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"netams+ mysql ПОМОГИТЕ!!!!!"
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"netams+ mysql ПОМОГИТЕ!!!!!"
Сообщение от daemon emailИскать по авторуВ закладки(??) on 31-Мрт-05, 11:12  (MSK)
freeBSD 5.3 поставил netams из портов 3.1.1830, mysql 3.23.58,
вот мой конфиг:

debug all
user oid 01327B name admin real-name "Admin" crypted $1$$GmbL3iXOMZR57QuGDLv.L1 email root@localhost permit all

#services configuration

service server 0
login any
listen 20001
max-conn 6

service processor 0
lookup-delay 2
flow-lifetime 10
policy acct oid 036633 name all-ip target ip          
restrict all pass local pass
unit net oid 112000 name LAN ip mask acct-policy all-ip
unit host oid 112001 name admin ip acct-policy all-ip
unit host oid 112002 name server ip acct-policy all-ip
storage 1 all

service storage 1
type mysql

service data-source 1
type ip-traffic

Эмнь...лог файл пишет фот что:

NeTAMS version 3.1(1830.1) root@server / Wed Mar 30 14:29:45 UTC 2005
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6003 main [INFO]: Becoming a daemon...
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6053 main [INFO]: service scheduler starting thread...
|command: (<internal>)->user oid 01327B name admin real-name "Admin" crypted $1$$GmbL3iXOMZR57QuGDLv.L1 email root@localhost permit all
|command: (<internal>)->service server 0
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6059 main [INFO]: service server starting thread...
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6060 main [INFO]: service server:0 initialized
|command: (<internal>)/server:0->login any
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6060 main [INFO]: server login permitted from any host
|command: (<internal>)/server:0->listen 20001
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6061 main [INFO]: server listen port set to 20001
|command: (<internal>)/server:0->max-conn 6
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6061 main [INFO]: server maximum connections number is set to 6
|command: (<internal>)->service processor 0
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6063 main [INFO]: service processor starting thread...
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6063 main [INFO]: service processor:0 initialized
|command: (<internal>)/processor:0->lookup-delay 2
|command: (<internal>)/processor:0->flow-lifetime 10
|command: (<internal>)/processor:0->policy acct oid 036633 name all-ip target ip          
|command: (<internal>)/processor:0->restrict all pass local pass
|command: (<internal>)/processor:0->unit net oid 112000 name LAN ip mask acct-policy all-ip
|proc_mux: P<-P H unit:112000 acct:036633 from:1112259600
|proc_mux: P<-P D unit:112000 acct:036633 from:1112227200
|proc_mux: P<-P W unit:112000 acct:036633 from:1111968000
|proc_mux: P<-P M unit:112000 acct:036633 from:1109635200
|proc_mux: P<-P T unit:112000 acct:036633 from:1112261544
|command: (<internal>)/processor:0->unit host oid 112001 name admin ip acct-policy all-ip
|proc_mux: P<-P H unit:112001 acct:036633 from:1112259600
|proc_mux: P<-P D unit:112001 acct:036633 from:1112227200
|proc_mux: P<-P W unit:112001 acct:036633 from:1111968000
|proc_mux: P<-P M unit:112001 acct:036633 from:1109635200
|proc_mux: P<-P T unit:112001 acct:036633 from:1112261544
|command: (<internal>)/processor:0->unit host oid 112002 name server ip acct-policy all-ip
|proc_mux: P<-P H unit:112002 acct:036633 from:1112259600
|proc_mux: P<-P D unit:112002 acct:036633 from:1112227200
|proc_mux: P<-P W unit:112002 acct:036633 from:1111968000
|proc_mux: P<-P M unit:112002 acct:036633 from:1109635200
|proc_mux: P<-P T unit:112002 acct:036633 from:1112261544
|command: (<internal>)/processor:0->storage 1 all
|command: (<internal>)->service storage 1
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6075 main [INFO]: service storage starting thread...
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6076 main [INFO]: service storage:1 initialized
|command: (<internal>)/storage:1->type mysql
|command: (<internal>)->service data-source 1
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6078 main [INFO]: service data-source starting thread...
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6078 main [INFO]: service data-source:1 initialized
|command: (<internal>)/data-source:1->type ip-traffic
|sleep: going to sleep service main for 1000 ms
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6080 scheduler [INFO]: service scheduler:0 thread started
|sleep: going to sleep service scheduler for 0 ms
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6081 server [INFO]: service server thread started
|sleep: going to sleep service server for 0 ms
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6081 processor [INFO]: service processor thread started
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 0 ms
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6081 storage [INFO]: service storage:1 thread started (0x809a440)
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
31.03.2005 09:32:24.6082 data-source [INFO]: service data-source:1 thread started (0x8091500)
|sleep: going to sleep service data-source for 0 ms
31.03.2005 09:32:25.6101 main [INFO]: wake up main:0 service: SKIPPED!
|sleep: (main) waking up service scheduler, sleep_state was 1
31.03.2005 09:32:25.6102 main [INFO]: waking up scheduler:0 service: WAS_DOWN
|sleep: (main) waking up service server, sleep_state was 1
31.03.2005 09:32:25.6103 main [INFO]: waking up server:0 service: WAS_DOWN
|sleep: (main) waking up service processor, sleep_state was 1
31.03.2005 09:32:25.6103 main [INFO]: waking up processor:0 service: WAS_DOWN
|sleep: (main) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
31.03.2005 09:32:25.6104 main [INFO]: waking up storage:1 service: WAS_DOWN
|sleep: (main) waking up service data-source, sleep_state was 1
31.03.2005 09:32:25.6104 main [INFO]: waking up data-source:1 service: WAS_DOWN
|sleep: going to sleep service main for 0 ms
31.03.2005 09:32:25.6105 scheduler [INFO]: service scheduler:0 processing queue
|scheduler: scheduler loop processed...
|scheduler: scheduler sleeping for 999 seconds
|sleep: going to sleep service scheduler for 999000 ms
31.03.2005 09:32:25.6106 server [INFO]: server is listening
31.03.2005 09:32:25.6107 processor [INFO]: using storage:1, in=0x808e2c0, out=0x808e2e0, service_cfg=0x809a440
31.03.2005 09:32:25.6108 processor [INFO]: using storage:1 as source for READ and STAT requests
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|proc_mux: P<-ST H st:1 unit:112000 acct:036633 to now
|proc_mux: P<-ST D st:1 unit:112000 acct:036633 to now
|proc_mux: P<-ST W st:1 unit:112000 acct:036633 to now
|proc_mux: P<-ST M st:1 unit:112000 acct:036633 to now
|proc_mux: P<-ST T st:1 unit:112000 acct:036633 to now
|proc_mux: P<-ST H st:1 unit:112001 acct:036633 to now
|proc_mux: P<-ST D st:1 unit:112001 acct:036633 to now
|proc_mux: P<-ST W st:1 unit:112001 acct:036633 to now
|proc_mux: P<-ST M st:1 unit:112001 acct:036633 to now
|proc_mux: P<-ST T st:1 unit:112001 acct:036633 to now
|proc_mux: P<-ST H st:1 unit:112002 acct:036633 to now
|proc_mux: P<-ST D st:1 unit:112002 acct:036633 to now
|proc_mux: P<-ST W st:1 unit:112002 acct:036633 to now
|proc_mux: P<-ST M st:1 unit:112002 acct:036633 to now
|proc_mux: P<-ST T st:1 unit:112002 acct:036633 to now
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 0
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
31.03.2005 09:32:25.6112 storage [INFO]: storage:1 working with SQL
|storage: ST<-SQL/H rd st:1 unit:112000 acct:036633
31.03.2005 09:32:25.6140 data-source [INFO]: Hook is installed by ds:1
|storage: MySQL DB:1 opened [netams] for SUMMARY
|storage: SQL<-HDD/H query 121 bytes, fr=1112259600 in=0 out=0
|storage: ST<-SQL/D rd st:1 unit:112000 acct:036633
|storage: SQL<-HDD/D query 121 bytes, fr=1112227200 in=0 out=0
|storage: ST<-SQL/W rd st:1 unit:112000 acct:036633
|storage: SQL<-HDD/W query 121 bytes, fr=1111968000 in=0 out=0
|storage: ST<-SQL/M rd st:1 unit:112000 acct:036633
|storage: SQL<-HDD/M query 121 bytes, fr=1109635200 in=0 out=0
|storage: ST<-SQL/T rd st:1 unit:112000 acct:036633
|storage: SQL<-HDD/T query 107 bytes, fr=1112261544 in=0 out=0
|storage: ST<-SQL/H rd st:1 unit:112001 acct:036633
|storage: SQL<-HDD/H query 121 bytes, fr=1112259600 in=0 out=0
|storage: ST<-SQL/D rd st:1 unit:112001 acct:036633
|storage: SQL<-HDD/D query 121 bytes, fr=1112227200 in=0 out=0
|storage: ST<-SQL/W rd st:1 unit:112001 acct:036633
|storage: SQL<-HDD/W query 121 bytes, fr=1111968000 in=0 out=0
|storage: ST<-SQL/M rd st:1 unit:112001 acct:036633
|storage: SQL<-HDD/M query 121 bytes, fr=1109635200 in=0 out=0
|storage: ST<-SQL/T rd st:1 unit:112001 acct:036633
|storage: SQL<-HDD/T query 107 bytes, fr=1112261544 in=0 out=0
|storage: ST<-SQL/H rd st:1 unit:112002 acct:036633
|storage: SQL<-HDD/H query 121 bytes, fr=1112259600 in=0 out=0
|storage: ST<-SQL/D rd st:1 unit:112002 acct:036633
|storage: SQL<-HDD/D query 121 bytes, fr=1112227200 in=0 out=0
|storage: ST<-SQL/W rd st:1 unit:112002 acct:036633
|storage: SQL<-HDD/W query 121 bytes, fr=1111968000 in=0 out=0
|storage: ST<-SQL/M rd st:1 unit:112002 acct:036633
|storage: SQL<-HDD/M query 121 bytes, fr=1109635200 in=0 out=0
|storage: ST<-SQL/T rd st:1 unit:112002 acct:036633
|storage: SQL<-HDD/T query 107 bytes, fr=1112261544 in=0 out=0
|storage: MySQL DB:1 closed
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms
|proc_mux: lookup takes 0.0000  seconds
|sleep: (processor) waking up service storage, sleep_state was 1
|sleep: going to sleep service processor for 2000 ms
|sleep: going to sleep service storage for 0 ms


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1. "netams+ mysql ПОМОГИТЕ!!!!!"
Сообщение от shaman Искать по авторуВ закладки(??) on 31-Мрт-05, 11:27  (MSK)

wbr, shaman

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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov
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