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dps (7)
  • >> dps (7) ( Solaris man: Макропакеты и соглашения )
         dps - Display PostScript imaging for the X Window System
         This manual page  provides  information  about  the  Display
         PostScript system, implemented as an extension to the X Win-
         dow System.
           The INTRODUCTION section contains  a  brief,  nontechnical
           description of the Display PostScript system.
           The remaining sections provide the  application  developer
           with  more detailed technical information about the archi-
           The REFERENCES section describes additional  documentation
           and  tells  you  how  to  use  Adobe's  public access file
         The PostScript language is a simple interpretive programming
         language  with  powerful  graphics capabilities. Its primary
         purpose is to describe the  appearance  of  text,  graphical
         shapes,  and  images  on  printed or displayed pages.  If an
         application, such as a word processing  system  or  graphics
         package,  produces  a  page description using the PostScript
         language, you can print the  pages  on  a  wide  variety  of
         PostScript  printers  and  view  them  on monitors where the
         Display PostScript system is available.
         The Display PostScript system is a  high-performance  imple-
         mentation  of  the  PostScript language for interactive com-
         puter displays. The use of  the  Display  PostScript  system
         ensures  true WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) between
         the display and any PostScript printer.
         The Display PostScript system is part of the X Window System
         and  is  implemented  as  an X extension. Display PostScript
         applications use window system features for window placement
         and  sizing,  menu creation, and event handling, while using
         Display PostScript features to take care of  imaging  inside
         the window.
         Display PostScript system components include:
           The PostScript interpreter.
           The Client Library - a C language interface to  the  basic
           facilities of the Display PostScript system.
           pswrap - a preprocessor that prepares PostScript  language
           programs for invocation from a C program.
         These components are discussed below.
         Most of a Display PostScript application is written in C  or
         another  high-level  language.  It calls Client Library pro-
         cedures to start a PostScript execution context,  send  pro-
         grams  and  data  to  the  PostScript  interpreter,  and get
         results from the interpreter.  The  Client  Library  is  the
         application's  primary  interface  to the Display PostScript
         In addition, it calls wraps  -  custom  PostScript  language
         procedures developed specifically for the application. Wraps
         are generated by the  pswrap  translator  from  application-
         specific PostScript language code.
         pswrap is a preprocessor that takes PostScript language code
         as  input  and embeds it in C-callable procedures, or wraps.
         The output of pswrap is compiled and linked with the rest of
         your  application, which can then call the wraps to transmit
         PostScript language code to the PostScript interpreter.
         A Display PostScript application uses  C  or  another  high-
         level language to perform calculations, communicate with the
         window system, read and write files, and do  other  applica-
         tion processing.  It uses wraps primarily for imaging tasks.
         Consider a procedure, PSWDisplayText, that  places  text  on
         the  screen  at a particular x,y coordinate.  A call to this
         wrap from the application program might look something  like
               PSWDisplayText(72.0, 100.0, "Hello World");
         The body of the PSWDisplayText procedure is actually written
         in  the  PostScript  language.   It was defined to pswrap as
              defineps PSWDisplayText(float X,Y; char *text)
                   X Y moveto
                   (text) show
         In the wrap definition, the defineps and endps keywords tell
         pswrap  where a given PostScript language program begins and
         ends.   The  defineps  statement   defines   the   resulting
         procedure  call.  The pswrap translator processes this input
         and produces a C language source-code file.   When  compiled
         and  linked  with  the  application, the PSWDisplayText pro-
         cedure sends a PostScript language  program  to  the  inter-
         preter (binary-encoded for more efficient processing), caus-
         ing "Hello World" to be displayed on the screen.
         See the Programming the Display PostScript System with X for
         further information.
         The Display PostScript Client Library is a linkable  library
         of  compiled C procedures that provides an interface between
         the application  and  the  Display  PostScript  system.   It
         creates   an  environment  for  handling  imaging  calls  to
         specific Client Library procedures  like  DPSmoveto  and  to
         custom wraps written for the application.
         To  the  application  programmer,  it  appears  that  Client
         Library  procedures directly produce graphical output on the
         display.  In  fact,  these  procedures  generate  PostScript
         language  statements  and  transmit  them  to the PostScript
         interpreter for execution; the PostScript  interpreter  then
         produces  graphical  output  that  is  displayed  by device-
         specific procedures in the  Display  PostScript  system.  In
         this  way,  the  Client  Library makes the full power of the
         PostScript interpreter and imaging model available  to  a  C
         language program.
         The Client Library includes procedures for creating, commun-
         icating  with, and destroying PostScript execution contexts.
         A context consists  of  all  the  information  (or  "state")
         needed by the PostScript interpreter to execute a PostScript
         language program. In the Client Library interface, each con-
         text  is  represented  by  a  DPSContextRec  data structure.
         PostScript  execution  contexts   are   described   in   the
         PostScript Language Reference Manual, Second Edition.
         Information about the PostScript Language  and  the  Display
         PostScript  system  is  available in a number of manuals and
         via the public access file server described below.
         If you're new to the PostScript language, you  should  first
         read  the following manuals (published by Addison-Wesley and
         available from Adobe Systems Incorporated  or  through  your
         technical bookstore):
         PostScript Language Reference Manual, Second Edition
           The  standard  reference  for  the  PostScript   language.
           Describes  the  PostScript  imaging model and the concepts
           and facilities of the  PostScript  interpreter.  Documents
           the PostScript language.  Required reading.
         PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook
           Introduction to the PostScript language  in  an  informal,
           interactive  style.  Contains a collection of example pro-
           grams that illustrate the PostScript imaging model.
         PostScript Language Program Design
           Guidelines for the advanced developer to use in  designing
           and  debugging  PostScript  language  programs.   Printer-
           oriented, but most of the information is relevant to writ-
           ing a Display PostScript application.
         Once you're up to speed in  the  PostScript  language,  read
         Programming  the Display PostScript System with X, available
         from Addison-Wesley. This book is collection of manuals that
         explain  how  to  render  text and graphics with the Display
         PostScript extension to X. It contains the  following  manu-
         Programming Guide
           Explains how to render text and graphics with the  Display
           PostScript extension to X.
         Client Library Reference Manual
           Describes  the  procedural  interface   to   the   Display
           PostScript system.  Tells how to send programs and data to
           a PostScript execution context, how to handle context out-
           put, how to create and terminate a context.  Contains pro-
           cedure definitions, programming tips, and a sample  appli-
           cation program.
         Client Library Supplement for X
           Describes Display PostScript features that are specific to
           the  X  Window  System, such as context creation and addi-
           tional error codes.
         pswrap Reference Manual
           Describes how to define C-callable procedures that contain
           PostScript  language programs.  Tells how to declare input
           arguments and output to be received from the  interpreter.
           Documents the pswrap command line options.
         Display PostScript Toolkit for X
           Describes the Display PostScript Toolkit for the X  Window
           System.   It  also  contains  information  about  locating
           PostScript language  resources  and  about  the  makepsres
         Adobe Systems Incorporated provides  a  public  access  file
         server.  If  you  have access to Internet or UUCP electronic
         mail, you can use the public access file  server  to  obtain
         the following information:
                Display PostScript system manuals
                Code examples
                AFM files
                Documentation updates
         The public access file server is  a  mail-response  program.
         That  is,  you  send  it a request by electronic mail and it
         mails back a response.  (The ``Subject:'' line is treated as
         part of the message by the file server.)
         To send mail to the file server, use one  of  the  following
           UUCP ...!decwrl!adobe!ps-file-server
         To receive a quick summary of file server commands, send the
         following message:
         To receive detailed information  on  how  to  use  the  file
         server, send the following message:
           send Documents
         The Display PostScript system uses entries from the  default
         X  colormap to display colors and grey values.  You can con-
         figure this usage.  Giving  the  Display  PostScript  system
         more colormap entries improves the quality of its rendering,
         but leaves fewer entries  available  to  other  applications
         since the default colormap is shared.
         Resources in  your  .Xdefaults  file  control  the  colormap
         usage.  Each resource entry should be of the form
           DPSColorCube.visualType.depth.color: size
           visualType  is   one   of   GrayScale,   PseudoColor,   or
           depth is 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 24 and should be  the  largest
           depth equal to or less than the default depth.
           color is one of the strings "reds", "greens", "blues",  or
           size is the number of values to allocate of that color.
         These resources are not used for  the  static  visual  types
         StaticGray,  StaticColor,  or  TrueColor.   Specifying 0 for
         reds directs the Client Library to use  only  a  gray  ramp.
         This  specification  is  particularly  useful for gray-scale
         systems that incorrectly have  PseudoColor  as  the  default
         For example, to configure a  5x5x4  color  cube  and  a  17-
         element  gray  ramp for an 8-bit PseudoColor screen, specify
         these resources:
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.8.reds: 5
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.8.greens: 5
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.8.blues: 4
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.8.grays: 17
         These resources use 117 colormap entries, 100 for the  color
         cube  and  17  for  the  gray  ramp.  For the best rendering
         results, specify an odd number for the gray ramp.
         Resources that are not specified take these default values:
           DPSColorCube.GrayScale.4.grays: 9
           DPSColorCube.GrayScale.8.grays: 17
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.4.reds: 2
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.4.greens: 2
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.4.blues: 2
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.4.grays: 2
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.8.reds: 4
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.8.greens: 4
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.8.blues: 4
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.8.grays: 9
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.12.reds: 6
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.12.greens: 6
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.12.blues: 5
           DPSColorCube.PseudoColor.12.grays: 17
           DPSColorCube.DirectColor.12.reds: 6
           DPSColorCube.DirectColor.12.greens: 6
           DPSColorCube.DirectColor.12.blues: 6
           DPSColorCube.DirectColor.12.grays: 6
           DPSColorCube.DirectColor.24.reds: 7
           DPSColorCube.DirectColor.24.greens: 7
           DPSColorCube.DirectColor.24.blues: 7
           DPSColorCube.DirectColor.24.grays: 7
         If none of the above defaults  apply  to  the  display,  the
         Client Library uses no color cube and a 2-element gray ramp;
         that is, black and white.
         pswrap(1), dpsexec(6)
         Copyright 1988-1992 Adobe Systems Incorporated.
         PostScript and Display PostScript are  trademarks  of  Adobe
         Systems Incorporated which may be registered in certain jur-

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