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Сообщение от Poplavsky Ivan emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 25-Авг-02, 21:35  (MSK)
Аппаратная конфигурация такая:

MB: SuperMicro P3TDE6 (Chipset: ServerWorks ServerSet III HE Super Light)
2xPIII 1.16 GHz
2х256 Mb ECC RAM Kingston PC133
Onboard Intel 82559 LAN + 2x Intel 82559
ATI Rage XL 8Mb
Onboard Adaptec AIC-7899 for dualchanel Ultra160 SCSI
2xHDD IBM 18 Gb IC-35

Конфигурация ядра такая:

machine i386
ident mykernel
maxusers 0

makeoptions CONF_CFLAGS=-fno-builtin  #Don't allow use of memcmp, etc.

# Certain applications can grow to be larger than the 128M limit
# that FreeBSD initially imposes.  Below are some options to
# allow that limit to grow to 256MB, and can be increased further
# with changing the parameters.  MAXDSIZ is the maximum that the
# limit can be set to, and the DFLDSIZ is the default value for
# the limit.  MAXSSIZ is the maximum that the stack limit can be
# set to.  You might want to set the default lower than the max,
# and explicitly set the maximum with a shell command for processes
# that regularly exceed the limit like INND.
#options MAXDSIZ="(256*1024*1024)"
#options MAXSSIZ="(256*1024*1024)"
#options DFLDSIZ="(256*1024*1024)"

# BLKDEV_IOSIZE sets the default block size used in user block
# device I/O.  Note that this value will be overriden by the label
# when specifying a block device from a label with a non-0
# partition blocksize.  The default is PAGE_SIZE.

# This allows you to actually store this configuration file into
# the kernel binary itself, where it may be later read by saying:
#    strings -n 3 /kernel | sed -n 's/^___//p' > MYKERNEL
options INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE     # Include this file in kernel

# SMP enables building of a Symmetric MultiProcessor Kernel.
# APIC_IO enables the use of the IO APIC for Symmetric I/O.
options SMP # Symmetric MultiProcessor Kernel
options APIC_IO # Symmetric (APIC) I/O

cpu I686_CPU # aka Pentium Pro(tm)

# COMPATIBILITY OPTIONS                                            

# Implement system calls compatible with 4.3BSD and older versions of
# FreeBSD.  You probably do NOT want to remove this as much current code
# still relies on the 4.3 emulation.
options COMPAT_43

# Allow applications running in user space to control the Local Descriptor
# Table (LDT).  This is required by some ports.  Future versions of FreeBSD
# may require this option for some programs in the base system.
options USER_LDT #allow user-level control of i386 ldt

# These three options provide support for System V Interface
# Definition-style interprocess communication, in the form of shared
# memory, semaphores, and message queues, respectively.
# System V shared memory and tunable parameters
options SYSVSHM # include support for shared memory
#options SHMMAXPGS25 # max amount of shared memory pages (4k on i386)
#options SHMALL25 # max amount of shared memory (bytes)
# max shared memory segment size (bytes)
#options SHMMIN=2 # min shared memory segment size (bytes)
#options SHMMNI3 # max number of shared memory identifiers
#options SHMSEG=9 # max shared memory segments per process

# System V semaphores and tunable parameters
options SYSVSEM # include support for semaphores
#options SEMMAP1 # amount of entries in semaphore map
#options SEMMNI # number of semaphore identifiers in the system
#options SEMMNSa # number of semaphores in the system
#options SEMMNU1 # number of undo structures in the system
#options SEMMSLa # max number of semaphores per id
#options SEMOPM1 # max number of operations per semop call
#options SEMUME # max number of undo entries per process

# System V message queues and tunable parameters
options SYSVMSG # include support for message queues
options MSGMNB 49 # max characters per message queue
#options MSGMNIA # max number of message queue identifiers
#options MSGSEG 49 # max number of message segments in the system
#options MSGSSZ # size of a message segment MUST be power of 2
#options MSGTQLA # max amount of messages in the system


# KTRACE enables the system-call tracing facility ktrace(2).
options KTRACE #kernel tracing

# This option let some drivers co-exist that can't co-exist in a running
# system.  This is used to be able to compile all kernel code in one go for
# quality assurance purposes (like this file, which the option takes it name
# from.)

# XXX - this doesn't belong here.
# Allow ordinary users to take the console - this is useful for X.
options UCONSOLE

# XXX - this doesn't belong here either
options USERCONFIG #boot -c editor
options VISUAL_USERCONFIG #visual boot -c editor


options INET #Internet communications protocols
#options IPSEC #IP security
#options IPSEC_ESP #IP security (crypto; define w/ IPSEC)

# SMB/CIFS requester
# NETSMB enables support for SMB protocol, it requires LIBMCHAIN and LIBICONV
# options.
# NETSMBCRYPTO enables support for encrypted passwords.
options NETSMB #SMB/CIFS requester
options NETSMBCRYPTO #encrypted password support for SMB

# mchain library. It can be either loaded as KLD or compiled into kernel
options LIBMCHAIN #mbuf management library

# Network interfaces:

pseudo-device ether #Generic Ethernet
pseudo-device loop #Network loopback device
pseudo-device bpf #Berkeley packet filter
pseudo-device tun #Tunnel driver (ppp(8), nos-tun(8))
pseudo-device ppp 1 #Point-to-point protocol
options PPP_BSDCOMP #PPP BSD-compress support
options PPP_DEFLATE #PPP zlib/deflate/gzip support
options PPP_FILTER #enable bpf filtering (needs bpf)

# Internet family options:

options IPFIREWALL #firewall
options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE #enable logging to syslogd(8)
options IPFIREWALL_FORWARD #enable transparent proxy support
options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT0 #limit verbosity
#options IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT #allow everything by default
options IPDIVERT #divert sockets
options IPFILTER #ipfilter support
options IPFILTER_LOG #ipfilter logging
#options IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK #block all packets by default
options IPSTEALTH #support for stealth forwarding

# ICMP_BANDLIM enables icmp error response bandwidth limiting.   You
# typically want this option as it will help protect the machine from
# D.O.S. packet attacks.

# DUMMYNET enables the "dummynet" bandwidth limiter. You need
# IPFIREWALL as well. See the dummynet(4) and ipfw(8) manpages for more info.
# When you run DUMMYNET it is advisable to also have "options HZ00"
# to achieve a smoother scheduling of the traffic.

options DUMMYNET

# DEVICE_POLLING adds support for mixed interrupt-polling handling
# of network device drivers, which has significant benefits in terms
# of robustness to overloads and responsivity, as well as permitting
# accurate scheduling of the CPU time between kernel network processing
# and other activities. The drawback is a moderate (up to 1/HZ seconds)
# potential increase in response times.
# It is strongly recommended to use HZ00 or 2000 with DEVICE_POLLING
# to achieve smoother behaviour.
# Additionally, you can enable/disable polling at runtime with the
# sysctl variable kern.polling.enable (defaults off), and select
# the CPU fraction reserved to userland with the sysctl variable
# kern.polling.user_frac (default 50, range 0..100).
options         DEVICE_POLLING


# Only the root, /usr, and /tmp filesystems need be statically
# compiled; everything else will be automatically loaded at mount
# time.  (Exception: the UFS family---FFS, and MFS --- cannot
# currently be demand-loaded.)  Some people still prefer to statically
# compile other filesystems as well.

# One of these is mandatory:
options FFS #Fast filesystem
options MFS #Memory File System
options NFS #Network File System

# The rest are optional:
options CD9660 #ISO 9660 filesystem
options FDESC #File descriptor filesystem
options KERNFS #Kernel filesystem
options MSDOSFS #MS DOS File System
options PROCFS #Process filesystem
options SMBFS #SMB/CIFS filesystem

# The xFS_ROOT options REQUIRE the associated ``options xFS''
options CD9660_ROOT #CD-ROM usable as root device
options FFS_ROOT #FFS usable as root device
options NFS_ROOT #NFS usable as root device

# Soft updates is technique for improving file system speed and
# making abrupt shutdown less risky.

# Directory hashing improves the speed of operations on very large
# directories at the expense of some memory.

# Make the md device a potential root device, either with preloaded
# images of type mfs_root or md_root.
options MD_ROOT

# Allow this many swap-devices.
# In order to manage swap, the system must reserve bitmap space that
# scales with the largest mounted swap device multiplied by NSWAPDEV,
# irregardless of whether other swap devices exist or not.  So it
# is not a good idea to make this value too large.
#options NSWAPDEV=5

# Disk quotas are supported when this option is enabled.
options QUOTA #enable disk quotas

# If you are running a machine just as a fileserver for PC and MAC
# users, using SAMBA or Netatalk, you may consider setting this option
# and keeping all those users' directories on a filesystem that is
# mounted with the suiddir option. This gives new files the same
# ownership as the directory (similar to group). It's a security hole
# if you let these users run programs, so confine it to file-servers
# (but it'll save you lots of headaches in those cases). Root owned
# directories are exempt and X bits are cleared. The suid bit must be
# set on the directory as well; see chmod(1) PC owners can't see/set
# ownerships so they keep getting their toes trodden on. This saves
# you all the support calls as the filesystem it's used on will act as
# they expect: "It's my dir so it must be my file".
options SUIDDIR

# NFS options:
#options NFS_MINATTRTIMO=3 # VREG attrib cache timeout in sec
#options NFS_MINDIRATTRTIMO0 # VDIR attrib cache timeout in sec
#options NFS_GATHERDELAY # Default write gather delay (msec)
#options NFS_UIDHASHSIZ) # Tune the size of nfssvc_sock with this
#options NFS_WDELAYHASHSIZ # and with this
#options NFS_MUIDHASHSIZc # Tune the size of nfsmount with this
#options NFS_DEBUG # Enable NFS Debugging

# POSIX P1003.1B

# Real time extensions added in the 1993 Posix
# P1003_1B: Infrastructure
# _KPOSIX_VERSION:             Version kernel is built for

options P1003_1B
options _KPOSIX_VERSION9309L


# The granularity of operation is controlled by the kernel option HZ whose
# default value (100) means a granularity of 10ms (1s/HZ).
# Some subsystems, such as DUMMYNET or DEVICE_POLLING, might benefit from
# a smaller granularity such as 1ms or less.
# Consider, however, that reducing the granularity too much might
# cause excessive overhead in clock interrupt processing,
# potentially causing ticks to be missed and thus actually reducing
# the accuracy of operation.

options HZ00



# The SCSI subsystem consists of the `base' SCSI code, a number of
# high-level SCSI device `type' drivers, and the low-level host-adapter
# device drivers.  The host adapters are listed in the ISA and PCI
# device configuration sections below.
# Beginning with FreeBSD 2.0.5 you can wire down your SCSI devices so
# that a given bus, target, and LUN always come on line as the same
# device unit.  In earlier versions the unit numbers were assigned
# in the order that the devices were probed on the SCSI bus.  This
# means that if you removed a disk drive, you may have had to rewrite
# your /etc/fstab file, and also that you had to be careful when adding
# a new disk as it may have been probed earlier and moved your device
# configuration around.

# This old behavior is maintained as the default behavior.  The unit
# assignment begins with the first non-wired down unit for a device
# type.  For example, if you wire a disk as "da3" then the first
# non-wired disk will be assigned da4.

# The syntax for wiring down devices is:

# device scbus0 at ahc0 # Single bus device
# device scbus1 at ahc1 bus 0 # Single bus device
# device scbus3 at ahc2 bus 0 # Twin bus device
# device scbus2 at ahc2 bus 1 # Twin bus device
# device da0 at scbus0 target 0 unit 0
# device da1 at scbus3 target 1
# device da2 at scbus2 target 3
# device sa1 at scbus1 target 6
# device cd

# "units" (SCSI logical unit number) that are not specified are
# treated as if specified as LUN 0.

# All SCSI devices allocate as many units as are required.

# The "unknown" device (uk? in pre-2.0.5) is now part of the base SCSI
# configuration and doesn't have to be explicitly configured.

device scbus #base SCSI code
#device ch #SCSI media changers
device da #SCSI direct access devices (aka disks)
device pass #CAM passthrough driver
#device pt #SCSI processor type
#device ses #SCSI SES/SAF-TE driver

# debugging options:
# -- NOTE --  If you specify one of the bus/target/lun options, you must
#             specify them all!
# CAMDEBUG: When defined enables debugging macros
# CAM_DEBUG_BUS:  Debug the given bus.  Use -1 to debug all busses.
# CAM_DEBUG_TARGET:  Debug the given target.  Use -1 to debug all targets.
# CAM_DEBUG_LUN:  Debug the given lun.  Use -1 to debug all luns.
#                   CAM_DEBUG_SUBTRACE, and CAM_DEBUG_CDB
# CAM_MAX_HIGHPOWER: Maximum number of concurrent high power (start unit) cmds
# SCSI_NO_SENSE_STRINGS: When defined disables sense descriptions
# SCSI_NO_OP_STRINGS: When defined disables opcode descriptions
# SCSI_DELAY: The number of MILLISECONDS to freeze the SIM (scsi adapter)
#             queue after a bus reset, and the number of milliseconds to
#             freeze the device queue after a bus device reset.
#options CAMDEBUG
#options CAM_DEBUG_BUS=-1
#options CAM_DEBUG_TARGET=-1
#options CAM_DEBUG_LUN=-1
options SCSI_DELAY000 # Be pessimistic about Joe SCSI device

# Options for the CAM sequential access driver:
# SA_IO_TIMEOUT: Timeout for read/write/wfm  operations, in minutes
# SA_SPACE_TIMEOUT: Timeout for space operations, in minutes
# SA_REWIND_TIMEOUT: Timeout for rewind operations, in minutes
# SA_ERASE_TIMEOUT: Timeout for erase operations, in minutes
# SA_1FM_AT_EOD: Default to model which only has a default one filemark at EOT.
#options SA_IO_TIMEOUT="(4)"
#options SA_SPACE_TIMEOUT="(60)"
#options SA_REWIND_TIMEOUT="(2*60)"
#options SA_ERASE_TIMEOUT="(4*60)"
#options SA_1FM_AT_EOD

# Optional timeout for the CAM processor target (pt) device
# This is specified in seconds.  The default is 60 seconds.

# Optional enable of doing SES passthrough on other devices (e.g., disks)
# Normally disabled because a lot of newer SCSI disks report themselves
# as having SES capabilities, but this can then clot up attempts to build
# build a topology with the SES device that's on the box these drives
# are in....


# The `pty' device usually turns out to be ``effectively mandatory'',
# as it is required for `telnetd', `rlogind', `screen', `emacs', and
# `xterm', among others.

pseudo-device pty #Pseudo ttys
pseudo-device speaker #Play IBM BASIC-style noises out your speaker
#pseudo-device vn #Vnode driver (turns a file into a device)
pseudo-device md #Memory/malloc disk
#pseudo-device snp #Snoop device - to look at pty/vty/etc..
#pseudo-device ccd 4 #Concatenated disk driver

# Kernel side iconv library
options LIBICONV


# ISA and EISA devices:
# Mandatory ISA devices: isa, npx
device isa

# Options for `isa':
#options MAXMEM="(512*1024)"

# The keyboard controller; it controls the keyboard and the PS/2 mouse.
device atkbdc0 at isa? port IO_KBD

# The AT keyboard
device atkbd0 at atkbdc? irq 1 flags 0x01

# Options for atkbd:
#options ATKBD_DFLT_KEYMAP # specify the built-in keymap
#makeoptions ATKBD_DFLT_KEYMAP="jp.106"

# These options are valid for other keyboard drivers as well.
#options KBD_DISABLE_KEYMAP_LOAD # refuse to load a keymap
options KBD_INSTALL_CDEV # install a CDEV entry in /dev

# PS/2 mouse
device psm0 at atkbdc? irq 12

# Options for psm:
#options PSM_RESETAFTERSUSPEND #reset the device at the resume event

# The video card driver.
device vga0 at isa?

# Options for vga:

# If you can dispense with some vga driver features, you may want to
# use the following options to save some memory.
#options VGA_NO_FONT_LOADING # don't save/load font
#options VGA_NO_MODE_CHANGE # don't change video modes

# The following option probably won't work with the LCD displays.
#options VGA_WIDTH90 # support 90 column modes

# To include support for VESA video modes
options VESA

# Splash screen at start up!  Screen savers require this too.
pseudo-device splash

# The syscons console driver (sco color console compatible).
device sc0 at isa? flags 0x100
#options MAXCONS # number of virtual consoles
#options SC_DFLT_FONT # compile font in
#makeoptions SC_DFLT_FONT=cp850
options SC_DISABLE_DDBKEY # disable `debug' key
options SC_DISABLE_REBOOT # disable reboot key sequence
options SC_HISTORY_SIZE 00 # number of history buffer lines
options SC_MOUSE_CHAR=0x3 # char code for text mode mouse cursor
options SC_PIXEL_MODE # add support for the raster text mode

# The Numeric Processing eXtension driver.  In addition to this, you
# may configure a math emulator (see above).  If your machine has a
# hardware FPU and the kernel configuration includes the npx device
# *and* a math emulator compiled into the kernel, the hardware FPU
# will be used, unless it is found to be broken or unless "flags" to
# npx0 includes "0x08", which requests preference for the emulator.
device npx0 at nexus? port IO_NPX irq 13

# Advanced Power Management
device apm0 at nexus? flags 0x20

# The 'ATA' driver supports all ATA and ATAPI devices.
device ata
#device atadisk # ATA disk drives
device atapicd # ATAPI CDROM drives
options IDE_DELAYЂ00 # Be optimistic about Joe IDE device

# Standard floppy disk controllers: `fdc' and `fd'
device fdc0 at isa? port IO_FD1 irq 6 drq 2
device fd0 at fdc0 drive 0

# Other standard PC hardware: `mse', `sio', etc.
# sio: serial ports (see sio(4))

device sio0 at isa? port IO_COM1 flags 0x10 irq 4
device sio1 at isa? port IO_COM2 flags 0x10 irq 3

# Options for serial drivers that support consoles (only for sio now):
#options CONSPEED5200 # speed for serial console
# (default 9600)

# Options for sio:
#options COM_ESP #code for Hayes ESP

# Other flags for sio that aren't documented in the man page.
# 0x20000 enable hardware RTS/CTS and larger FIFOs.  Only works for
# ST16650A-compatible UARTs.

# The aic7xxx driver will attempt to use memory mapped I/O for all PCI
# controllers that have it configured only if this option is set. Unfortunately,
# this doesn't work on some motherboards, which prevents it from being the
# default.

# PCI devices & PCI options:

device pci

# PCI options
#Enable pci resources left off by a "lazy" BIOS:
options PCI_QUIET #quiets PCI code on chipset settings

# The `ahc' device provides support for the Adaptec 29/3940(U)(W)
# and motherboard based AIC7870/AIC7880 adapters.
# The `fxp' device provides support for the Intel EtherExpress Pro/100B
# PCI Fast Ethernet adapters.
device ahc # AHA2940 and onboard AIC7xxx devices

# MII bus
device miibus
# PCI Ethernet NICs that use the common MII bus controller code.
device fxp # Intel EtherExpress PRO/100B (82557, 82558)

# SMB bus
# System Management Bus support is provided by the 'smbus' device.
# Access to the SMBus device is via the 'smb' device (/dev/smb*),
# which is a child of the 'smbus' device.
# Supported devices:
# smb standard io through /dev/smb*
# Supported SMB interfaces:
# intpm Intel PIIX4 (82371AB, 82443MX) Power Management Unit
# ichsmb Intel ICH SMBus controller chips (82801AA, 82801AB, 82801BA)
device smbus # Bus support, required for smb below.
device intpm
#device ichsmb
device smb

# Parallel-Port Bus
# Parallel port bus support is provided by the `ppbus' device.
# Multiple devices may be attached to the parallel port, devices
# are automatically probed and attached when found.
# Supported devices:
# lpt Parallel Printer
# plip Parallel network interface
# ppi General-purpose I/O ("Geek Port") + IEEE1284 I/O
# Supported interfaces:
# ppc ISA-bus parallel port interfaces.

options PPC_PROBE_CHIPSET # Enable chipset specific detection
  # (see flags in ppc(4))
options PERIPH_1284 # Makes your computer act as a IEEE1284
# compliant peripheral
device ppc0 at isa? irq 7
device ppbus
device lpt
#device plip
device ppi

# Set the amount of time (in seconds) the system will wait before
# rebooting automatically when a kernel panic occurs.  If set to (-1),
# the system will wait indefinitely until a key is pressed on the
# console.

# USB support
# OHCI controller
device ohci
# General USB code (mandatory for USB)
device usb
# Generic USB device driver
device ugen
# Human Interface Device (anything with buttons and dials)
#device uhid
# USB keyboard
#device ukbd
# USB printer
#device ulpt
# USB mouse
#device ums
# USB scanners
#device uscanner
# options for ukbd:
#options UKBD_DFLT_KEYMAP # specify the built-in keymap
#makeoptions UKBD_DFLT_KEYMAP=it.iso

При загрузке последние 2 сообщения:

SMP: AP CPU #1 Launced!
Waiting 15 seconds for SCSI devices to settle

После этого намертво зависает, помогает только RESET.
В логах ничего нету (абсолютно ничего).
Где копать?

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  • RE: SMP, karen, 11:35 , 26-Авг-02, (1)
    • RE: SMP, Poplavsky Ivan, 13:39 , 26-Авг-02, (2)
      • RE: SMP, karen, 16:47 , 26-Авг-02, (3)
        • RE: SMP, Poplavsky Ivan, 20:16 , 26-Авг-02, (4)
          • RE: SMP, karen, 09:44 , 27-Авг-02, (5)
            • RE: SMP, Poplavsky Ivan, 14:49 , 27-Авг-02, (6)

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Сообщения по теме

1. "RE: SMP"
Сообщение от karen Искать по авторуВ закладки on 26-Авг-02, 11:35  (MSK)
>Аппаратная конфигурация такая:
>MB: SuperMicro P3TDE6 (Chipset: ServerWorks ServerSet III HE Super Light)
>2xPIII 1.16 GHz
>2х256 Mb ECC RAM Kingston PC133
>Onboard Intel 82559 LAN + 2x Intel 82559
>ATI Rage XL 8Mb
>Onboard Adaptec AIC-7899 for dualchanel Ultra160 SCSI
>2xHDD IBM 18 Gb IC-35
>Конфигурация ядра такая:
>machine  i386
>ident  mykernel
>maxusers 0
>makeoptions CONF_CFLAGS=-fno-builtin  #Don't allow use of memcmp, etc.
># Certain applications can grow to be larger than the 128M limit
>При загрузке последние 2 сообщения:
>SMP: AP CPU #1 Launced!
>Waiting 15 seconds for SCSI devices to settle
>После этого намертво зависает, помогает только RESET.
>В логах ничего нету (абсолютно ничего).
>Где копать?
Столкнулся с точно такой же проблемой, так и не решил. Ставил начиная с 4.2 до 4.5 . При включении в ядро поддержки мультипроцессорности вот так же все виснет. У мя правда мать древняя.
  Рекомендовать в FAQ | Cообщить модератору | Наверх

2. "RE: SMP"
Сообщение от Poplavsky Ivan emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 26-Авг-02, 13:39  (MSK)
>Столкнулся с точно такой же проблемой, так и не решил. Ставил начиная
>с 4.2 до 4.5 . При включении в ядро поддержки мультипроцессорности
>вот так же все виснет. У мя правда мать древняя.

    Я ставлю 4.6.2 Release. Я уже перелопатил пачку информацци и нигде так и не встретил упоминания о том, что именно моя мать не работает с FreeBSD. Лично у меня сложилось мнение, что система не может найти жёсткие диски SCSI, ATA CD-ROM она находит. Но почему так происходит именно в конфигурации SMP? А может ли быть такое, что система не может разобраться с прерываниями?

  Рекомендовать в FAQ | Cообщить модератору | Наверх

3. "RE: SMP"
Сообщение от karen Искать по авторуВ закладки on 26-Авг-02, 16:47  (MSK)
>>Столкнулся с точно такой же проблемой, так и не решил. Ставил начиная
>>с 4.2 до 4.5 . При включении в ядро поддержки мультипроцессорности
>>вот так же все виснет. У мя правда мать древняя.
>    Я ставлю 4.6.2 Release. Я уже перелопатил пачку
>информацци и нигде так и не встретил упоминания о том, что
>именно моя мать не работает с FreeBSD. Лично у меня сложилось
>мнение, что система не может найти жёсткие диски SCSI, ATA CD-ROM
>она находит. Но почему так происходит именно в конфигурации SMP? А
>может ли быть такое, что система не может разобраться с прерываниями?

именно именно. Тоже самое и у мя было я где то недели две назад этим занимался ( прочитал даже интеловскую специфигацию на мультипроцессорные системы) можешь даже поискать здесь где то должна быть переписка моя. Тоже пришел к выводу либо что то с прерываниями либо не может найти винт. Сделать ничего не смог вот пока сижу с однопроцессорным ядром. Жду чего нить поновее.

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4. "RE: SMP"
Сообщение от Poplavsky Ivan emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 26-Авг-02, 20:16  (MSK)
>именно именно. Тоже самое и у мя было я где то недели
>две назад этим занимался ( прочитал даже интеловскую специфигацию на мультипроцессорные
>системы) можешь даже поискать здесь где то должна быть переписка моя.
>Тоже пришел к выводу либо что то с прерываниями либо не
>может найти винт. Сделать ничего не смог вот пока сижу с
>однопроцессорным ядром. Жду чего нить поновее.

А у тебя какая мать?
Всё-таки странно всё это. Потому что если бы это была бы принципиальная несовместимость данной мамки с Фрёй то на однозначно была бы хоть какая-то инфа, хотя бы типа "почему у меня не работает?". Но там этого нет, отсюда надо сделать вывод, что у нас руки не оттуда ростут :-(((

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5. "RE: SMP"
Сообщение от karen Искать по авторуВ закладки on 27-Авг-02, 09:44  (MSK)
>>именно именно. Тоже самое и у мя было я где то недели
>>две назад этим занимался ( прочитал даже интеловскую специфигацию на мультипроцессорные
>>системы) можешь даже поискать здесь где то должна быть переписка моя.
>>Тоже пришел к выводу либо что то с прерываниями либо не
>>может найти винт. Сделать ничего не смог вот пока сижу с
>>однопроцессорным ядром. Жду чего нить поновее.
>А у тебя какая мать?
>Всё-таки странно всё это. Потому что если бы это была бы принципиальная
>несовместимость данной мамки с Фрёй то на однозначно была бы
>хоть какая-то инфа, хотя бы типа "почему у меня не работает?".
>Но там этого нет, отсюда надо сделать вывод, что у нас
>руки не оттуда ростут :-(((

Мать у мя Asus P/E P55T2P4D. А вот встроенный скази контроллер AHA-2940W (на AIC-7880P) меня смущает. так как у тя скази тойже марки тока поновее.

ЗЫ. Про руки может ты и прав, но в это не хочется верить:)

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6. "RE: SMP"
Сообщение от Poplavsky Ivan emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 27-Авг-02, 14:49  (MSK)
>Мать у мя Asus P/E P55T2P4D. А вот встроенный скази контроллер AHA-2940W
>(на AIC-7880P) меня смущает. так как у тя скази тойже марки
>тока поновее.
>ЗЫ. Про руки может ты и прав, но в это не хочется

     Таки это нашик ривые руки. Мне подсказали лекарство и у меня оно сработало. Надо в биосе отключить ACPI, PNP OS INSTALLED поставить в DISABLE, в ядре прибить строчку device apm0. После этого комп не будет выключаться автоматически по команде shutdown -p now, но с другой строны за чем APM на сервере который выключается 1 раз в полгода?

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