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"radiusclient-ng help!"
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"radiusclient-ng help!"  +/
Сообщение от Kiryha (ok) on 08-Фев-07, 13:57 
Всем привет! Помогите пожалуйста новичку настроить radiusclient-ng
При попытке запуска пишет
[root@test sbin]# ./radiusclient /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf
/usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf: can't parse AV pair
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1. "radiusclient-ng help!"  +/
Сообщение от coyote (ok) on 08-Фев-07, 17:41 
>Всем привет! Помогите пожалуйста новичку настроить radiusclient-ng
>При попытке запуска пишет
>[root@test sbin]# ./radiusclient /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf
>/usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf: can't parse AV pair

смею предположить либо нет прав на файлик конфигурации, либо файл конфигурации содержит  ошибки.

>Помогите пожалуйста, вопрос буквально жизни и смерти

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2. "radiusclient-ng help!"  +/
Сообщение от coyote (ok) on 08-Фев-07, 17:42 
>Всем привет! Помогите пожалуйста новичку настроить radiusclient-ng
>При попытке запуска пишет
>[root@test sbin]# ./radiusclient /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf
>/usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf: can't parse AV pair

смею предположить либо нет прав на файлик конфигурации, либо файл конфигурации содержит  ошибки.

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3. "radiusclient-ng help!"  +/
Сообщение от Kiryha (ok) on 08-Фев-07, 18:18 
>>Всем привет! Помогите пожалуйста новичку настроить radiusclient-ng
>>При попытке запуска пишет
>>[root@test sbin]# ./radiusclient /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf
>>/usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf: can't parse AV pair
>смею предположить либо нет прав на файлик конфигурации, либо файл конфигурации содержит
> ошибки.
Права есть, вот сам radiusclient.conf
# General settings                                                                
# specify which authentication comes first respectively which                      
# authentication is used. possible values are: "radius" and "local".              
# if you specify "radius,local" then the RADIUS server is asked                    
# first then the local one. if only one keyword is specified only                  
# this server is asked.                                                            
#auth_order     radius,local                                                      
# maximum login tries a user has                                                  
login_tries     4                                                                  
# timeout for all login tries                                                      
# if this time is exceeded the user is kicked out                                  
login_timeout   60                                                                
# name of the nologin file which when it exists disables logins.                  
# it may be extended by the ttyname which will result in                          
# a terminal specific lock (e.g. /etc/nologin.ttyS2 will disable                  
# logins on /dev/ttyS2)                                                            
nologin /etc/nologin                                                              
# name of the issue file. it's only display when no username is passed            
# on the radlogin command line                                                    
issue   /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/issue                                      
# RADIUS settings                                                                  
# RADIUS server to use for authentication requests. this config                    
# item can appear more then one time. if multiple servers are                      
# defined they are tried in a round robin fashion if one                          
# server is not answering.                                                        
# optionally you can specify a the port number on which is remote                  
# RADIUS listens separated by a colon from the hostname. if                        
# no port is specified /etc/services is consulted of the radius                    
# service. if this fails also a compiled in default is used.                      
# RADIUS server to use for accouting requests. All that I                          
# said for authserver applies, too.                                                
# file holding shared secrets used for the communication                          
# between the RADIUS client and server                                            
servers         /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/servers                            
# dictionary of allowed attributes and values                                      
# just like in the normal RADIUS distributions                                    
dictionary      /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary                          
# program to call for a RADIUS authenticated login                                
login_radius    /usr/local/sbin/login.radius                                      
# file which holds sequence number for communication with the                      
# RADIUS server                                                                    
seqfile         /var/run/radius.seq                                                
# file which specifies mapping between ttyname and NAS-Port attribute              
mapfile         /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/port-id-map                        
# default authentication realm to append to all usernames if no                    
# realm was explicitly specified by the user                                      
# the radiusd directly form Livingston doesnt use any realms, so leave            
# it blank then                                                                    
# time to wait for a reply from the RADIUS server                                  
radius_timeout  10                                                                
# resend request this many times before trying the next server                    
radius_retries  3
# local address from which radius packets have to be sent      
# LOCAL settings                                                
# program to execute for local login                            
# it must support the -f flag for preauthenticated login        
login_local     /bin/login
Насчёт ошибки, возможно и есть, подскажи плииз, как это дело побороть                                      

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4. "radiusclient-ng help!"  +/
Сообщение от Kiryha (ok) on 13-Фев-07, 06:33 
>>>Всем привет! Помогите пожалуйста новичку настроить radiusclient-ng
>>>При попытке запуска пишет
>>>[root@test sbin]# ./radiusclient /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf
>>>/usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf: can't parse AV pair
>>смею предположить либо нет прав на файлик конфигурации, либо файл конфигурации содержит
>> ошибки.
>Права есть, вот сам radiusclient.conf
># General settings
># specify which authentication comes first respectively which
># authentication is used. possible values are: "radius" and "local".
># if you specify "radius,local" then the RADIUS server is asked
># first then the local one. if only one keyword is specified
># this server is asked.
>#auth_order     radius,local
># maximum login tries a user has
>login_tries     4
># timeout for all login tries
># if this time is exceeded the user is kicked out
>login_timeout   60
># name of the nologin file which when it exists disables logins.
># it may be extended by the ttyname which will result in
># a terminal specific lock (e.g. /etc/nologin.ttyS2 will disable
># logins on /dev/ttyS2)
>nologin /etc/nologin
># name of the issue file. it's only display when no username
>is passed
># on the radlogin command line
>issue   /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/issue
># RADIUS settings
># RADIUS server to use for authentication requests. this config
># item can appear more then one time. if multiple servers are
># defined they are tried in a round robin fashion if one
># server is not answering.
># optionally you can specify a the port number on which is
># RADIUS listens separated by a colon from the hostname. if
># no port is specified /etc/services is consulted of the radius
># service. if this fails also a compiled in default is used.
># RADIUS server to use for accouting requests. All that I
># said for authserver applies, too.
># file holding shared secrets used for the communication
># between the RADIUS client and server
>servers         /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/servers
># dictionary of allowed attributes and values
># just like in the normal RADIUS distributions
>dictionary      /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary
># program to call for a RADIUS authenticated login
>login_radius    /usr/local/sbin/login.radius
># file which holds sequence number for communication with the
># RADIUS server
>seqfile         /var/run/radius.seq
># file which specifies mapping between ttyname and NAS-Port attribute
>mapfile         /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/port-id-map
># default authentication realm to append to all usernames if no
># realm was explicitly specified by the user
># the radiusd directly form Livingston doesnt use any realms, so leave
># it blank then
># time to wait for a reply from the RADIUS server
>radius_timeout  10
># resend request this many times before trying the next server
>radius_retries  3
># local address from which radius packets have to be sent
># LOCAL settings
># program to execute for local login
># it must support the -f flag for preauthenticated login
>login_local     /bin/login
>Насчёт ошибки, возможно и есть, подскажи плииз, как это дело побороть

Ни у кого нет никаких мыслей?

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5. "radiusclient-ng help!"  +/
Сообщение от EXA (??) on 14-Май-09, 14:35 
Оно не так кажись запускается
usage: radiusclient [-f config_file] [-p nas_port] [-s | [-a] a1=v1 [a2=v2[...[aN=vN]...]]
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