station  that  is
               currently broadcasting, the new configuration will not
               take effect until the station  is  powered  off.  Add,
               Change, and Delete also cause the current station list
               and program parameters to be written out to  the  ini-
               tialization file.
         Input Volume
               may be used to manually adjust the  audio  input  gain
               level.  It is only enabled when broadcasting data from
               an audio device (as opposed to a pre-recorded file).
         Auto Volume Adjust
               enables an automatic gain control algorithm that moni-
               tors  the  input  volume level and adjusts it when the
               audio data is too soft  or  too  loud.  The  algorithm
               tends to be cautious, lowering the volume quickly when
               it is too loud, but raising the level slowly to  avoid
               the noise-pumping effects characteristic of cheap tape
               recorders. This control is only  enabled  when  broad-
               casting  data from an audio device. The station confi-
               guration panel comes up by default in  an  abbreviated
               form,  displaying  only  the Station option.  The plus
               (+) button in the lower right corner causes the window
               to  expand  to  display additional transmit parameters
               for  the  selected  station.  The  following  sections
               describe  all  of the station configuration panel con-
               is a text field in which a  four-letter  station  name
               may  be  entered. The station name is used to identify
               your broadcast program.
         Sign-On File
               specifies an audio file that  is  broadcast  when  the
               transmitter is initially powered on.
         Audio Input
               specifies the source of audio data for the normal sta-
               tion broadcast.
         Sign-Off File
               specifies an audio file that  is  broadcast  when  the
               transmitter is powered off.
               determines the action to be taken when the audio input
               source  is  silent.  When  this option is enabled, the
               station will automatically sign off if there has  been
               no  audio  input for a full minute.  If this option is
               disabled, the station will continue to broadcast  sta-
               tion  identification  packets,  but  will suppress the
               broadcasting  of  audio  data  until  some  sound   is
         Audio Format
               selects the audio data format that will  be  transmit-
               ted.   The  uncompressed  format  causes 8000 bytes of
               audio data to be  broadcast  each  second.  Compressed
               data  sends  only  4000 bytes per second, but requires
               more  computation  on   both   the   transmitter   and
         Multicast Addr
               specifies   the   network   broadcast   address   (see
               radio_xmit(6) for more information on the IP Multicast
               implementation). The special string  BROADCAST  causes
               the  program  to transmit UDP Broadcast packets (which
               will not be relayed over a network gateway).
         Multicast Hops
               specifies the number  of  network  gateways  that  RFE
               broadcast packets may traverse.
               startup initialization file for radio and xmit
         radio(6), radio_recv(6), radio_xmit(6)

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